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Catalog excerpts
![Pegasus MHV - Wound Rotor Induction Motor - 1](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/22335/pegasus-mhv-wound-rotor-induction-motor-345803_1m.jpg)
Wound Rotor Induction Motor
Open the catalog to page 1![Pegasus MHV - Wound Rotor Induction Motor - 2](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/22335/pegasus-mhv-wound-rotor-induction-motor-345803_2m.jpg)
Experience Matters We’ve manufactured motors for over 125 years. ,Q *( IRXQGHU 7KRPDV (GLVRQ FRQVWUXFWHG WKH ¿UVW HOHFWULF PRWRU IRU D 110 to 120 Volt line at Menlo Park, NJ. This device still exists and is operative! It is located in the Edison Historical Collection in New Jersey. Since 1962, GE has produced over 17,000 medium/high voltage machines. :H·YH EHHQ D FHUWL¿HG ,62 4XDOLW\ 6\VWHP VLQFH 6L[ 6LJPD processes have been hardwired into our organic functions since 1995. And now we presently offer a full range of medium voltage motors and generators up to 22,000 HP (16,000 kW)....
Open the catalog to page 2![Pegasus MHV - Wound Rotor Induction Motor - 3](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/22335/pegasus-mhv-wound-rotor-induction-motor-345803_3m.jpg)
Expansive Product Offering Weather protected Type Using the latest engineering simulation tools and modern modal testing equipment made it possible for GE to design a stator which reduced the possibility of operating close to high amplification regions. Water Protected Type II This enclosure is designed for modified to include filters for extreme environments with excessive airborne particles. Air passage includes several abrupt 90 degree changes in direction plus an intake area for reduced velocity to allow solid particles or moisture to drop out before the ventilating air contacts active...
Open the catalog to page 3![Pegasus MHV - Wound Rotor Induction Motor - 4](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/22335/pegasus-mhv-wound-rotor-induction-motor-345803_4m.jpg)
Superior Design Stator Construction Insulation System Stator laminations are precision punched from high quality, low loss electrical sheet steel with a thermally VWDEOH LQVXODWLQJ ¿OP 0RVW UDWLQJV DUH RI UHFWDQJXODU frame construction, utilizing packaged cores. The magnetic core consists of laminations compressed for mechanical strength and completely wound before the core package is inserted into the frame. This construction permits free access to the coil end-turns during PDQXIDFWXUH DQG VLPSOL¿HV LQVHUWLRQ RI WKH ZLQGLQJ DQG bracing systems. This visual accessibility also helps to...
Open the catalog to page 4![Pegasus MHV - Wound Rotor Induction Motor - 5](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/22335/pegasus-mhv-wound-rotor-induction-motor-345803_5m.jpg)
Where applicable, self-aligning spherical seat sleeve bearings are supplied in line with DIN 31693. These bearings employ structural features and sealing systems designed to keep the oil in and any contamination out. Additional seals are also available to meet IP-55 • The babbit-lined bearing shell is supported by a rugged housing and employs an oil ring that carries the oil from the reservoir up to the bearing. • The bearings are insulated to eliminate damaging shaft currents. • Sight holes and split construction allow easy inspection and replacement, without uncoupling the drive load. •...
Open the catalog to page 5![Pegasus MHV - Wound Rotor Induction Motor - 6](https://img.directindustry.com/pdf/repository_di/22335/pegasus-mhv-wound-rotor-induction-motor-345803_6m.jpg)
• Winding RTDs • Bearing RTDs • Equipped for condition monitoring Whenever required, the following accessories • Brush Lifting Device • Surge protection (capacitors and lightning arresters) • Overspeed switches • Current transformers • Slide rails • Pressure switch • Space heaters • Condition monitoring service Resistance temperature detector. The following options are available: Inside Stator May be connected to a monitor, alarm, Thermostat Bi-metallic sensor type Klixon Surface of (normally open or normally closed) end-turns 1-3 Supplies a signal when a preset, non-adjustable temperature...
Open the catalog to page 6All GE Motors catalogs and technical brochures
Stock Inventory DC Motors
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MD800 Armored Mill Motor
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Buyers Guide
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Oil & Gas
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XSD Ultra®
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Quantum® LMV
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Mining and Minerals
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XSD Ultra® 661
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X$D Ultra® 841
4 Pages
X$DUltra® 841 IEC
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Archived catalogs
MV7000 Flat Pack (FP)
16 Pages
Power Conversion
91 Pages
LV 7000-6 and 8
2 Pages
case study
1 Pages
5 Pages
12 Pages
D_Harnessing the Power of Wind
20 Pages
SVC and STATCOM fact sheet
4 Pages
Low Voltage Motors
8 Pages
MV6 Medium Voltage Drive
20 Pages
LV 7000 Drives
4 Pages
Generators Brochure
16 Pages
X$D Ultra 841 VSS
6 Pages
4 Pages
Genuine Parts
6 Pages
Synchronous Hydro Generators
10 Pages
ProSolar Power Station
3 Pages
A new direction for DP
12 Pages
Energy $aver
2 Pages
X$D Ultra ? 841 VSS
6 Pages
16 Pages
MV4 Series
9 Pages
Onduleur Central ProSolar
3 Pages
2 Pages
6 Pages
AC and DC Excavator Solution
12 Pages
Series 9000-RCM
2 Pages
Motors Product Line Brochure
8 Pages
2008 Standard Products Catalog
248 Pages
GE Motors - Product Line
6 Pages