Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure
1 / 12Pages

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 1

Industrial Communication Solutions for the Mining Industry

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 2

GE Industrial Communications For over twenty-five years, GE Industrial Communications has provided rugged communication networks for leading industrial and energy companies around the world. As the industry leader in deploying communication networks with exceptional reliability, GE’s reputation for delivering the highest quality products is unsurpassed. With extensive domain expertise in networking applications for harsh, industrial environments, GE provides mining companies best-in-class solutions from the industry experts. From hardened wireless devices to industrial-grade fiber...

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 3

Industry Challenges Mining operations vary greatly around the world depending on the region, the minerals being extracted, the mining technologies required, as well as the size and scale of the enterprise. GE Industrial Communications delivers comprehensive communication networks for the mining industry to drive performance improvements and operational efficiencies. Common to all applications is the need for a reliable and robust communications infrastructure designed for operations in harsh environments, providing the highest availability for process control, asset monitoring, safety and...

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 4

Extraction Applications Transportation Applications • Monitor loading vehicles across the extraction site • Collect crusher and load data from site • Communication infrastructure providing continuous communication for locomotives and transport vehicles transferring ore from excavation to processing • Communication for facility access gates and traffic control for seismic and blast safety • High-speed, high-throughput data communication for unmanned vehicles • Collection of remote seismic data to central controller networks • Data acquisition for equipment and device status for preventive...

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 5

Processing Applications • Infrastructure for operational video surveillance of critical processing points in the system • Aggregate data from end-points to fiber ring backbone for backhaul to a central location • Communication for operation and maintenance of facility power grids • Extend data acquisition and control networks to remote controllers, meters and instrumentation • Security surveillance of the processing plant • Monitor conveyor status, bearing temperature status, dust suppression and filtering equipment • Remotely monitor sensors and transducers for conveyor belt alignment and...

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 6

GE Industrial Communications Portfolio Overview Critical processes demand secure and reliable networks Rugged Wireless | MDS • World’s leading industrial end-to-end wireless solutions provider • IP/Ethernet and serial traffic, plus analog and digital process I/O signals Secure & Dependable Multiplexers | Lentronics • Hardened, multi-service telecommunications platforms • Secure application performance from the network edge to the core Ethernet Switches & Protocol Converters | MultiLink • Family of industrial hardened Ethernet switches • Secure, reliable communications for critical...

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 7

Application Examples Extraction Application .Ana^mp** • Use MDS WiYZ™ for analog and digital data /jftfej^ft I II acquisition of transducer values and device wflfcfc!^^ J^^^^L • Automate remote monitoring of de-watering ~\J "'^^^^^W pumps and conveyor status even in areas (Jttefe^^H^Bl MDS WNI Gateway Without power wBfc^'nrl„,„ n Ce//u/aror~*"^^,/EH3\ ^^"^7 MDSWiYZ Remote , .,rT wlBBJ • Provide connectivity for controllers to remote Analog s. status inputs nccptc XJSTN I MDSWiYZ Remote „„,_____,„ „ --^ /|H i^tei MDS W/YZ Gateway ,' SCADA Master • Provide local WiFi connectivity to mobile...

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Digital Energy Industrial Communications Mining Brochure - 9

High-Throughput, Standards Based Wireless Networking Local Area Network (LAN) wireless communication solutions that extend your network into the field, the MDS Mercury and iNET Series provide a highly secure, industrial-grade and highthroughput communications platform for mission critical, industrial applications. MDS’s LAN solutions provide options for both licensed and unlicensed requirements in a variety of global frequencies. The solutions are designed to facilitate high-throughput wireless networking data requirements ranging from 500Kbps to +20Mbps on a highly secure platform. ...

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High Capacity Fiber Optic & Wireless Backhaul The Lentronics™ JungleMUX SONET and STM Multiplexers deliver optical networking solutions with data speeds of OC-48 and STM-16 respectively. These multiplexers provide integrated transport and access capabilities for voice, data, Ethernet/IP WAN and video traffic combined in a single unit. GE’s MDS Intrepid™ family of industrial wireless Point-to-Point and Point-to-Multipoint backhaul products offer a variety of protected and non-protected configurations, supporting licensed and unlicensed frequency options with speeds up to 800 Mbps. Ethernet...

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For more information about GE Industrial Communications products visit Digital Energy 175 Science Parkway Rochester, NY 14620 Tel: +1-585-242-9600 GE, the GE monogram, MDS, iNET, Mercury, WiYZ, Intrepid, PulseNET, Lentronics and Multinet are trademarks of the General Electric Company. GE reserves the right to make changes to specifications of products described at any time without notice and without obligation to notify any person of such changes. Copyright 2012, General Electric Company.

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