Catalog excerpts
3Fenner Drives Keyless Bushings & SPECIALTY LOCKING DEVICES B-LOC. Trantoroue
Open the catalog to page 1Fenner Drives Keyless Bushings t Specialty Locking Devices From the moment the wheel came into existence, man bas been faced with tbe seemingly simple task of mounting bis invention to a shaft so tbat something useful coufd be accomplished. Though it has been over $,S00 years since thse rotating components bave made their way into use, nwny designs still utilize mounting metbods not mucb improved from the days of antiquity. Th騨se traditional connection methods include: interfrence fits (shrink or pressl keys and keyways, sptines and quick dtachable bushings. In the sections that follow, we...
Open the catalog to page 4B-LOC or Tian torque : the Endiuing Question Once you have decided that a keyless bushing is the right solution, your next big dcision is which sries ofFenner Drives B-LOC or Trantorque Keyless Bushings to choose. While the underfying engineering principle for both B-LOC ond Trantorque Keyiess Bushings is exactly the same, the functionality of each may appeal to diff驩rent applications and situations. SELECTION ASSISTANCE Shaf t Stte Range Torque Transmission Axial Movement Self Ceniering Concentrkiiy lance SHf-Lockino. Tjpers B-LOC B109 tt- 1%in; 6 35mm 167-5.929 in Ib; 19 - 683 Nm No Yes...
Open the catalog to page 6Internai or Extemal Al the hroadest levd< tht prnduu line may be split into two tatcgorl ■\ivk .'. H n ih i ri-.-_. (internai) and Spccialty Locking Devices (cxtcmil). Sciccrion among Spccialty Locking Devices 15rctarivcly straightforward. If you arc joining two solid shafts at their ends, kt page 48 for dtails on our B-LOC WK Sries Kigid Oouplitii-s. *lo connect r.i- ■.: industry standard coupling hubs or Ranges, gcaiboxcs w驯th holluw ouipui shafts* or certain orher similarly configured power transmission comportent», a B-LOC Shrink Disc may be best suitcd; sec page 45* Most applications,...
Open the catalog to page 7Fenner Drives Keyless Bushings SiSpeciaity Locking Devices From prcision mdical devices to powerful turbines, Fenner Drives Keyless Bushings are perfectly suited for use in any industry where there is a need to mount a component to a shaft Every day our customers find unique uses for the engineering 驩lgance of our keyless bushings. The application examples shown are just a s ma H sampling of the tnany thousands of possible applications for Fenner Drives Keyless Bushings. So ask yourself, "What do I need to mount today?" fTj B4.0C Shrink Dises aod WK Sries R驯gid CoupJings f7] He*vy Dut/...
Open the catalog to page 8B-LOC r B106 connects mill chain sprocket ' and permits simple timing of matched kJcxer amis on wood processing infeed taHe. 6 Standard Duty Shrink Oise ח' timuJtaneousJy transmils torque and thrust as standard shaft/hub connection speerfied on rcvoJubonary ar-gap rnagneipc couptng. He*/y Duty B112 mounts rotor on an aggrcgate impact crusher. Standard Duty Shrink Disc provides zro backlash connection for flexible dise coupllng on packaging equipmenL i 9 Meeum Duty Bl 15 intgrtes with modem engineered dass pulley design to maximise operating life (transparent -, r,% : CJq He»/y Duty Bl 12...
Open the catalog to page 9TrantorQue | / 1 Trantorque GT conrwcts a bming pulley ^"■^ to shaft on a canning machine | 2 ! Tran torque GT mounrs a rolter d^aln sprocket ^ lo a kcyiess reA*cer output shaft. B Trantorque GT connecte a syndronous bek puley lo rear wheei of hybrid vehfcle (transparent view). | 41 Trantorque a rack and OE emures z٩ro baddash on pinion drive. i 5 j Trantorque Mini provides a solution lor mounfing comportent* in bght spaces on very small shafts. such as for this timing pulley on a linear slide. FermerDrives
Open the catalog to page 10| 6 | Trantorque S positions a sries of lever arms, greatly simplifying installation and timing. | 7 I The Trantorque GT units on this battling * robot allowed the designers to eliminate keys and keyways, resulting in a lighter yet stronger machine. | 8 I Trantorque GT is perfect for high speed, low torque applications where balance is critical, as on this fan hub. 9 | Trantorque NT allows worn conveyor rolls to be replaced quickly and easily. 10 This Trantorque GT 陗 like ail of our keyless bushings features infinitש radial positioning, making timing of this run-out table chain drive quick...
Open the catalog to page 11Made to Order (MTO) Fenner Drives offers a wide slection of standard keyless bushings to meet most shaft/component mounting needs. However, we realize that to be innovative in a global marketplace, today's engineers often require custom solutions. With unrivaled engineering expertise in keyless bushing design and material slection coupled with world class manufacturing capabilities, Fenner Drives is well positioned to offer MTO Keyless Bushings. From the ordinary to the extraordinary our engineering team is ready to work with you. Together, we will develop a unique keyless bushing to meet...
Open the catalog to page 12Lubricants The use of lubricants on threads and in some spcial cases, tapers, can have dramatic impact on keyless bushing properties. Light machine oil Synthetic grease FDA approved lubricants Screws Performance of many B-LOC Keyless Bushings is determined by the screw grade used. Additionally, particular applications may benefit from a custom screw configuration. Image 4: This MTO Shrink Disc illustr院tes our ability to expertly design and manufacture spcial products for anysize application, large orsmall. Image 5: A positioning flange is machined both inside the bore and at the back ofthe...
Open the catalog to page 13Keyless Bushings Engineering Information SURFACE FINISH Recommended surface finish for shafts and hub bores to be used with Fenner Drives Keyless Bushings is between 32 and 125 micro-inch RMS. A smoother finish such as that found on components supplied TG&P (turned, ground and polished) ח is NOT recommended and can result in a failure of the connection. Note that surface finishes below 32 micro-inch RMS can be roughened using longitudinal abrasion with a bastard file, emery paper or similar to achieve a surface finish within the recommended range. CONCENTRICITY Fenner Drives Keyless...
Open the catalog to page 14All Fenner Drives catalogs and technical brochures
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