Catalog excerpts

Angular Position Transducers >
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Inductive transducer systems (WD) are available as models of synchro size 20 (series 620) and synchro size 23 (series 1023). They contain a differential inductor designed in form of a ring winding with a non-contact tapping. The electrical output signals representing zero and final value of the mechanical drive shaft angle are available within a broad range of limits via trimming potentiometers of the incorporated or separate electronics. For use in explosive installations, transducer systems as well as electronic components are available with a degree of protection EEx and Exd with ATEX...
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optoelectronic systemsinductive systemspotentiometric systems > color of stranded wire or cablesolder-typeterminals
Open the catalog to page 5All Fernsteuergeräte catalogs and technical brochures
Signal Indication
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Signal Converter
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X/Y- Control Transmitter
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Set-Point Adjuster
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Wind Warning System
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Tilt Angle Transmitter
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Spring Cable Reel
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Rope Length Transmitter
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Camshaft Gear
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Protective Casing
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Precision Rotary Potentiometer
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