Catalog excerpts

FUJIFILM I&I-lmaging & Information Industrial X-RAY FILM
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I/JNDUSTRIAL RA lent ri gh guality nspec' Fuji industrial radiographie films feature revolutionary new film technolgy. The combination of the latest in emulson making science and computerized manufacturing processes assure consistent batch to batch performance, optimum imon niiali-h/ onH r»r\mr»otihilit\/ iA/ith ail M HT /^hﻻmictrio anrl n\ irront hranrl tank /ai itnmatir" nrnroccinn rv^nHitinnc Il I Idy ty >_j I iy Cil OUI ll|_/ULIk/IIILy VVILII UN I VL/ ■ <l>I IV/I I IIOLI IU<J Ul IU UUIIVIIl klIUI IU LUI WUIWI MWIIV I uvjuuuii I y Wl IWIUVI I V»>. The Fuji family of films incorporate...
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Advantagesjx (1) High Image Quality Fuji IX films exhibit high defect rcognition due to their fine granularity. (2) Constant Performance For example. Fuji batch to batch consistency is the best in the industry. For this reason, exposure conditions don't vary from one part to the next, thereby increasing productivity. (3) Less density uneveness. Fuji emulsion coating is so even and uniform that it avoids most of the density uneveness that sometimes occurs in automatic processing with other products. Film Relative speed* Film System class Sheet : Non inlerleaved 100KV Direct 200KV with lead...
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Fuji 5-minute processable IX films are offered in eight types with a variety of packaging to meet any NDT need. Sheet and Sheet-Pack Film Four types of sheet film package including interleaved, Non-interleaved, Envelopak, and Envelopak + Pb are available in most conventional sizes. Blue tint and sharper images make thse products idal for the most critical radiographie applications. Roll and Roll-Pack Film Roll film is precut in 70mm, 10", 14" and 17" standard widths. Blue tint and sharper images make th詨se films idal for the most critical radiographie applications. Supplied in a convenient...
Open the catalog to page 4All Fujifilm NDT Systems catalogs and technical brochures
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DRY MINILAB Frontier DL650
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18 Pages
Frontier solution
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instax WIDE 300
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x mount lenses
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J Press 540W
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DL650 PRO Dry Minilab
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Frontier LP5700R
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Frontier-S DX100 Brochure
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J Press 720S
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X-Pro 1
4 Pages
Buffered Oxide Etchants
1 Pages
Super DLTtape II
2 Pages
LTO Ultrium 6
2 Pages
13 Pages
DynamIX? ImageShare
2 Pages
Prescale Brochure
4 Pages
DynamIX HR
1 Pages