Catalog excerpts

Grid Solutions iNET-II Secure IP/Ethernet LAN Extension | Ethernet and Serial The MDS iNET-II is an industrial wireless solution that provides long distance, unlicensed communications, up to 1 Mbps, allowing users to interface both Ethernet and serial controllers such as PLCs, RTUs and SCADA systems. The MDS iNET-II offers the right balance of speed and range to enable a wide variety of applications that require higher data capability than typical SCADA communication systems can provide. It combines the higher speed of Digital Transmission Systems (DTS) with the robustness of Frequency Hopping technology. Industrially Hardened • Operation in extreme temperatures from –30oC to 60oC • CSA-approved for class I, Div. 2 groups • IEEE-1613* approval for operation in electric substation environments The MDS iNET-II combines the interfaces, functionality and security features that are standard across the Information Technology (IT) industry with a hardened radio platform necessary for the harsh environment of mission-critical applications in SCADA applications. Application Flexibility • Megabit speed accommodates multiple services on one infrastructure • Provides wireless megabit-speed connectivity to Ethernet devices • Industry standard software compatibility in industrial grade hardware platform • Unlicensed long range communication of IP/Ethernet and serial data • Long range wireless communication, up to 20 miles • Multiple layers of cyber-security, including AES 128-bit encryption, 802.1x device authentication and frequency hopping • IP/Ethernet and serial functions can operate simultaneously on the same network • Supports multiple industry-standard protocols including Modbus TCP, DF1 and IEC 61850 • Reduces integration, configuration, and support costs found with multi-box solutions Application Specific Wireless Solution Energy • Remote control of EID at distribution substations • Condition monitoring for pole-top circuit breakers and capacitor banks Reliable & Scalable • Unlicensed spread spectrum technology • Point-to-Multipoint, 2-way communication • High receive sensitivity for noisy environments and long distances • Handles multiple industry protocols including Modbus, Modbus TCP, and DF1 Oil & Gas • Remote monitoring of pipeline flow and status signals • Monitor and transmit wellhead pressure and tank levels collected by RTUs Water & Wastewater • Monitor lift stations across multiple sites from control room • Slow scan video surveillance of reservoirs Heavy Industrial • Activation of perimeter gates based on detection of vehicle • Monitor and control remote pumps and compressors Secure • 802.1x centralized authentication prevents unauthorized access • Built-in AES 128-bit encryption • Dynamic key rotation • VLAN traffic segregation • Password protected access and lockdown * Requires an external DC to DC c
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Application Flexibility Mobile Network Access The MDS iNET-II family of industrial-strength data communications products offer secure, reliable, long distance transmission of data for your missioncritical applications. The iNET-II operates in the unlicensed 900 MHz spread spectrum frequencies. iNET-II has the power to operate in mobile applications, allowing vehicles to communicate with control centers. An iNET-II radio can roam between multiple access point locations, while providing near-seamless data handling. The iNET-II solution interfaces directly to a wide variety of controllers and...
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Remote & Access Point The iNET-II radio operates in the 900 MHz frequency band under the FCC rules for Industrial, Scientific, and Medical (ISM) equipment. Every system must have at least one access point model. You can choose between remote models that support serial only, Ethernet only or both types of interfaces (DG Model). RJ45 port for Ethernet connectivity to controllers Wide range power input (10-30 VDC) User-friendly LED status indicators The iNET-II handles concurrent Ethernet from multiple sources. Directly address the integrated serial device server using industry-standard...
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Specifications GENERAL Data Rate 1 Mbps/512 Kbps user configured air link Frequency band 902-928 MHz ISM band Spreading mode DTS/FHSS Range (512 Kbps) Up to 20 miles (fixed) Up to 3 miles (mobile) Range (1 Mbps) Up to 15 miles AVAILABLE CONFIGURATIONS Remote Serial Gateway Remote Ethernet Bridge Access Point/Remote Dual Gateway (Both Serial and Ethernet) RADIO System gain 139 dB @ 512 Kbps; 134 dB @ 1 Mbps Carrier power 100mW to 1W (20 to 30 dBm) Output impedance 50 Ohms Occupied 600 kHz bandwidth Modulation CPFSK (continuous phase FSK) RECEIVER SENSITIVITY (WITH 10-6 BER): 512 Kbps -97 dBm...
Open the catalog to page 4All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
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MDS SD Series
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Multilin F60
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Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
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Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
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Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
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Multilin T60
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Multilin 489
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Multilin™ D25
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Multilin P485
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MDS iNET 900®
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Reason DR60
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JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
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Multilin™ MM300
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Multilin 339
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Multilin 469
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Multilin A60
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Multilin 350
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Multilin F650
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Multilin 750/760
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Multilin G30
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Transmission Overview
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g3 Technology
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GL 107X
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Adjustable Height Sub Base
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HV Transmission Solutions
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Safe-NET Network Transformer
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Green Power Transformers
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239 Motor Protection
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SR family
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IEC Oil Filled & SF
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Gas Insulated Switchgear
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Multilin UR & UR Plus
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MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
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