Catalog excerpts

Compressed Air Treatment Product Overview
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Compressed Air Treatment PRODUCT OVERVIEW THERE IS ALWAYS A SOLUTION We specialise in compressed air treatment and condensate technology, a market segment where there is increasing demand for innovative, energy-efficient and cost-effective technical solutions that also safeguard resources and protect the environment. We offer a complete range of products for a wide array of applications. Our products allow all the compressed air purity classes specified in ISO 8573-1 to be achieved. They can also manage condensate fully, from discharge to treatment. The compressed air purity classes that...
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Compressed Air Treatment PRODUCT OVERVIEW HIGH IN-DEPTH PRODUCTION - THE BASIS FOR FLEXIBILITY, SPEED AND HIGH QUALITY W&Z Rohrsystem-Technik, based in Netphen-Deuz, is one of our key strategic partners and shareholder of FST. This company specializes in the production of pipe systems, pressure vessels and complete plants – made out of steel or stainless steel. Its production facilities, which cover an area of approximately 6000 m², are divided into separate production lines and can produce plants weighting up to 70 metric tons, feature pipe diameters of up to 4000 mm and pressures of up to...
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Compressed Air Treatment PRODUCT OVERVIEW INDUSTRIAL FILTER HOUSINGS FCA < 16 bar volume flow up to 30.000 m³/h (opt. stainless steel) volume flow up to 12.750 m³/h (opt.stainless steel) volume flow up to 4.290 m³/h (opt. stainless steel) INDUSTRIAL FILTRATION GRADES AND ELEMENT TYPES W (HP) water separator coarse filter general purpose filter fine filter super fine filter activated carbon (element) activated carbon (cartridge) high temperature chemical resistant electrical conductivity PROCESS FILTER HOUSINGS FWP < 16 bar PROCESS FILTRATION GRADES V coarse filter general purpose filter...
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Compressed Air Treatment PRODUCT OVERVIEW COOLING HAO-RA 12 / 16 bar volume flow up to 4.500 m³/h air-cooled - with water separator volume flow up to 12.600 m³/h water-cooled - optional with water separator (WS) DRYING - REFRIGERATION DRYER FOR PDP DOWN TO + 3 C O volume flow up to 850 m³/h air-cooled - with hot gas by-pass control volume flow up to 24.000 m³/h air- or water-cooled volume flow up to 6.000 m³/h air- or water-cooled - with energy saving control DRYING - HEATLESS REGENERATED ADSORPTION DRYERS FOR PDP DOWN TO - 70O C DPS 1-8(A) < 16 bar volume flow up to 82 m³/h opt. with...
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Compressed Air Treatment PRODUCT OVERVIEW ACTIVATED CARBON OIL VAPOUR ADSORBER DSS 1-8 < 16 bar BREATHING AIR SYSTEMS - HEATLESS ADSORPTION DRYER WITH BREATHING AIR STAGE DPS 1-8 BI < 16 bar volume flow up to 82 m³/h breathing air acc. DIN EN 12021 volume flow up to 1.000 m³/h breathing air acc. DIN EN 12021 volume flow up to 82 m³/h volume flow up to 1.000 m³/h breathing air acc. Pharmacopeia Europaea breathing air acc. Pharmacopeia Europaea volume flow up to 30.000 m³/h manual drain volume flow up to 30.000 m³/h automatic drain volume flow up to 30.000 m³/h electronic, level-controlled...
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Compressed Air Treatment PRODUCT OVERVIEW NITROGEN GENERATORS GNA < 10 bar PSA system, volume flow up to 989 m³/h 95% to 99,9995% purity membrane system, volume flow up to 216 m³/h 95 % to 99,5% purity MAINTENANCE AND DEISCCANT BUBDLES (ALSO AVAILABLE FOR COMPETITOR PRODUCTS) SEWAPAC Service kits for oil-/water separators Desiccant and activated cabon bundles SPARE PARTS AND SERVICE KITS ( ALSO AVAILABLE FOR COMPETITOR PRODUCTS) SK Service kits Service parts Repair kits Upgrade kits CONTROL AND MEASUREMENT TECHNOLOGY Controller Controller for heatless- or heat regenerated dryers Measurement...
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FST GmbH - DBR - FST brochure product overview - GB - 20240124 FST GmbH Weiherdamm 17 l 57250 Netphen-Deuz Sales l Engineering l Service: Im Teelbruch 106 l 45219 Essen Tel.: +49 (0) 2054 8735-0 info@fstweb.de l www.fstweb.de
Open the catalog to page 8All FST catalogs and technical brochures
Nitrogen generators GNA and GNM
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CSQ oil-water-separator
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FST distributor
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FST condensate
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FST drying
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FST filtration: FCA / FWS series
20 Pages