FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC


Catalog excerpts

FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 3

Safety regulations and notes 1. The use/installation of proximity scanners used as non-contact protective devices, as well as the recurrent technicalchecks, are covered by national/international legal regula-tions, in particular > Use of Work Materials Directive 89/655 EEC, > the accident prevention and safety regulations.Manufacturers and operators of machinery equipped withour protective systems are responsible for consulting with the relevant authorities about, and complying with, all theapplicable safety regulations.2. Furthermore , our instructions, particularly with regards tothe...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 4

Note: Additional certification by Underwriters Laboratories Inc. (UL) as per UL 1998 and CSA C22.2 Number 0.8-M 1996. > Technical Description FLSC թ FIESSLER Elektronik OHG Doku Nr.628 R.H.

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 5

The FLSC proximity laser scanner is a device designed toprotect people and property. It is intended to monitor hazardous areas in enclosed spaces. FLSC is not designed for outdoor use.Observe the instructions relating to regulation use. FIESSLERcannot be held liable for damage arising from use of the FLSC other than stipulated. > Install the FLSC in a dry location and protect the unit against dirt and damage. > Lay all wires and connecting cables such that they are protected against damage. > Avoid the creation of strong electrical fields which could, for example, arise in the immediate...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 6

Principle of function The FLSC is an optical sensor which scans its surroundings withinfrared laser beams. It is used to monitor a hazardous area on a machine or vehicle. The FLSC can be used on manually controlled- vehicles, such as narrow-aisle forklifts and other lifttrucks, as well as in driverless transport systems (DTS) such asshunting cars and free-navigating vehicles.As a result of its scanning principle, the FLSC requires neitherseparate receivers nor reflectors.This has the following advantages:You can adapt the monitoring range precisely to the hazard-ous area of a machine.֖Since...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 7

Fields and measuring range of the FLSC The monitoring range of the sensor consists of a protectivefield and a warning field. You can use the applied software todefine the two fields and store them in the memory.The > ViewedҒ area(e.g. plant wall)measuring lengthwarning fieldprotective field4 m max.protectedareaapprox 15 mmax.warning field range protective field protects the hazardous area of a machineor vehicle. As soon as the sensor detects an object in the pro- tective field, it deactivates the safety outputs, thereby switchingoff the machinery or stopping the vehicle.This is a safety...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 8

These pages provide an overview of the key fields of applica-tion of the FLSC. Area protection On hazardous stationary machinery the FLSC ensures that themachine (or only its hazardous environment) is shut down assoon as someone enters the hazardous area. This is done bymeans of a protective field (1) which you can define accordingto your needs and store in the FLSC.You can also define a warning field (2) in front of the actualhazardous area which triggers an alarm signal as soon assomeone approaches the hazardous area. The person can thenmove out of the warning area without the machine or...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 9

Vehicle protection and navigation You can employ the FLSC on vehicles, such as driverless trans-port systems (DTS), forklifts and shunting cars, to safeguard avehicle's path on its way through a factory hall for example. The protective field (1) of the FLSC ensures that the protectivesemiconductor outputs (OSSDs) are deactivated, therebystopping the vehicle if a person or obstacle is standing in the way. You can also define a warning field (2) which, for example,triggers an alarm signal some distance before the person orobstacle is reached and cuts the speed of the vehicle. You can protect...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 10

The FLSC monitors hazardous areas and protects operatingper-sonnel and plants. To enable it to fulfil these tasks, you need to observe a number of rules and safety criteria whenchoosing its location. The key information with regard to this ispresented on the following pages. Note:It may be that other standards and regulations not cited hereare also of importance to your application. If you are uncertain about your application, please contact yourlocal FIESSLER office.Always choose a locationwhich provides the maximum safety in the hazardous area, ֖in which no obstacles can obstruct the...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 11

Important notes on configuration In with restart inhibitӔ mode the actuating element for therestart inhibit must- be positioned so that there is full visibility ofthe hazardous area. The actuating element for the restart inhibitmust not be accessible from the point directly in front of thesensor.In with restart inhibitӔ mode the close-up zone > 1) of the sensor(4 cm wide area measured from the front screen outer area) iseither to be rendered inaccessible (e.g. by a bar or undercut), ora proximity scanner with a 4 cm detection range is to bemounted over the sensor.For area protection, side...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 12

Location planning There are two basic alternative procedures for defining mountinglocations:First option: using the so-called teach-in mode. In this modethe FLSC measures the ambient contour and stores it (after au- tomatic correction) as the outer protective field. The following formulae must be applied to check compliance with therelevant specifications, such as the safety distance and mount-ing height-, retrospectively.Second option: using graphical or numerical protective fieldinput. In this the specifications to be complied with are ascer-tained at the outset and are then set in...

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FLSC - 2D Laser Scanner technical description FLSC - 13

As a secondary condition, EN 999 stipulates the followingminimum height:H > D = 15 x (d - 50) mmApplication of this formula is necessary as the leg diameterchanges with the distance from the floor. Here, d is the resolu-tion of the FLSC (d is dependent on the distance from the scan-ner).The resolution of the scanner must always be determined atthe point of the greatest measuring distance, i.e. at thegreatest occurring protective field length SL > max. protectivefield length max .Based on the working principle of the FLSC by means of radialscanning of the surroundings, a resolution is...

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