Catalog excerpts

Panel Finedust/HEPA Filter Type GP GP EN 006 08/07 FILT AIR Ltd. Member of the Beth-El Zikhron Yaaqov Group Zikhron Yaaqov 30951 P.O.B. 166, Israel Tel.: +972- 4- 629 9999 Fax: +972- 4- 629 9900 e-mail: export@filt-air.com http: //www.filt-air.com Features HEPA efficiencies of 95% up to 99.99995% (@ 0.3 m). Finedust efficiencies of 60% up to 98% ASHRAE. High quality micro fibreglass paper. Lowest initial pressure drop. Rigid frames.
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Overview The GP filter is designed and tested to extract the smallest particles out of the air. The GP series contains a fibreglass media pack in four (4) different heights (47mm, 56mm, 70mm, 93mm) and in different kinds of extruded aluminum frames. The filter media is pleated in "Minipleat shape" with a new application technology of "Hot Melt Spacers" to achieve lowest pressure drop results. Finedust - HEPA Filter Type GP HEPA efficiencies of 95% up to 99.99995% (@ 0.3 m ) Finedust efficiencies of 60% up to 98% ASHRAE High quality micro fibreglass paper Lowest initial pressure drop Rigid...
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Testing Each HEPA filter is tested and packed in accordance with American Standard IEST-RP-CC001.3 (HEPA and ULPA Filters) or in accordance with the European standard EN 1822 -1, 4&5 (Testing filter elements HEPA and ULPA efficiency and scan method) or customer requested testings. The prefilters are tested in accordance with European Standard EN 779 (Particulate air filters for general ventilation). This standard is based on ASHRAE 52.1 (Gravimetric and Dust-Spot Procedures for Testing Air Cleaning Devices Used in General Ventilation for Removing Particulate Matter 1992). Applicable...
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Technical Data Applicable Standards: EN 1822-5 IEST-RP-CC001.3 EN 779 ASHRAE 52.1 ISO 9001:2000 Filter Sizes !" # $ %& '($! !" # $ %& Finedust Filter data F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9 Rated face velocity m/s 2.4 2.4 2.4 2.4 Media Pack mm 47/56/70 47/56/70 47/56/70 47/56/70 Initial pressure drop @ rated airflow Pa 90/75/70 125/105/100 155/130/125 200/170/165 Filter class as per EN 779 F 6 F 7 F 8 F 9 Atmospherical dust-spot efficiency @ rated airflow: average (final pressure drop 450 Pa) % 65 (60-65) 85 (80-90) 95 (90-95) 97 (95-98) Recommended final pressure drop Pa 600 600 600 600 Flammability...
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Construction Code: B Construction Code: C Construction Code: D Construction Code: E Construction Code: F Construction Code: G Applicable Standards: EN 1822-5 IEST-RP-CC001.3 EN 779 ASHRAE 52.1 ISO 9001:2000
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Dimensional Sketch of Profiles Application Special profile with .knife edge. (suitable for .fluid seal. system) for GP filters with Media Pack Order Code 4 Standard profile for GP filters with Media Pack Order Code 4 Standard profile for GP filters with Media Pack Order Code 4 or 5 Special profile with .fluid seal. (suitable for .knife edge. system) for GP filters with Media Pack Order Code 4, 5, 7 or 9 Special profile with .knife edge. (suitable for .fluid seal. system) for GP filters with Media Pack Order Code 4, 5, 7 or 9 Standard profile for GP filters with Media Pack Order Code 4, 5, 7...
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Dimensional Drawing Order Numbers Order no. GP - - - Example GP - - - Media Pack A Efficiency B Size L x W C Frame D Construction E Screen Material F Seal G 47 mm 4 F 6 06 305 x 305 mm 33 82mm (K14-1) K No Screen/Media No Screen 0 No Seal 0 56 mm 5 F 7 07 305 x 610 mm 36 70mm (S-1) M at Profile Side A Exp. Aluminium A 1x Dry, Side A A 70 mm 7 F 8 08 457 x 305 mm 43 78mm (S-1) N No Screen/Media Exp. Steel / 1x Dry, Side B B 93 mm 9 F 9 09 457 x 457 mm 44 130mm (K15-1) X at Profile Side B Powder Coated Both Side, Dry C H10 10 457 x 610 mm 46 130mm (U15-1) Y 1x Screen/Media Exp. Stainless 1x...
Open the catalog to page 8All FILT AIR catalogs and technical brochures
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