Industrial Hose product catalogue
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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 1

Products/List Prices > Includes Chemical Resistance Table and Hose Finder size="-1">

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 2

Internal Abrasion For applications of a highly abrasive nature where the hose makes one or more bends, hose should be rotated 90׺ periodically to lengthen service life. The hose manufacturer established, through design and testing, the rec-ommended rated working pressure for the hose. It is the responsibility of the user to accurately determine the system pressure. Steady state pres-sure can be measured readily by gauges. Surges are difficult to measure and may require the use of electronic pressure pickup devices. Also, surge values depend on so many variables that a series of tests are...

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 8

Temperature ranges for the Industrial hoses are shown by application groups. The range in the Normal Service column indicates the usual temperature range for each specific hose listed under each application group. The lower limit column indicates the approximate temperature at which the hose will become too stiff to use. For information on applications or temperatures not listed in this table, contact Denver Production Application. Oil Field Application GroupRange for NormalService F*Lower LimitFAcid-Chemical Application GroupRange for NormalService F*Lower LimitFMaterial Handling...

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 10

Many applications require hose with special ends to provide pro-tection and better coupling for the hose. To be sure you receive the proper hose end, always specify the type of end, the length of end and its inside diameter (if enlarged and nonstandard). 1. Plain end (When orderingΗspecify P.E.) > Braided, spiral and thermoplastic hoses are available only with plain ends. Plain ends are generally furnished on wrapped and horizontal braid hoses, unless otherwise specified. The plain end is obtained by merely cutting hose to a specified length. 2. Straight End (When orderingspecify S.E.) >...

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 29

List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per a. 3/8 3/8 9.5 9.5 .66 .66 16.8 16.8 2502501.72 1.72 30.0 30.0 7627623.0 3.0 76766.95 6.95 3.15 3.15 50 ft. 50 ft. 5 E X 54 E X 3204-17203204-1900$75.59 68.03 >

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 31

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per a. 3/8 9.5 .66 16.8 250 1.72 30.0 762 3.0 76 7.05 3.20 50 ft. 5 E X 3204-1721 $74.61 >

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 36

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per Ft. 3376.2 76.2 3.91 3.91 99.3 99.3 100010006.90 6.90 10.0 10.0 25425420.0 20.0 5085084.05 4.05 1.84 1.84 50 ft. 100 ft. XX3619-00513619-3530$41.56 45.72 >

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 41

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per Ft. 3/8 1/2 3/4 9.5 12.7 19.1 .75 .88 1.16 19.1 22.4 29.5 300300 3002.07 2.07 2.07 30.0 25.0 20.0 762635 5083.0 5.0 6.0 76127 152.19 .24 .36 .09 .11 .16 REELREEL REELXX X3237-07043237-0705 3237-0706$2.56 3.04 4.15 >

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 51

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per Ft. 45 6101.6 127.0 152.4 4.56 5.56 6.56 115.8 141.2 166.6 4030 25.28 .21 .17 48.0 60.0 72.0 12191524 18292.22 2.73 3.25 1.01 1.24 1.47 100 ft. 100 ft. 100 ft. XX X3132-07823132-0793 3132-0797$36.67 47.18 57.63 >

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 65

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) Suction Standard or Minimum Gates (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. 1/4 5/16 13/32 6.4 7.9 10.3 .58 .67 .77 14.7 17.0 19.6 500500 5003.45 3.45 3.45 20.0 20.0 20.0 508508 5081.3 1.3 1.8 3333 46.21 .26 .29 .10 .12 .13 REELREEL REELXX X3658-19653658-1969 3658-1973 1/2 5/8 7/8 12.7 15.9 22.2 .92 1.08 1.23 23.4 27.4 31.2 500500 5003.45 3.45 3.45 20.0 20.0 20.0 508508 5082.3 2.8 3.5 5871 89.40 .50 .51 .18 .23 .23 REELREEL REELXX X3658-19773658-1981 3658-1985...

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 67

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per a. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per a. 1/4 5/16 6.4 7.9 .50 .58 12.7 14.7 4040.28 .28 28.0 28.0 7117112.5 3.0 64764.48 5.59 2.03 2.54 50 ft. 50 ft. 25000 ft. 25000 ft. 4219-40464219-4066$115.52 136.55 > Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per a. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per...

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 72

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa)) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per Ft. 4 101.6 4.61 117.1 60 .41 48.0 1219 2.21 1.00 100 ft. X 3129-0790 $23.22 > Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per Ft. 4 101.6 4.73 120.1 60 .41 48.0 1219 2.69 1.22 100 ft. X 3129-0570 $26.25 >

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Industrial Hose product catalogue - 79

Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum Gates Price (ln.) (mm) (ln.) (mm) (psi) (MPa) (ln. Hg) (mm Hg) (ln.) (mm) (Lbs.) (Kg) Pack Order Qty. Item No. Per Ft. 2250.8 50.8 2.63 2.63 66.8 66.8 3000300020.68 20.68 25.0 25.0 6356352.95 2.95 1.34 1.34 50 ft. 200 ft. XX3670-06553670-066066.99 66.99 2-1/2 363.5 76.2 3.38 3.90 85.9 99.1 2500200017.24 13.79 30.0 36.0 7629144.00 4.33 1.81 1.96 50 ft. 50 ft. XX3670-06563670-065778.04 83.61 > Nom. I.D. Nom. O.D. Max. W.P. Min. BendRadius Wt. Per Ft. Stock (X) List Suction Standard or Minimum...

Open the catalog to page 79

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