Catalog excerpts

The Alternative to SFe for High Voltage Applications Removing Greenhouse Gases from the Grid Nine of the ten warmest years on record have occurred since 2000, where greenhouse gases (GHGs) are at the root cause of climate change. Sulfur hexafluoride (SFe), an insulating gas used in high-voltage switchgear, is estimated to contribute 23,500 times more than carbon dioxide (CO2) to the greenhouse effect and can remain in the atmosphere for 3,200 years. Previously, Power Generation and Transmission utilities had no alternative to SFe for these products. Green Gas for Grid (g3, pronounced “g” cubed) is GE’s environmentally-friendly alternative gas to SFe developed for high voltage (HV) electrical transmission equipment. g3 products feature the same ratings and same dimensional footprint as the state-of-the-art SFe ones, with a drastically reduced environmental impact: more than 99% less gas global warming potential (GWP), comparatively. Also, g3 products operate with no restriction under the same temperature range as SFe products (down to -30°C). GE has a number of g3 initiatives currently underway on 19 sites that together will reduce the impact of the installed gas masses by more than 380,000 tons of CO2 equivalent and cut GHG emissions by more than 99%. These projects include 70 GIS bays , 2033 meters of GIL, 6 AIS Current Transformers, 3 Combined Mesuring Units and 2 AIS Live Tank Circuit Breakers. Same Performance, Global Warming Impact Reduced by More than 99% Technical Benefit • g3 is applicable to all voltage levels • g3 is applicable at the same ambient temperature ranges as SFe • g3 high voltage equipment feature the same dimensional footprint as state-of the-art SFe equipment • g3 is non toxic and falls in the same safety class as SFe Environmental Benefit • Remaining gas GWP represents only +/-1 % of that of SFe • g3 products dimensions are not increased, so the other environmental factors remain unchaged, contributing to the lowest environmental impact over the life cycle Financial Benefit • Utilities can qualify for tax reductions or incentives related to the reduction of their greenhouse gas emissions Green • g3 products feature a reduced Global Warming Potential by more than 99% compared with SFe products • Lowest environmental impact over the life cycle of all SFe-free solutions • No impact on ozone depletion Safe • In the same toxicity class as SFe in its fresh state or after interruption in a circuit breaker • 3M™ Novec™ 4710 molecule is registered according to European REACH process for chemicals Easy to operate • Gas mixtures prepared in factories by certified suppliers • g3 filling and recovery at customer sites with gas cart • Accessories for HV equipment including density switches, valves (mistake proof), moisture absorber • Measurement devices to monitor gas ratio, moisture, tightness and detect leakage
Open the catalog to page 1
g3 Portfolio 145 kV Gas-Insulated Substations 40 kA, for -25°C applications 11 sites, more than 63 bays 420 kV Gas-Insulated Lines 63 kA, for -25°C applications 5 sites, more than 2033 meters Current Transformer up to 245 kV Voltage Transformers up to 123 kV Combined metering units up to 123 kV 63 kA, for -30°C applications 2 sites, six 245 kV Current Transformers GIL in England (National Grid) Designed for g3 72.5 kV Gas-Insulated Substations 31.5 kA, for -25°C applications 145 kV Live Tank Circuit-breaker 40 kA, for -30°C applications GEGridSolutions.com For more information please...
Open the catalog to page 2All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
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8 Pages
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MDS SD Series
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Multilin F60
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Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
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Models PT7-2-150 & PT7-2-200
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Model PT6-2-125
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Model PT6-1-125
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Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
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Models PTG4-1-75 & PTG4-2-75
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Models PTW3-1-60 & PTW3-2-60
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Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
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Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45
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Model 3PT3-60
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Model JVW-110C
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Model JVW-5AC-1
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Model JVW-5C
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Multilin T60
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Multilin 489
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Multilin™ D25
8 Pages
Multilin D485
1 Pages
Multilin P485
1 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
MDS™ iNET 300
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MDS iNET 900®
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Multilin™ PQM II
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Multilin L90
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Reason DR60
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Multilin 850
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Hydran M2
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MultiLink ML3000 Series
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JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
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Multilin™ MM200
8 Pages
Multilin™ MM300
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Multilin 339
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Multilin 469
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Multilin A60
6 Pages
Multilin 350
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Multilin F650
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Multilin 750/760
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12 Pages
8 Pages
Multilin G30
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Transmission Overview
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Air-Core Reactors
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Multilin HardFiber System
14 Pages
Multilin UR & URPlus
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Multilin C30
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Voltage Regulators
16 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
MiCOM Agile P54A/B
2 Pages
MultiSync™ 100
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Multilin G60
9 Pages
Multilin D400
12 Pages
GL 107X
2 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Adjustable Height Sub Base
2 Pages
HV Transmission Solutions
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4 Pages
Safe-NET Network Transformer
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Green Power Transformers
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2 Pages
2 Pages
P50 Agile P154 / P253
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MiCOM Agile P24x
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239 Motor Protection
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Power Transformers
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8 Pages
SR family
2 Pages
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2 Pages
5 Pages
IEC Oil Filled & SF
12 Pages
Gas Insulated Switchgear
24 Pages
Multilin UR & UR Plus
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MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
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