Catalog excerpts

g Gas Insulated Switchgear 72.5 - 800kV - Advanced Technology in a Modular, Flexible, and Compact Design with Primary Pre-engineered solution set that digitizes XD|GE primary equipment and provides factory installed and configured protection, monitoring, diagnostics and communications.
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Gas Insulated Switchgear — — 72.5–550kV Live Tank Circuit Breakers 72.5–800kV One of the Largest GIS Vendors in the World For over a century, utilities around the world have relied on GE to deliver products and services to increase power system, and improve grid resiliency and responsiveness. As a global leader in providing grid infrastructure products and services, GE supports a broad set of utility applications ranging from transmission and substation automation to distribution networks and smart metering, enabling greater safety, connectivity and increased security. Through an alliance...
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Gas Insulated Switchgear — 72.5–800kV Live Tank Circuit Breakers — 72.5–550kV Key Features & Benefits Designed for Reliability and Safety Our design features a minimum number of moving parts and live parts have been enclosed to protect the insulation system against the external environment. Durability To ensure durability, we employ the latest digital machinery technology including the cold flanging and welding of high-strength aluminum enclosures, epoxy resin casting of insulators, and high-strength aluminum alloy casting. Lower Cost of Ownership High-grade materials and components provide...
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Product Porfolio The XD|GE portfolio for gas insulated high-voltage switchgear includes several flexible and modular models from 72kV to 800kV. Unit Rated voltage Rated current Rated frequency Rated power frequency withstand voltage, 1 min (*) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (*) Rated short circuit breaking current GIS with Voltage up to 72.5kV Overview Model Numbers: ZF7-72.5/T3150-40 The 72.5kV/3150A/40kA spring operated GIS has been fully type tested with certification from both KEMA® of Holland and CESI® of Italy. The product is characterized by a three phase common design,...
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Applications & Bay Configurations B ushing Feeder Single Bus Bar Bushing Feeder Double Bus Bar Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (*) Rated short circuit breaking current SF gas Insulators Live parts Enclosures Current 6 Rated power frequency withstand voltage, 1 min (*) Rated frequency Rated current Cross Sectional View Unit Rated voltage M1 M1 BSG Cable Feeder Double Bus Bar with PT Cable Feeder Double Bus Bar Breaker mechanism type 1. pring operating mechanism S 2. isconncector and D earthing switchgear 3. Circuit breaker 4. Current transformer 5. Voltage transformer 6. Fast...
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GIS with Voltage up to 126kV & 145kV Overview Model Numbers: ZF7A-126 / ZF7A-145/T3150-40 This 145kV/3150A/40kA spring operated GIS is very similar to the 72.5kV design. It was also type tested by both KEMA of Holland and CESI of Italy. The product is characterized by a three phase common design, spring/spring operated mechanism, superior insulating and breaking capabilities. For this design type, over 14,000 bays of GIS have been put into service in power stations and transmission networks worldwide. Key Features • 3 Phase common single and double bus bar arrangements • Compact GIS with...
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GIS with Voltage up to 126kV & 145kV Applications & Bay Configurations Single Bus Bar Rated voltage Rated current Rated frequency Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (*) Rated short circuit breaking current Rated power frequency withstand voltage, 1 min (*) Cross Sectional View SF gas Enclosures Insulators Current Transformer Live parts Breaker mechanism type 1. isconncector and earthing switchgear D 2. Circuit breaker 3. Spring operating mechanism 4. Current transformer 5. Voltage transformer 6. Fast Earthing Switch 7. Cable-sealing-end chamber 8. Motor-spring mechanism
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GIS with Voltage up to 252kV Overview Model Numbers: ZF9-252/T4000-50 and ZF9-252/Y4000-63 For over 10 years XD Electric has been supplying 252kV class, indoor GIS solutions within substations around the world. Since its introduction, over 4,500 bays have been installed and are in service today. Purposefully designed with operating components contained within a sealed metal container that is filled with insulating gas, this GIS class reduces installation space requirements, is more resistant to weather impacts, and is easier to maintain. With future expansion in mind, the 252kV GIS is able...
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GIS with Voltage up to 252kV Applications & Bay Configurations B ushing Feeder Double Bus Bar Cable Feeder Double Bus Bar Cross Sectional View Unit Rated voltage Rated frequency Rated power frequency withstand voltage, 1 min (*) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (*) Rated short circuit breaking current Rated current Insulators Current Transformer Live parts Breaker mechanism type Spring /Hydro-mechanical 1. Disconnect Switch 2. Earthing Switch 3. Motor operating mechanism 4. Circuit breaker 5. Hydro-mechanical mechanism 6. Current transformer 7. Main bus
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GIS with Voltage up to 363kV Overview Model Numbers: ZF9-363/Y4000-50 & ZF9-363/Y4000-63 XD|GE is one of the first manufacturers of 363kV Gas Insulated Switchgear in China, and continues to be an industry leader when it comes to the design, manufacturing, management, and testing of this high voltage primary equipment. With more than 550 bays installed and in operation, the ZF9-363 family of GIS is designed to both IEC® and ANSI®/IEEE® standards. Utility customers have come to rely on XD|GE to provide advanced parameters, reliable function, simplified operation, and reduced maintenance. Key...
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GIS with Voltage up to 363kV Applications & Bay Configurations Bushing Feeder Double Bus Configuration Cable Feeder Double Bus Configuration Rated voltage Rated current Rated frequency Rated power frequency withstand voltage, 1 min (*) Rated short circuit breaking current Breaker mechanism type 1. isconnect Switch D (GL type) Rated lightning impulse withstand voltage (*) Cross Sectional View SF gas Insulators Live parts Enclosures Current Transformer 2. Earthing switch 3. otor operating M mechanism 4. Circuit breaker 5. ydro-mechanical H mechanism 6. Current transformer 7. isconnect Switch...
Open the catalog to page 11All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
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MDS SD Series
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Multilin F60
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Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
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Models PT7-2-150 & PT7-2-200
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Model PT6-2-125
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Model PT6-1-125
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Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
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Models PTG4-1-75 & PTG4-2-75
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Models PTW3-1-60 & PTW3-2-60
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Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
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Model 3PT3-60
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Model JVW-110C
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Model JVW-5AC-1
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Model JVW-5C
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Multilin T60
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Multilin 489
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Multilin™ D25
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Multilin D485
1 Pages
Multilin P485
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MDS™ iNET 300
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MDS iNET 900®
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Multilin™ PQM II
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Multilin L90
10 Pages
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Reason DR60
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Multilin 850
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Hydran M2
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MultiLink ML3000 Series
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JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
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Multilin™ MM200
8 Pages
Multilin™ MM300
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Multilin 339
16 Pages
Multilin 469
10 Pages
Multilin A60
6 Pages
Multilin 350
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Multilin F650
12 Pages
Multilin 750/760
10 Pages
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12 Pages
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Multilin G30
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Transmission Overview
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Air-Core Reactors
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Multilin HardFiber System
14 Pages
Multilin UR & URPlus
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Multilin C30
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Voltage Regulators
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g3 Technology
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2 Pages
MiCOM Agile P54A/B
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MultiSync™ 100
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Multilin G60
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Multilin D400
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GL 107X
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Adjustable Height Sub Base
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HV Transmission Solutions
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Safe-NET Network Transformer
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Green Power Transformers
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P50 Agile P154 / P253
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MiCOM Agile P24x
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239 Motor Protection
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Power Transformers
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SR family
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IEC Oil Filled & SF
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Multilin UR & UR Plus
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MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
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