Catalog excerpts
”This discovery gives us the ability to recover fingerprints from items that would have been previously difficult or impossible
Open the catalog to page 1Revolutionary New Technology for the Development of ‘Impossible’ Fingerprints RECOVER Bullet Casings Fired bullet cartridges are notoriously difficult to retrieve ‘usable’ prints from. RECOVER can yield fingerprints of an incredibly high quality. Jointly developed by foster+freeman, the MoD Defence Science & Technology Laboratory (dstl), the Home Office Centre for Applied Science and Technology (CAST), and Loughborough University, RECOVER LFT is a cuttingedge technique that uses an innovative chemical vapour fuming process to develop fingerprints on a range of difficult surfaces including...
Open the catalog to page 2RECOVER Compact Laboratory System RECOVER semi-automates the complex chemistry required to produce consistently high-quality fingerprints on untreated or cyanoacrylate-fumed items of evidence. Designed, engineered, and refined to provide a simple, low-maintenance solution, RECOVER contains all of the hardware and software components required for fingermark development, within a compact laboratory system. Motorised Lid Adjustable capacity Operated via the touchscreen, enables development chambers of varying capacity to be used. Development Chamber 360 o visibility Available in 2 sizes,...
Open the catalog to page 3Visible image of 2 fingermarks on a bullet casing that has been ‘unwrapped’ using the Cylindrical Surface Unwrapper RECOVER Fingermarks from fired ammunition casings Using traditional development techniques, the chances of locating a usable fingermark on a fired bullet casing are so low that many forensic fingerprint laboratories have abandoned the practice of examining this type of evidence altogether. Now, thanks to the unique chemical reaction of the RECOVER LFT process, it is possible to develop high-quality fingermarks on fired ammunition casings as well as other items that have been...
Open the catalog to page 4Greyscale image of fingermarks developed on a washed knife blade (enhanced and inverted using DCS5) Visible Illumination RECOVER Fingermarks from items purposely washed ‘clean’ Perhaps the most remarkable aspect of the RECOVER LFT technique is its ability to develop prints on items that have been submerged in liquids, including harsh environments such as bleach, and those that have been purposely washed clean. Unlike other techniques, the RECOVER LFT process does not require the presence of sweat or naturally occurring skin oils in order to develop a fingermark. RECOVER LFT can also develop...
Open the catalog to page 5RECOVER Further Testing and Validation Today, more than ten years since the initial work on the RECOVER LFT technique first began at Loughborough University, the process continues to undergo extensive and uncompromising scientific study. FIELD TESTING: The Firing Range Mixed-calibre ammunition was hand-loaded into a selection of firearms at a Las Vegas gun range. After firing, the shell cases were collected and subjected to the RECOVER LFT process. Where other techniques have previously had some success at visualising fingermarks on a low percentage of bullet casings, RECOVER was able to...
Open the catalog to page 6RECOVER System Specifications RECOVER LFT Development Chamber Turnkey RECOVER LFT system with integral precursor activation stage, motorised lid, touchscreen display and leak detection system. ► touchscreen display with RECOVER software interface ► internal micro controller monitors all aspects of the development process ► precursor activation stage ► Multi-functional/adaptable evidence rack ► Motorised lid ► 2 x standard development vessels (one mounted one spare) ► Precursor chemical and control samples ► External power supply unit Ductless Fume Enclosure Optional accessory for when...
Open the catalog to page 7Head Office, UK Sales Office USA Sales Office Vale Park | Evesham | WR11 1TD | United Kingdom 46030 Manekin Plaza | Suite 170 | Sterling | VA 20166 | USA
Open the catalog to page 8All Foster & Freeman catalogs and technical brochures
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