Catalog excerpts

The Kjeltec™ range offers a series of automated distillation units designed primarily for Kjeldahl analysis, but widely used for many different distillation chemistries. Kjeltec™ features include variable steam output, intelligent cooling water and distillate temperature control, reagent addition, tube emptying and FOSS patented SAfE technology in all models. A fully automated analyser, Kjeltec™ 8400, with on board self cleaning colorimetric titration system completes the range. Optional Kjeltec™ 8420/8460 Auto Samplers for 20 or 60 samples offer fully unattended operation of the analyser.
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Effective laboratory operations Thousands of laboratories around the globe have invested in Kjeltec™ instruments that go on working year after year. Based on the renowned accuracy, cost effectiveness and safety of FOSS Kjeldahl analysis solution, the Kjeltec™ 8000 series takes Kjeldahl analysis to new levels of efficiency with facilities to match today's demands, including: • More versatility and reduced operational costs • Self adjusting cooling water, saves water and reduces costs • Automatic flow control function • Minimal downtime and service with long-life components • Routine...
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Kjeltec™ 8100 • Automatic dilution, alkali addition, distillation and tube emptying provide ease of use. • Variable output steam generator broadens application area to other volatile components. • Official and accurate procedures (ISO, AOAC, EPA, DIN) simplify validation. • Patented SAfE12 feature for safe distillation of tubes with salt cakes. • Built-in safety systems for user protection. • Self adjusting cooling water control saves water and reduces costs. • Bellows pumps for accurate dispensing of reagents. • Alkali resistant plastic splash head & tube emptying vessel for long...
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Adaptable to your business Whether you own a basic distillation unit or a fully automated sampler system, with a FOSS solution you can get on with your business without worrying about how to get the best from your investment. That's because you can rely on the extra FOSS dimension - the features and services designed to help you get the best out of your FOSS instrument with minimal impact on your time and resources. These include: • Validated applications according to official standards • Ongoing support to meet your needs • Training by experienced local personnel • Customised FossCare...
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Unmatched accuracy with colorimetric titration (Kjeltec™ 8400) The Kjeltec™ 8400 offers you the FOSS designed colorimetric titration system for unmatched accuracy. The superior performance of a Kjeltec™ titration system is based on colorimetric measurement of a precise chemical reaction for end-point detection. Accuracy is assured time after time with the additional benefits of long-term stability, wide working range, speed and simplicity without the need for repeated and costly calibration procedures. Colorimetric titration is often the preferred methodology when new standards are issued...
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Extended warranty on new instruments with a FossCare agreement Secure your investment with a FossCare™ Support Agreement Let FOSS take care of you for a maximum return on your analytical investment. Get a four year warranty as part of the new FossCare Premium Preventive Maintenance Agreement or two years as part of any other FossCare agreement. In addition to the peace of mind afforded by the warranty period, the continual preventive maintenance pays off by keeping your analytical instruments working perfectly every day, year after year. Why preventive maintenance? As with any analytical...
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Technical Specifications DISTILLATION UNIT
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System description Kjeltec™ 8100 Distillation Unit, 200-240 V 50-60 Hz comprising: Microprocessor controlled distillation unit with tube draining and automatic addition of water and alkali, built-in steam generator for deionised water or tap water, complete with alkali/water/waste tanks with level sensors, receiver flask, combi-adapter for 100, 250, 400 and 750 ml tubes and digestion tubes for 100 and 250 ml Kjeltec™ 8200 Distillation Unit, 200-240 V 50-60 Hz comprising: Microprocessor controlled distillation unit with tube draining and automatic addition of water, alkali and receiver...
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Optional accessories: For a complete Kjeldahl system a Digestor with appropriate accessories such as Exhaust, Scrubber, test tubes and catalyst tablets should be selected. Kjeltec™ 8100 & 8200 • Titration unit complete, 50 ml • Basket for 20 receiver flasks (250 ml) • Receiver flasks, 250 ml (set of 10) Kjeltec™ 8200 • Kit for distillation by-pass • Cable for connection of external titrator • Kit for uprade of Kjeltec 8200 Distillation Unit to Kjeltec 8400 Analyzer Unit FOSS Foss Allé 1 DK-3400 Hilleroed Denmark Tel.: +45 7010 3370 Fax: +45 7010 3371 info@foss.dk www.foss.dk Kjeltec™ 8400 •...
Open the catalog to page 10All Foss Analytical catalogs and technical brochures
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Infratec™ NOVA
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Fibertec™ 8000
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Crude Fat
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Extractable Matter
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Total Fat
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Mill Collection
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MeatMaster™ II
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NIRS™ DA1650
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NIRS™ DS2500 F
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7 Pages
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24 Pages
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24 Pages
6 Pages
KT 200 Kjeltec™
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Infratec NOVA
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