Catalog excerpts
hen it comes to reliable perform- ance in lhe inusl demanding indus- trial environing Is, (hE KinamaticCDtvOOO is the right choicer ■ Rehiring the excellence in design and manufacture of the imliri: Kinamallc line, Designed wilh the customer's needs, in mindt the C1W000 sets I he industry standard f«r in- creased horsepower with In* physical mutur volume. ■ See for yourself Ihow traditional and custom features combine In msku I he CDtiOOd a direct curreTil motttr sv^rNnd m none Ibr a wide variety of applicalions. world wide.
Open the catalog to page 3stringent performance- slan- industries ttuil nct|Liirc u minor whh incrc:ised power, conKis- tenl operation and minimal provides :L rigid mcchiuiicuL structure, which is vitul for compnncnls; and vLbriil ion-free sponse i* enhanced fry 11 full wound copper commutaling COilsh which contribute In supe- rior, transient eommutalion. ■ The conimuULlor glass hands of environmental rontum mauls. (VPI) trcalmcnl wilh high Icm- pLY;Llurc varnish which tends motor life. I"hi K process also enhances foils, provide* a strong coo- CDtiOOO's ability to wiihsumrt electrical overloads, even under the most...
Open the catalog to page 4qua lily H huLIt into every Kiiuimatk CDfjIOh. clude slalc-of-Lhe-arl robotics and numerically unit rolled machinery producing consist- ently accarale components to meet cUwc tolerances. ■ Unique design fealures of the CUNHXJ include its larpc con- duit oox with fixed lermina- tuins for power leads, simplify- main field coils and commu- ting Held lUfciC (Tape revolutionary process that pro- duces solidly bunded, void- free, cuiJ construction that is highly resistant to contamina- tion, vibration and impact. These nujged TREC coils ate enough to withstand expan- the most hi>sLiie industrial...
Open the catalog to page 6In even closer look at onstrates how quality builds adjuslahlc bnush rigging is rig- idly mounted, maintaining proper hrush alignment and typc hearing assemblies pro- tect ami-frit I inn hall hearings from contamination. ■ Large hearings provide high radial load and Ihrust capacity. ■ Motor mounting feci arc posi- tioned close to the bearings to minimize motor vibration. ■ Jacking screws aid motor align- ment to minimi A- insnd lotion time, ■ The caM «|iudi/a c<ii] usvoiibly ^ heated at th? nsoior designed to offer superior mo- speeds. ■ Cast epo.ny coil sup- and mica taped armature leads...
Open the catalog to page 8is hij-hly adaptable and easily a variety of enclosures includ- ing blower ventilated* sepa- rately venlilaled. splashproof ind unit cooled to meel your specific ■pplicalioi. requne- menls. ■ For additional flexi- customized ixiih a number of ■ Tachometers arid speed limit switches can be easily added at splashproof covers, space heaters and ihermal devices are formance is £Ujir;inlccd — from design engineering ih rough for reliability in ihc paper, steel, cement, material handling, duslries ihroughoui the world. Typical application! include providing power to the Creole Francisco cable car...
Open the catalog to page 10_^^__| trouble-free operation under the most demanding field conditions. You can maintain original performance standards by using genui ne GK Renewal Part*, m Parts and accessories are easy In order by refer- ring to the permanently attached sled nameplate that displays the model and it- rial number, ■ All items can he ordered di- rectly from authorised QE Motors parts dis- tributor^ for distributor information or tech- nical support, call toll free: 1-M0-45K-U451 Repair service is available from authorized AuJMIng 17-1 ■ 3041 Fast I-site- HNILMI trie. Pennsylvania IftWl £> 199! General...
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