Catalog excerpts

Pick-up Vertical Turning Machines with Transfer Technology
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The Compact Production Turning Machine Unique machine design The proprietary Hessapp DVT design stands for complete large doors and windows guarantees maximum user friendli- machining without compromise, combined with maximum ness, easy setup and fixturing. As the turnover station is precision. When it comes to high precision in one chucking dispensed with, automation setup times are also minimized. after another, in particular, the advantages are significant, because the workpiece is transferred to the next chuck still clamped, without losing its position. Ever more restricted 3 General...
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Extract from the workpiece range Innovative transfer technology 3 Automatic loading / unloading of the machine 3 Workpiece transfer with maximum positioning accuracy 3 achining process layout according to the specific M advantages of a suspended and a fixed spindle regarding gravity and chip fall 3 o conveyors or turnover stations between the first N and second chucking operations 3 igh axis speeds for low cycle times and minimal H non-productive times 3 Low cost through high productivity Components and options 3 Simple, reliable, tried-and-tested components 3 Numerous options for your...
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Functional Design – Transfer Technology Travelling (suspended) motor spindle Stationary turret head Fixed motor spindle Workpiece infeed conveyor Cross slide Workpiece gripper for unloading Tray-type enclosure Workpiece outfeed conveyor Hydraulic counter-balancing Hydraulic lift unit with run-over protection Ball screw drive measuring systems in all axes DVT 200 / 300 / 400 also available as mirrored configuration DVT Auxiliary components 14 Linear drive 15 Linear guides with integrated measuring systems 16 Technology modules for grinding, NC-slide, drilling, milling 15 DVT 500 / 630 / 750...
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Complete Machining of Two Workpieces without Turnover Device The uniqueness of the DVT Instead of two individual machines linked by handling and turnover stations, just one DVT is required for machining workpieces from two sides with maximum precision. The basis for this system is the automatic loading of the machine through the suspended spindle and machining in an enclosed work area. Direct transfer to the chuck of the fixed spindle after machining takes place without any loss of quality between the two chucking operations. Step 1: Load Step 2: Machine 1st side Step 3: Transfer workpiece...
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Modular System Motor spindle Motor spindle Motor spindle Multiple drill head Tool holder with Crown turret Turret with live tools Multifunction plate Workpiece gauge 3 or holding static tools F 3 Workpieces up to Ø 500 mm Oval conveyor belt drag conveyor Inverted-tooth chain driven conveyor Flat chain drive
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Standard Options Highly dynamic motor spindles 3 Intrinsically robust machine base 3 trong-walled, extensively ribbed structure S 3 High motor power 3 hort strokes keep idle times to a minimum S 3 iquid-cooled, ensuring high thermal stability L 3 inear measuring system with pneumatic overpressure L in the X-axis 3 Exact positioning through integrated C-axis 3 Integrated clamping stroke monitoring reduces 3 Machine bed available as mineral casting setup requirements 3 Integrated measuring system in X-axis Machine bed and cross slide Highly dynamic motor spindles Handling systems Optional...
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DVT 200 / 300 Advantages 3 owerful motor spindles P 3 Fast axis speeds 3 Configuration from modular system 3 arious chip conveyors and cooling systems V (high pressure) 3 election of different tools and tool carrier systems S 3 espite the compact work area, all machine components D – such as the spindle, chuck and tool turret – can be easily reached for setup workn 3 or workpieces with a swing diameter of up to 250/280 mm F 3 ccess to entire work area through one large door, large A windows 3 lectric turret drive for minimal thermal effects E 3 -axis +/- 75 mm as option Y 3 he multifunction...
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3 or workpieces with a swing diameter of up to 510 mm F 3 or workpieces with a swing diameter of up to 630/750 mm F 3 he DVT 500 also offers space for various machining T 3 teep gradient of the walls in the work area guarantees the S modules, such as drilling, milling and grinding best chip removal 3 he diverse options available are rounded off by an T 3 ower spindle can be configured as travelling motor spindle L integrated Y-axis, tool and workpiece gauging, and 3 utomation options for large and heavy parts A driven tools with internal coolant supply 3 odular tooling systems suitable for...
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Components and Options for Your Individual Machine Drilling/milling unit NC lift-off slide with tool The modular drilling / milling unit can be used both for The NC lift-off slide was specially developed for the manufacture individual tools and multiple drill heads. of brake disks. It can be employed for the machining of all plane surfaces, however. Two cutters can operate simultaneously. Technical Data Technical Data Stroke Performance class 1 Speed max. Driven tools Turning, drilling, milling and tapping in a single chucking offers the best machining quality. No setup is needed between...
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Material Handling Systems – Flexible, Trouble-free, Adapted to the Job DVT 200 with rotary conveyor in a gear manufacturing cell with integrated robot automation and subsequent gear machining on a Modul hobbing machine Flexible handling systems finishing operations, as well as optional grinding, drilling, and Our technical partnership with you begins with your workpiece, milling, Hessapp offers turnkey solutions consisting of a DVH your machining challenges, quality and output requirements. and a DVT machine or two DVT machines. Whether you are From these individual elements, we develop a...
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Technische Daten Technical Data Machine type Work area Turning diameter max. Workpiece height with chuck Motor spindle Front bearing diameter Spindle nose Spindle nose cylindrical (spindle taper) Motor power at 40 % duty Feed rate/rapid traverse Rapid traverse Z-axis Rapid traverse X-axis Tool positions Machine foot print Dimensions L x W x H * US = Upper spindle / LS = Lower spindle
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