Catalog excerpts

GE End-to-End Industrial Communication Overview Digital Energy Industrial Communication Solutions for the Oil & Gas Industry
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Industrial Communications For over twenty-five years, GE has provided rugged communication networks for leading Oil and Gas, Industrial and Energy companies around the world. As an industry leader in deploying communication networks with exceptional reliability, GE’s reputation for delivering the highest quality products is unsurpassed. With extensive domain expertise in networking applications in harsh, industrial environments, GE provides Oil and Gas companies best-in-class solutions from the industry experts. From hardened wireless devices to industrial-grade fiber multiplexers and...
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End-to-End Industrial Communication Overview Industry Challenges GE’s Solutions Oil and Gas operations around the world may vary in scale or scope but common to all is the need to collect and deliver actionable information to meet critical production, operational, safety and environmental requirements. The Oil and Gas industry faces a variety of challenges to meet enterprise objectives, including: • Improving efficiency and return on investment in the face of increasing global competition and a scarcity of natural resources and raw materials. • Increasing productivity, reducing outages, and...
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End-to-End Industrial Communication Overview Upstream Production Midstream / Transportation • Transmit tubing and casing pressure from gas wellheads to RTUs and flow meters • Long-range connectivity to production pads, pump and compressor stations, block valve sites for real-time monitoring and control • Data acquisition for dynomometer data, pump-off controllers and RTUs • Collect compressor inlet, discharge pressure, and status values • Data collection for production pad tank levels and compressor pressures and status • Remote data collection from meters and flow devices for intrusion and...
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• High-capacity wireless backhaul infrastructure supporting data, voice and video communications • Remote monitoring of pipeline flow and status signals • Remotely monitor pressure, temperature and level data from facility perimeter • Provide wireless LAN communications for facility control, operations and maintenance requirements • Voice, data, CCTV, IP/Ethernet telecom services for hydraulic control, leak detection, pipeline SCADA, security and safety sub-systems • Provide SCADA communication for flow meters, RTUs and controllers for custody transfer, storage, cathodic and leak detection...
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Application Examples SCADA and Long-Range Networking • Deploy a wireless SCADA infrastructure supporting communication to Pump Controllers and Electronic Flow Meters used for production monitoring, control and metering • Provide wireless IP/Ethernet and serial communication to status measurement, leak detection and control devices at compressor stations, pump sites and terminal facilities Operations Center • Implement SCADA communication to revenue metering devices and cathodic protection locations • Provide wireless LAN connectivity to remote RTUs, meters and controllers • Bridge...
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End-to-End Industrial Communication Overview Refinery Multiservice Backbone Networking for Pipeline Transportation Shipping Terminal • Provide a fiber optic communications system connecting block valves, metering, pumping/ compressor stations and control centers • Support voice, data, CCTV and IP/Ethernet telecommunication services for hydraulic control, leak detection, pipeline SCADA, security and safety sub-systems Train Yard Compressor Station Data Backhaul Communication Networking Operations Center • Provide high-capacity and long-distance wireless communications • Enable private...
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GE's Industrial Communication Portfolio Overview End-to-End Industrial Communication Overview Critical processes demand secure and reliable networks Rugged Wireless | MDS • World’s leading industrial end-to-end wireless solutions provider • IP/Ethernet and serial traffic, plus analog and digital process I/O signals Secure & Dependable Multiplexers | Lentronics • Hardened, multi-service telecommunications platforms • Secure application performance from the network edge to the core Ethernet Switches & Protocol Converters | MultiLink • Family of industrial hardened Ethernet switches • Secure,...
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MDS Data Acquisition MDS’ data acquisition products provide long-range, IP/Ethernet, serial, and I/O communication to monitor transducers and remote assets or provide SCADA connectivity to meters, RTUs and controllers. Models support features such as low power/sleep modes, battery power and repeater modes. • IP/Ethernet and serial requirements at speeds up to 65 kbps using licensed spectrum between 100 to 900 MHz for distances up to 30 miles/48 km • Unlicensed 900 MHz and 2.4 GHz communication at speeds up to 115 kbps for serial or IP/ Ethernet for distances up to 25 miles for 900 MHz or 15...
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Lentronics Fiber Multiplexers The Lentronics multiplexer family offers industrial hardened T1/E1, SONET/SDH standards based communication solutions for critical infrastructure applications over optical fiber and other media. • High-speed, long-range connectivity for voice, data, CCTV and Ethernet traffic • IP/Ethernet and serial communication to meters and RTUs • Network aggregation for field communications • Real-time network management and full-duplex connectivity • Input collection from discrete sensors and output control to devices • Secure and dependable providing 99.999% availability...
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For more information about GE Industrial Communications products visit Digital Energy 175 Science Parkway Rochester, NY 14620 Tel: +1-585-242-9600 gedigitalenergy@ge.com GE, the GE monogram, MDS, iNET, Mercury, WiYZ, Intrepid, PulseNET, Lentronics and MultiLink are trademarks of the General Electric Company. GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes. Copyright 2013, General Electric Company.
Open the catalog to page 12All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
12 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
8 Pages
3 Pages
MDS SD Series
4 Pages
2 Pages
Multilin F60
9 Pages
Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
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Models PT7-2-150 & PT7-2-200
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Model PT6-2-125
2 Pages
Model PT6-1-125
2 Pages
Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
2 Pages
Models PTG4-1-75 & PTG4-2-75
2 Pages
Models PTW3-1-60 & PTW3-2-60
2 Pages
Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
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Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45
2 Pages
Model 3PT3-60
2 Pages
8 Pages
Model JVW-110C
2 Pages
Model JVW-5AC-1
2 Pages
Model JVW-5C
2 Pages
Multilin T60
9 Pages
Multilin 489
9 Pages
Multilin™ D25
8 Pages
Multilin D485
1 Pages
Multilin P485
1 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
MDS™ iNET 300
2 Pages
MDS iNET 900®
2 Pages
Multilin™ PQM II
8 Pages
Multilin L90
10 Pages
2 Pages
Reason DR60
4 Pages
Multilin 850
4 Pages
8 Pages
Hydran M2
2 Pages
MultiLink ML3000 Series
12 Pages
4 Pages
JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
4 Pages
Multilin™ MM200
8 Pages
Multilin™ MM300
8 Pages
Multilin 339
16 Pages
Multilin 469
10 Pages
Multilin A60
6 Pages
Multilin 350
16 Pages
Multilin F650
12 Pages
Multilin 750/760
10 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
Multilin G30
9 Pages
Transmission Overview
9 Pages
Air-Core Reactors
8 Pages
Multilin HardFiber System
14 Pages
Multilin UR & URPlus
18 Pages
Multilin C30
6 Pages
Voltage Regulators
16 Pages
g3 Technology
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
MiCOM Agile P54A/B
2 Pages
MultiSync™ 100
6 Pages
Multilin G60
9 Pages
Multilin D400
12 Pages
GL 107X
2 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Adjustable Height Sub Base
2 Pages
HV Transmission Solutions
8 Pages
4 Pages
4 Pages
Safe-NET Network Transformer
8 Pages
Green Power Transformers
4 Pages
2 Pages
2 Pages
P50 Agile P154 / P253
4 Pages
MiCOM Agile P24x
8 Pages
239 Motor Protection
8 Pages
Power Transformers
8 Pages
3 Pages
8 Pages
SR family
2 Pages
4 Pages
2 Pages
5 Pages
IEC Oil Filled & SF
12 Pages
Gas Insulated Switchgear
24 Pages
Multilin UR & UR Plus
18 Pages
8 Pages
MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
12 Pages