Catalog excerpts

High Performance Composite V-Belts V-BELTS"BvSɋs**" SPWEDEEBELTS
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V=)=tk*=A inimised Maintenance Ti Like all power transmission belts, Fenner Drives' HPC V-Belts may require retensioning after an initial "run in" period. But unlike conventional V-belts, with PowerTwist Plus, NuTLink and SuperTLink, retensioning is simple; just roll the belt off, take out a link 1 and roll it back on no need to move any i drive components. I No time ח no trouble. Brick Manufacture Problem Fitting replacement endless V-belts on this high heat drive entailed totally stripping down equipment, removing pulleys and then reassembling. This process would take 2 - 3 days. Solution...
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7 educed Drive Vibration & Rochester, PowerTwist Plus, NuTLink and SuperTLink do not have the continuous tension cords found in conventional V-belts. As a result, transmitted vibration in the drive system Woodworking Equipment Problem The continuous tension cords in conventional V-belts were allowing vibrations to be transmitted from the table saw motor to the cutting blade. This caused "blade chatter" leading to imperfect rough cuts. Solution Fitting PowerTwist Plus V-Belts dampened transmitted vibrations and reduced system noise significantly. V-Belt-driven woodworking equipment will...
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Take the Shock °aif Electrostatic Build Up Have an application where static electricity is getting you all chargea up? PowerTwist Plus Antistatic is the answer... with all the benefits of standard PowerTwist Plus and the best antistatic properties of any V-belt on the market, easily passing the ISO 1813:1998 standard. While the standard allows the resistance of the drive belt to be as high as 3.6 mega ohms (3,600,000 ohms), PowerTwist Plus Antistatic typically registers well below 50 ohms, while even the best so called antistatic rubber belts usually measure between a shocking 10,000 -...
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^^45»^ Antistatic V-Belts PowerTwist Plus Antistatic Time (hours) 1$ Accelerated Life Test Comparison Fermer Drives' ISO 1813:1998 test methods have been validated by TV SٙD America Inc. Use PowerTwist Plus Antistatic and gain all of these great benefits: 100% ISO 1813:1998 inspected and certified by Fenner Drives Օ Ultralow resistance antistatic V-belt Antistatic properties unaffected by humidity levels Օ Electric Blue color for easy identification Drop-in replacement for classical section V-belts Օ Industry standard power ratings Reduced drive vibration Օ Longer belt life Easier,...
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10 HPC V-Belts for Extrme Tempratures V-BELTSMm"m"Mj%gZZMa'" SPWEDBEBELTS Rubber V-Belts on Your Air Handling Units Lasting 3 Years?Probably not... Short V-belt life on air handling units (AHUs) operating in hot climates has always been accepted as just one of those things. Even with rigorous system inspection programs, unexpected failures are almost unavoidable leaving public places over-heated and guests hot under the collar. Today, in order to maximize AHU up-time, many Property Managers are requiring the upgrade from conventional rubber V-belts to High Performance Composite (HPC)...
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^^3?Specialty Belts Fenner Drives continues innovating new products to meet your ever-changing application needs and complment the use of PowerTwist Plus V-Belts. All PowerTwist Specialty Belts have the same detachable link design and easy installation as the original PowerTwist Plus, along with unique, value-added features that make them superior to alternative belting options. Powejjwist SuperGrip Top PU Known for its tremendous durability, [ PowerTwist SuperGrip I Top PU stands up to the rigors of conveying i in the most abrasive 1 environments. It will easily move concrte blocks, bricks...
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12 Specialty Belts PowerTwist Friction Top 1 With a top layer of 85A polyurethane engineered | into each link, PowerTwist Friction Top offers a Ihigher coefficient of friction in conveying applications than standard I PowerTwist Plus. This extremely durable polyurethane surface is fused with the rest of the belt and will never delaminate. Perfect for applications where more grip is needed but a SuperGrip Top Belt is unsuitable. Material Handling Problem An international manufacturer of material handling Systems wanted to produce premium equipment that was designed to have absolute minimal...
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17 Washdowns PowerTwist Plus is ideal for use in applications involving washdowns. On this crate washer, high resistance to water, elevated temperatures and detergents is essential. wood conveying Excellent abrasion resistance and product grip combined with easy installation makes PowerTwist Plus the transfer belt of choice in the fabricated wooden components sector. Packaging PowerTwist Plus V-Belts are widely used in time sensitive packaging operations. Replacement belts of any length can be made up by hand on site and fitted in minutes without the use of belt welding tools or the...
Open the catalog to page 17
Part Numbers Metric Package Lengths Belt Carton Product Carton Product Carton Product Section Pack Number Pack Number Pack Number 3L 2m Sleeve 04100102 10m 0410010 30m 0418013 Z/10 2m Sleeve 04100202 10m 0410020 30m 0418023 A/13 2m Sleeve 04090502M 10m 0410030 30m 0418033 B/17 2m Sleeve 04090302M 10m 0410050 30m 0418053 C/22 10m 0410070 30m 0418073 D/32 ח 10m 0410090 30m 0418093 PowerTwist Plus® Antistatic Belt Carton Product Carton Product Section Pack Number Pack Number A/13 10m 040850010 30m 0408500 B/17 10m 040860010 30m 0408600 NuTLink® V-Belts SuperTLink® SP Wedge Belts Belt Section...
Open the catalog to page 18
Part Numbers Imprial Package Lengths PowerTwist Plus® V-Belts Belt Carton Product Carton Product Carton Product Section Pack Number Pack Number Pack Number 3L 5' Sleeve 0418010SL 25' 0405010 100' 0408010 A/4L 5' Sleeve 0418030SL 25' 0405030 100' 0408030 B/5L 6' Sleeve 0418050SL 25' 0405050 100' 0408050 C 25' 0405070 100' 0408070 D 闗 25' 0405090 100' 0408090 PowerTwist Plus® Antistatic Belt Carton Product Carton Product Section Pack Number Pack Number A/4L 25' 0408505 100' 0408501 B/5L 25' 0408605 100' 0408601 PowerTwist® SuperGrip Top PU PowerTwist® SuperGrip Top PVC Belt Carton Product...
Open the catalog to page 19All Fenner Drives catalogs and technical brochures
Power Transmission
40 Pages
Belting for Conveying
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4 Pages
4 Pages
Glass Manufacturing
4 Pages
4 Pages
6 Pages
2 Pages
Food Processing
4 Pages
Keyless Locking Devices
56 Pages
T-Max Belt & Chain Tensioners
20 Pages
Glass Conveying
4 Pages
Poultry Industry
4 Pages
Air Handling Systems
4 Pages
Wood Processing
4 Pages
4 Pages
Data Centers
4 Pages
Big Box
4 Pages
Eagle Polyurethane Belting
48 Pages
Archived catalogs
1 Pages
Gypsum Wallboard
4 Pages
Distribution Centers
4 Pages
Tile Plant
4 Pages
Trackstar Quick Change
12 Pages
PowerMax Pulleys & Idlers
16 Pages
Keyless Locking Devices
52 Pages