Catalog excerpts

High Voltage Direct Current Systems
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Today’s Environment Globally the utility environment is becoming more complex and utilities are having to manage new challenges such as: • Increasing demand for electricity • Connection of remote generation • Growth of distant offshore wind • Integration of variable renewable generation • Need for security of supply distances more than approximately 700 km(~400 miles). The use of insulated cables in both submarine and underground applications, in combination with HVDC, allows more power to be transmitted across long water crossings, or buried out of sight adjacent to roads, railways and...
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The GE Advantage GE is globally recognized for designing, manufacturing and delivering customized HVDC solutions for utilities worldwide. GE offers two HVDC technologies, Line Commutated Converters (LCC) and Voltage Source Converters (VSC), for a broad range of applications and available in a range of schemes including overhead line (point to point), back to back, submarine/land cable and offshore. Every HVDC solution is tailored and designed based on a project-by-project assessment of the customers’ individual requirements, whether it's for long distance power transmission, energy trading...
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GE’s HVDC Technologies Line Commutated Converters Line Commutated Converter is a mature cost effective HVDC technology based on thyristor power semiconductors, which enables the bulk transfer of power of up to 8 GW with low losses and inherent DC fault protection. LCC is available as point to point overhead line and submarine/land cable and is ideally suited for back to back schemes. Voltage Source Converters Voltage Source Converter is a newer technology based on power transistors with a reduced footprint compared to LCC technology. VSC is an ideal technology for submarine/land cable...
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HVDC Applications Transferring Bulk Power Over Long distances Challenge Transfer large amounts of power from distant power sources, such as hydro plants, to a load centre. GE’s solution GE’s HVDC LCC point to point scheme is ideal for the bulk transfer of power utilizing overhead lines over long distances providing a fully flexible, controllable and environmentally friendly solution for transmit power. Benefits include • Maximizing transmission of substantial power utilizing UHVDC up to 800kV • Improves environment impact as a result of the smaller towers and right of way requirements •...
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HVDC Applications Connecting Offshore Wind Challenge Bring power from distant wind farms to the onshore grid. GE’s solution GE's HVDC VSC technology is the most economical and feasible solution for connecting submarine cable applications, such as offshore wind farms. GE’s solution gives full control and flexibility in managing the intermittent and variable generation. Benefits include • Provides a low loss solution, with the most efficient method of transmission technology • Enables the controllability of intermittent power • Optimizes the use of submarine cables Infeed Urban Areas...
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Connecting Renewable Generation Challenge Bring power from remote renewable sources to load centres GE’s solution GE’s HVDC LCC and VSC are amongst the most economical and feasible solutions for connecting renewable generation applications, such as wind, hydro and solar power. GE’s solution gives full control and flexibility in managing the power flow from the intermittent and variable generation to the load. Benefits include • Provides a low loss solution, with the most efficient method of transmission technology • Enables the controllability of intermittent power • Improves environment...
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GE’s HVDC References GE has designed, delivered and supports an installed HVDC capacity of more than 35 GW globally in a broad range of applications and environments. The below details are a selected representation of HVDC projects, a complete reference list is available upon request. 1. Canada Project: McNeill Scheme: Back to Back Rating: 150MW Status: Ongoing 2. Canada Project: Nelson River Scheme: Overhead Line Rating & Year: Bipole1-1.6GW, 1973/93 Rating & Year: Bipole2-2GW, 1978/85 3. Canada Scheme: De-icer+SVC Rating & Year: 250MW, 2008 4. Canada Project: Lower Churchill Scheme: Cable...
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Energy Consulting GE has a dedicated staff of consultants that provide engineering, technical support and expertise to the electrical power industry to support HVDC projects worldwide. Below are details of the support and services GE provides its customers. Transmission network planning and operational studies GE’s technical subject matter experts, contribute towards advancements in the electric power industry through supporting the following activities: • Long‐term scenario based planning for bulk power transmission investments • Mid‐term investment planning for regional transmission...
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Advanced Manufacturing and Testing GE’s Manufacturing Facility Assembly and Automated Production Testing GE designs, manufactures and tests to the high industry standards at its state-of-the-art manufacturing facilities. GE has an excellent track record in safety and is dedicated to the research, application and development of an extensive range of technology solutions for customers in the utility and energy industries GE's manufacturing processes and tools have been designed to be applied as a "flow" production line, from initial assembly to final product testing. This results in increased...
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Advanced HVDC System Testing Capability GE has made significant investment to develop industry leading HVDC system testing capability. GE has a history of many “1st” in HVDC technology development, including innovative ways to test and validate the technology. GE was the 1st to introduce the concept of a synthetic test circuit, which has now been widely adopted by all of the manufacturers of HVDC systems. Similar innovation and investment have been made in the following areas as well: • One of the largest VSC HVDC demonstration laboratories in the world • State-of-the-art valve test...
Open the catalog to page 11All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
12 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
3 Pages
MDS SD Series
4 Pages
2 Pages
Multilin F60
9 Pages
Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
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Models PT7-2-150 & PT7-2-200
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Model PT6-2-125
2 Pages
Model PT6-1-125
2 Pages
Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
2 Pages
Models PTG4-1-75 & PTG4-2-75
2 Pages
Models PTW3-1-60 & PTW3-2-60
2 Pages
Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
2 Pages
Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45
2 Pages
Model 3PT3-60
2 Pages
8 Pages
Model JVW-110C
2 Pages
Model JVW-5AC-1
2 Pages
Model JVW-5C
2 Pages
Multilin T60
9 Pages
Multilin 489
9 Pages
Multilin™ D25
8 Pages
Multilin D485
1 Pages
Multilin P485
1 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
MDS™ iNET 300
2 Pages
MDS iNET 900®
2 Pages
Multilin™ PQM II
8 Pages
Multilin L90
10 Pages
2 Pages
Reason DR60
4 Pages
Multilin 850
4 Pages
8 Pages
Hydran M2
2 Pages
MultiLink ML3000 Series
12 Pages
4 Pages
JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
4 Pages
Multilin™ MM200
8 Pages
Multilin™ MM300
8 Pages
Multilin 339
16 Pages
Multilin 469
10 Pages
Multilin A60
6 Pages
Multilin 350
16 Pages
Multilin F650
12 Pages
Multilin 750/760
10 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
Multilin G30
9 Pages
Transmission Overview
9 Pages
Air-Core Reactors
8 Pages
Multilin HardFiber System
14 Pages
Multilin UR & URPlus
18 Pages
Multilin C30
6 Pages
Voltage Regulators
16 Pages
g3 Technology
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
MiCOM Agile P54A/B
2 Pages
MultiSync™ 100
6 Pages
Multilin G60
9 Pages
Multilin D400
12 Pages
GL 107X
2 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Adjustable Height Sub Base
2 Pages
HV Transmission Solutions
8 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Safe-NET Network Transformer
8 Pages
Green Power Transformers
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
P50 Agile P154 / P253
4 Pages
MiCOM Agile P24x
8 Pages
239 Motor Protection
8 Pages
Power Transformers
8 Pages
3 Pages
8 Pages
SR family
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
IEC Oil Filled & SF
12 Pages
Gas Insulated Switchgear
24 Pages
Multilin UR & UR Plus
18 Pages
8 Pages
MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
12 Pages