

Catalog excerpts

ValveGuard - 1

P NOT JUST A CONCEPT ... A grEAT wAy TO CONTACT SAvE FIKE r E S S U r E r E l I E F v A l v E P r O T E C T I O N fike global manufacturing, sales and service fike is a global team of AmErICAS EUrOPE with fike rupture or bursting discs protecting your valves, you spend a little extra at the front end, but the savings add up QuicklY. experienced professionals Here is an example of the typical savings for a facility using 100 Pressure Relief Valves (Carbon Steel Body; Stainless Steel Trim), based on a composite of several actual installations. FIKE COrPOrATION blue springs, mo, usa tel: +1-816-229-3405 email: FIKE EUrOPE Herentals, belgium tel: +32-14-210031 e-mail: dedicated to life and FIKE CANAdA burlington, canada tel: +1-905-681-3100 email: FIKE UNITEd KINgdOm maidstone, kent, united kingdom tel: +44-1-622-677081 email: business safety. we work FIKE lATINA lTdA FIKE FrANCE cergy Pontoise cedex, france tel: +33-1-30-31-31-32 email: COST ANAlySIS EXAmPlE (PRV and disc costs vary based on application and quantity) # of Pressure relief or safety relief valves: 100 average cost per Prv/srv: $2,850 # of rupture discs: 100 initial cost per disc and Holder: closely with our clients $890 to solve highly complex INITIAl COSTS vAlvES PrOTECTEd By FIKE UNPrOTECTEd vAlvES valve cost: $285,000 $285,000 fike rupture disc Protection: $ 89,000 n/a TOTAl INITIAl COST: $374,000 problems with easy-to-use $285,000 COSTS products and services. Jundiai, brazil tel: +55-11-4525-5900 email: ASIA FIKE ASIA PACIFIC SdN BHd selangor darul ehsan, malaysia tel: +60-3-7859-1462 email: FIKE JAPAN tokyo, Japan tel +81-335-951-291 email: FIKE INdIA PvT. lTd. Pune, india tel: +91-20-2439-1947 email: FIKE dEUTSCHlANd mannheim, germany tel: +49-621-32-1670 e-mail: FIKE ITAlIA milano, italy tel: +39-02-2952-4166 email: vAlvES PrOTECTEd By FIKE mIddlE EAST/AFrICA UNPrOTECTEd vAlvES Prv repair costs: $ 28,500 $ 99,750 fike rupture disc Protection: $ 13,300 n/a TOTAl COSTS/TUrNArOUNd $ 41,800 $ 99,750 COSTS * turnaround costs: conservative assumptions, based on experience within the chemical industry. • Replacement of an unprotected valve is about 30 - 40% per turn-around • Replacement of a valve protected by a Fike rupture disc, is about 0 - 15% • Replacement of Fike rupture discs is about 35% per turn-around, at an average cost of $380 per disc = SaVINGS THaT’S a SavINgS Of $57,950 pEr TurN – your investment in fike rupture discs is paid for in about 1.5 turns. GREATER SAVINGS: It is possible to eliminate the use of more exotic valve internals (i.e. Hastelloy®) necessary for harsh or corrosive process environments, when using a disc assembly manufactured from the same material. Other HIDDEN COST Considerations: • Using more expensive Prvs than necessary • Unscheduled outage/downtime for damaged Prvs • loss of product or process media • Fugitive emission fines • Expensive Prv inventory WaNT TO ESTImaTE yOur SavINgS uSINg fIkE rupTurE DISCS TO guarD yOur valvES? ValVeGuard, AXIUS, Fike and Fike Corporation are trademarks or registered trademarks of Use the valvEguarD Calculator at Fike Corporation. Hastelloy is the registered trademark name of Haynes International, Inc. The Axius design is covered by United States patent 6,945,420, foreign patents, and patents pending. SAvE mONEy, FIKE IBErICA barcelona, spain tel: +34-93-6000-800 email: FIKE mIddlE EAST SPC (2009) *TUrNArOUNd COSTS SAvE dOwNTImE, ©Copyright 2009, Fike Corporation. All rights reserved. Form No. B9117 0309. Printed in the U.S.A. INCrEASE PrOdUCTION

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ValveGuard - 2

P r E S S U r E r E l I E F v A l v E P r O T E C T I O N S A v E gET yOUr PrOdUCTION NUmBErS UP , BUdgET NUmBErS dOwN. SAvE dOwNTImE, at fike, we make it our business to safeguard your entire business, from the production line to the bottom line. that’s why we offer the fike valveguard™ concept … a rupture/bursting disc application that can reduce your maintenance procedures, reduce emissions, increase your plant’s operating potential and save you money! Are your Prvs Unprotected? SAvE mONEy, INCrEASE PrOdUCTION Pressure or safety relief valves (Prv/srv) are commonly used to protect many...

Open the catalog to page 2
ValveGuard - 3

P r E S S U r E r E l I E F v A l v E P r O T E C T I O N S A v E gET yOUr PrOdUCTION NUmBErS UP , BUdgET NUmBErS dOwN. SAvE dOwNTImE, at fike, we make it our business to safeguard your entire business, from the production line to the bottom line. that’s why we offer the fike valveguard™ concept … a rupture/bursting disc application that can reduce your maintenance procedures, reduce emissions, increase your plant’s operating potential and save you money! Are your Prvs Unprotected? SAvE mONEy, INCrEASE PrOdUCTION Pressure or safety relief valves (Prv/srv) are commonly used to protect many...

Open the catalog to page 3
ValveGuard - 4

P r E S S U r E r E l I E F v A l v E P r O T E C T I O N S A v E gET yOUr PrOdUCTION NUmBErS UP , BUdgET NUmBErS dOwN. SAvE dOwNTImE, at fike, we make it our business to safeguard your entire business, from the production line to the bottom line. that’s why we offer the fike valveguard™ concept … a rupture/bursting disc application that can reduce your maintenance procedures, reduce emissions, increase your plant’s operating potential and save you money! Are your Prvs Unprotected? SAvE mONEy, INCrEASE PrOdUCTION Pressure or safety relief valves (Prv/srv) are commonly used to protect many...

Open the catalog to page 4
ValveGuard - 5

P NOT JUST A CONCEPT ... A grEAT wAy TO CONTACT SAvE FIKE r E S S U r E r E l I E F v A l v E P r O T E C T I O N fike global manufacturing, sales and service fike is a global team of AmErICAS EUrOPE with fike rupture or bursting discs protecting your valves, you spend a little extra at the front end, but the savings add up QuicklY. experienced professionals Here is an example of the typical savings for a facility using 100 Pressure Relief Valves (Carbon Steel Body; Stainless Steel Trim), based on a composite of several actual installations. FIKE COrPOrATION blue springs, mo, usa tel:...

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