Catalog excerpts

Vertical crystallisers and massecuite reheater The preferred crystalliser worldwide The preferred crystalliser worldwide • More than 200 references • Stationary straight tube elements up to 450 m³ • Mobile tube layers up to 700 m³ Very competitive equipment thanks to local manufacturing Outstanding performance • igh heat transfer coefficient and low temperature difference H between massecuite and water (10°C) • aximum exhaustion by combined control of massecuite M shear rate and cooling Optimisation of the final molasses exhaustion is an important aspect in the modern sugar industry. For that reason Fives Cail has produced more than 300 crystallisers and reheaters meeting all the requirements of factories - beet, cane or refinery. • trong and robust S • 1% to 2% sugar extraction recovery • Low electricity consumption: 0.03 to 0.05 kWh per ton of cane Easy installation and operation • Self-supporting on a reduced footprint • eight/Diameter ratio 3.5 minimum in order to enhance H the plug-flow effect • Automated operation • Welds outside the shell: easy check • Minimum maintenance requirements Fives Cail crystallisers and reheaters maximize molasses exhaustion and prepare your massecuite for maximum centrifuge performance. Driving Progress
Open the catalog to page 1
Massecuite reheater range Vertical crystalliser range Useful capacity Massecuite reheater Useful capacity Tank diameter Vertical crystalliser: two technologies Improved mother liquor or molasses igh heating surface (up to 1,300 m²) and H optimised upstream flow characteristics with no dead zone esigned to avoid sugar losses and any invert D or burn sugar he right amount of heat to improve T centrifugation Optimised sugar quality apid heating without crystal dissolving (roughly R 2 hours: 75% less residence time than in a vertical crystalliser) otally enclosed system, no contamination T...
Open the catalog to page 2All Fives Sugar | Bioenergy catalogs and technical brochures
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Continuous Vacuum Pans
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Massecuite pump
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Multitube dryer-cooler
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In-line Shredder
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