Solex 10 AT
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Catalog excerpts

Solex 10 AT - 1

Solex 10 AT - Xenon Beacon In addition to the features of the standard Solex range the AT (Anti-Tamper) version of the Solex 10 includes a monitoring facility to provide a warning if the beacon is removed from its base. The wide operating voltage of the Solex and the choice of lens colours allow these beacons to be used in many systems requiring enhanced levels of security. Specification Voltage 185 - 45mA (current drops at higher voltage) Light Output Flash Rate Monitoring Reverse polarity ᔣ CURRENT SURGE SUPPRESSION ᔣ CONSTANT PERFORMANCE OVER VOLTAGE RANGE White base ᔣ TAMPER SWITCH FOR SECURITY APPLICATIONS Lens colour Red, amber, blue, green or clear ᔣ FIVE LENS COLOURS ᔣ WIDE OPERATING VOLTAGE UP TO 60Vdc Normally closed contact. Contacts open when beacon removed from base

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