Catalog excerpts

Rectifier Power Transformers for Industrial Applications Industrial applications - such as the electrolysis process for aluminium or the chemical processes for zinc, copper and chlorine - require extra large volumes of high quality DC current. Coming from AC power, rectifier power transformers associated to rectifiers supply the required DC currents. With over 35 years of experience supplying rectifier power transformers to more than 80 industrial projects around the world, GE offers reliable rectifier transformers adapted to your specific industrial processes and sites - whether for new plants or refurbishments. GE's power transformer experts work in close cooperation with rectifier suppliers to design the rectifier transformers and the electrical and mechanical interfaces to offer you the most optimised DC current solutions available. A Complete Range that fits Every Customer's Rectifier Two ranges of Grid Solutions' rectifier power transformers answer the needs of all electrolysis processes: • Mainly for zinc, copper, chlorine: 100-500 V DC, and up to 140 kA DC • Mainly for aluminium: 240-1750 V DC, and up to 115 kA DC Rectifier transformers are suitable for connections to all types and technologies of rectifiers: • Bridge (Graetz) or interphase (double - star), simple (6-pulse) or double (12- pulse), with diode or thyristor technology • Regulating (auto) transformers associated with self-saturable reactors, or the rectifier thyristors, for fast tuning response needs for low voltage regulation of the industrial process • Self-saturable reactors and inter-phase transformers are also part of our expertise and supply in rectifier transformer combinations, according to the technology and connection type of the rectifier. GE's designs are based on decades of experience, expert calculations and CAD tools. The company offers rectifier power transformers that are precisely adapted to thermal, mechanical and dielectric constraints. GE's experts validate all design and production phases to ensure suitability to specific harmonics and very high currents in accordance with your project requirements. Our special transformer designs take into account harmonic losses in accordance with IEC 61378 and ANSI standards. For applications with high DC currents and reduced harmonics on the voltage system, series transformers with defined phase shifts between units are supplied and connected to 12 to 96 pulse DC supply systems. Field of Expertise • Electromagnetic compatibility • Reliable thermal behaviour of connections • Limitation and mastery of stray flux effects in active parts, surroundings and external equipment Key Benefits • Tailor-made solutions • Field-proven, high operational reliability • Suitability to very high currents and harmonic levels • Improved power quality • Economical operation solution
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Rectifier Power Transformers Mastering the Challenges Combining the most innovative designs and the reliability of its field-proven technology, GE has mastered the challenges for global solutions that fit our customers' specific needs. With our broad technical expertise, we have optimised the design of power transformers and their interfaces with the rectifiers - for economical DC supply operations. Very High Current Levels Electrolytic processes involve very high current levels up to a few hundred kA. For cost optimisation, the number of transformers connected in parallel to supply...
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Rectifier Power Transformers Tailor-made Solutions Rectifier transformer from GE combinations can be made in one single tank or two separate tanks. In the single tank solution, all active parts are grouped in one tank. This is an economical solution, offering a reduced footprint and reduced installation work. In the two tank solution, the regulating (auto) transformer with its OLTC and/ or OCTC is in one tank and the rectifier transformer assembly in the other. Regulation Solutions for each Specific Process Need Electrolytic processes require wide regulation ranges and fast and tune voltage...
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Industrial Process Aluminium Process Rectiformer connection type_Bridge (Graetz)_ Rectifier transformer connection Y(y0 ) ± □ D (yll) ±o or Y(dll) ±a D (dO ) ± or _Y(yO dll) ± a or D (dO yll) ±_ Regulation and tapping OLTCandOCTC 0 to 100 % voltage regulation range Rangel: 36 kV Range 2: 72.5 kV Range 3: 100 kV Range 4: 123 kV Choice of tapchanger Combined impedance Regulation + Rectifier_10 % to 16%_ Interphase reactors_NO_ Rectiformer number (**) From 4 ( 3+1) to 8(7+1) rectiformers Electrochemical Copper/Chlorine/Zinc process 10 to 60 MVA_ Inter-phase (Star-Star, Double star-star)...
Open the catalog to page 4All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
12 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
3 Pages
MDS SD Series
4 Pages
2 Pages
Multilin F60
9 Pages
Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
2 Pages
Models PT7-2-150 & PT7-2-200
2 Pages
Model PT6-2-125
2 Pages
Model PT6-1-125
2 Pages
Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
2 Pages
Models PTG4-1-75 & PTG4-2-75
2 Pages
Models PTW3-1-60 & PTW3-2-60
2 Pages
Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
2 Pages
Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45
2 Pages
Model 3PT3-60
2 Pages
8 Pages
Model JVW-110C
2 Pages
Model JVW-5AC-1
2 Pages
Model JVW-5C
2 Pages
Multilin T60
9 Pages
Multilin 489
9 Pages
Multilin™ D25
8 Pages
Multilin D485
1 Pages
Multilin P485
1 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
MDS™ iNET 300
2 Pages
MDS iNET 900®
2 Pages
Multilin™ PQM II
8 Pages
Multilin L90
10 Pages
2 Pages
Reason DR60
4 Pages
Multilin 850
4 Pages
8 Pages
Hydran M2
2 Pages
MultiLink ML3000 Series
12 Pages
4 Pages
JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
4 Pages
Multilin™ MM200
8 Pages
Multilin™ MM300
8 Pages
Multilin 339
16 Pages
Multilin 469
10 Pages
Multilin A60
6 Pages
Multilin 350
16 Pages
Multilin F650
12 Pages
Multilin 750/760
10 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
Multilin G30
9 Pages
Transmission Overview
9 Pages
Air-Core Reactors
8 Pages
Multilin HardFiber System
14 Pages
Multilin UR & URPlus
18 Pages
Multilin C30
6 Pages
Voltage Regulators
16 Pages
g3 Technology
2 Pages
2 Pages
MiCOM Agile P54A/B
2 Pages
MultiSync™ 100
6 Pages
Multilin G60
9 Pages
Multilin D400
12 Pages
GL 107X
2 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Adjustable Height Sub Base
2 Pages
HV Transmission Solutions
8 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Safe-NET Network Transformer
8 Pages
Green Power Transformers
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
P50 Agile P154 / P253
4 Pages
MiCOM Agile P24x
8 Pages
239 Motor Protection
8 Pages
Power Transformers
8 Pages
3 Pages
8 Pages
SR family
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
IEC Oil Filled & SF
12 Pages
Gas Insulated Switchgear
24 Pages
Multilin UR & UR Plus
18 Pages
8 Pages
MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
12 Pages