Catalog excerpts

Compact Sensor Intelligence: Digital Instrument Transformer Solutions for Smart Grids GE is ahead of the competition thanks to its innovative, patented optical instrument transformer technology. It enables full IEC 61850 implementation and sets the benchmark in transmission network architectures for today’s and tomorrow’s electricity networks and Smart Grids. Our technology is based on the effects of light influenced by current (Faraday effect) to measure current. GE's technology is suitable for use in AC or DC transmission systems. The transformer can also be used in high-current DC applications, such as large scale aluminum electrolysis companies. COSI-CT can be applied in HVAC systems with a rated voltage of up to 1200 kV or HVDC systems with a rated voltage of up to 800 kV. The equipment takes precise measurements within a range between 1 A and 4800 A. The protective current is up to 216 kA (peak value) and the bandwidth is DC 20 kHz. Comprehensive Range for AC or DC applications COSI-CT Optical current transformer (AC or DC) COSI-MU Merging unit COSI-CM Combined metering unit COSI-CT F3 Flexible optical current transformer COSI-CT Accreditations New York ISO, California ISO, Lapem Mexico, Measurement Canada Wide Dynamic Range 1 A to 4800 A. One current transformer can cover a wide dynamic range via the same output. The protective current is up to 216 kA (peak value). The bandwidth is DC to 20 kHz. Smart Grid Ready COSI products deliver direct digital output according to IEC 61850-9.2 or 1 A for metering applications. Standard Optical Fiber All signals are transmitted through a standard fibre optic cable (same cable as used in Telecoms). By using a globally-available fibre optic cable to connect all electronic equipment, we offer our customers substantial savings on global maintenance. Lightweight Typically, an optical sensor represents only 10% of the weight of an oil-filled transformer. As transportation costs and ease of installation depend on the weight and volume, the benefits are immediately apparent. There is no need for special transportation to protect the equipment against vibrations. Moreover, the support structure also depends on weight and dimensions, so global installation costs are also reduced.
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Installation Flexibility Bus mounting is possible, as well as horizontal mounting or assembly directly on the circuit breakers. All these configurations are possible with digital instrument transformers, but not with oil-filled equipment. The total substation footprint can be reduced by as much as 15 to 25%. Increased Safety for People, Substation Equipment and the Environment The COSI range is explosion proof. No oil and no SF6 mean no environmental costs on end-of-life disposal and no leakage problems. Moreover, horizontal transport and (long-term) storage is possible without risk and...
Open the catalog to page 2All GE Grid Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
Static Var Compensator Solutions
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8 Pages
3 Pages
MDS SD Series
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2 Pages
Multilin F60
9 Pages
Model PT7-1-150 & PT7-1-200
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Models PT7-2-150 & PT7-2-200
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Model PT6-2-125
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Model PT6-1-125
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Models PTW5-1-110&PTW5-2-110
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Models PTG4-1-75 & PTG4-2-75
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Models PTW3-1-60 & PTW3-2-60
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Models PTG3-1-60 & PTG3-2-60
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Models PT3-1-45 & PT3-2-45
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Model 3PT3-60
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Model JVW-110C
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Model JVW-5AC-1
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Model JVW-5C
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Multilin T60
9 Pages
Multilin 489
9 Pages
Multilin™ D25
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Multilin D485
1 Pages
Multilin P485
1 Pages
3 Pages
4 Pages
MDS™ iNET 300
2 Pages
MDS iNET 900®
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Multilin™ PQM II
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Multilin L90
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Reason DR60
4 Pages
Multilin 850
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8 Pages
Hydran M2
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MultiLink ML3000 Series
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JungleMUX SONET Multiplexer
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Multilin™ MM200
8 Pages
Multilin™ MM300
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Multilin 339
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Multilin 469
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Multilin A60
6 Pages
Multilin 350
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Multilin F650
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Multilin 750/760
10 Pages
8 Pages
12 Pages
8 Pages
Multilin G30
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Transmission Overview
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Air-Core Reactors
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Multilin HardFiber System
14 Pages
Multilin UR & URPlus
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Multilin C30
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Voltage Regulators
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g3 Technology
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4 Pages
2 Pages
MiCOM Agile P54A/B
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MultiSync™ 100
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Multilin G60
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Multilin D400
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GL 107X
2 Pages
12 Pages
2 Pages
4 Pages
Adjustable Height Sub Base
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HV Transmission Solutions
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4 Pages
Safe-NET Network Transformer
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Green Power Transformers
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2 Pages
P50 Agile P154 / P253
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MiCOM Agile P24x
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239 Motor Protection
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Power Transformers
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SR family
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2 Pages
5 Pages
IEC Oil Filled & SF
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Gas Insulated Switchgear
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Multilin UR & UR Plus
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MDS Orbit Platform Brochure
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