Catalog excerpts
NITROGEN GENERATORS LASER CUTTING Pure Convenience. Nitrogen on demand anywhere, any time. Flow Rates 10 to 75,000 SCFH Purity Levels 95% to 99.9995% We can custom design any size system to meet your specific needs, schedule or budget. A lean and efficient ship has become vital to success. Nothing can provide you with more cost savings than generating your own many laser-cutting shops for beam purge or assist gases. Producing output pressures up to several hundred PSI. Oxygen systems are also available. Gas Generation Solutions will work Gas Generation Solutions Putting the savings in your hands. with you to determine the most economical system for your current and future needs based on the laser manufacture, nozzle size, material type, and thickness. Armed with this information, we can save you 60-70% over your traditional method of purchasing Nitrogen. -ANUFACTURERS OF /XYGEN AND .ITROGEN 'ENERATORS Tel: 760-505-1300 Fax: 760-888-1991 Mail
Open the catalog to page 1NIT ROGEN GENERATORS LASER CUTTING Nitrogen System Layout Air Storage Nitrogen Generator Nitrogen ReceiverTank Tank Feed Air Compressor Output pressure over 175PSI Booster/Surge Tank Final Stage N2 High Presure Tank Booster Compressor HOW IT WORKS: Compressed air enters one of two sieve beds (lled with carbon molecular sieve-CMS). While the smaller oxygen molecules are adsorbed by the CMS, the larger nitrogen molecules pass through and are stored. Upon saturation, the rst sieve bed releases the oxygen, while the second sieve bed starts the process over again. Easy to install and maintain...
Open the catalog to page 2GAS GENERATION SOLUTIONS Tel: (760) 505-1300 Fax: (760) 888-1991 Email: Company Name: Contact Name: Tel: Email: Plant Location: Street: City, State, Zip Country: Type of gas required Current supply Operating hours. 8hr, 12, 24 Current / Future Applications: Required Purity. % Pressure at application. PSI Flow Rate: SCFH Peak Flow Rate: SCFH Duration of peak: Hr/min Number of peaks per hr / day Proposed generator location Min / Max operating temp ºF Operating Environment Do you use a gas mixer? COMPRESSOR INFO Compressed...
Open the catalog to page 3All Gas Generation Solutions catalogs and technical brochures
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