Catalog excerpts
Refrigerant Transfer Pumps Hydro-pneumaƟc Accumulators The hydro-pneuma c accumulatorr is a device designed specifically for the storage of liquids under pressure. As liquids are, for all prac cal purposes, incompressible, the storage is achieved by making use of the compressibility of gases. The accumulators can be conveniently used in different applica ons, such as: R507, others) x Refrigerants HCFC x Refrigerants CFC x Refrigerants HC and HFO (R600a, R290, R32, R1234ze R1234yf) x Other “natural gases” as NH3 (R717) e CO2 (R744), industrial oils or general fluids x CE-PED, ATEX and ML available on request x Keep the liquid under pressure, to temporarily maintain high levels of flow rate. x Stabiliza on of pressurized lines, to limit the fluctua ons of temperature or flow rate. FT srl provides accumulators with preloaded pressurized nitrogen as standard. x Energy storage in the form of pressurized fluid or hydraulic spring. x Absorb hammering or pulsa on of the fluid. When choosing an accumulator The accumulators are available for many standard Industrial Refrigerants and fluids such as: please contact the technical department of FT srl to communicate the nature of the fluid used. A- A flexible separator bladder is fi ed into a pressure vessel (accumulator shell). B- An inert gas (nitrogen) is introduced into the bladder through a special valve with pressure PO. The bladder expands, filling the en re volume VO of the accumulator shell. C- When circuit pressure P1 is higher than the gas pre-charge pressure PO, the liquid valve opens, and the bladder is compressed reducing the gas volume to V1. D- When the liquid pressure rises to P2, the volume of gas reduces to V2 with an a endant rise in pressure, thus balancing the liquid pressure. This means that the accumulator has been pressurised ΔV=V1-V2 and a poten al energy has been created to be u lised as des
Open the catalog to page 1Availablee and d suggested d capacityy Company Profile Typicall Chargee Amountt on n Refrigerantt Circuitt HC Refrigerants handling systems Vacuum and Charging units Contact the technical FT srl for proper sizing accumulators, size and accessory piping Ecologic non-Flammable Refrigerants Examplee off connec on n and d func onalityy Constant pressure with accumulator Refrigerant transfer pump Stable rate with accumulator Pressure test units leak detectors The FT charging units operate at maximum accuracy when the accumulator is working correctly. Vacuum and Charging Injectors The pictures...
Open the catalog to page 2All FT SRL catalogs and technical brochures
Refrigerant transfert pumps
4 Pages
vacuum and charging unit
6 Pages