Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE A Complete range for the Requirements of the armed forces and Civil Protection Hydraulic cranes without compromise since 1965. Der Ladekran Spezialist seit 1965. Fassi hat ein 45-jähriges Know-how und seit Produktionsbeginn über 110.000 Ladekrane für Fahrzeuge aller Art gebaut, deshalb sind wir in der Lage unsere Erfahrung in den Dienst der Streitkräfte und des Zivilschutzes zu stellen. Fassi hat Lösungen für jede Arbeits- und Einsatzsituation, in der die Bewegung von Lasten besondere Schnelligkeit, Präzision, Wendigkeit und Sicherheit erfordert. Fassi arbeitet mit...
Open the catalog to page 2CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Die Bilder sind ausschließlich zur Präsentation des Produktes - Las imágenes son solo propósito de la presentación del producto - De beelden zijn enige doel van de presentatie van het product
Open the catalog to page 3CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Made-to-measure installation for the ideal solution The most appropriate Fassi installation L’installation Fassi la plus adéquate pour chaque véhicule. for each vehicle. Les grues Fassi s’adaptent sur plusieurs types de véhicules grâce à des installations qui répondent aux différentes demandes de manutention des charges. Les grues peuvent être installées sur des bennes basculantes, des fourgons, à l’avant ou à l’arrière des camions, sur des véhicules embarqués ou à terre, ou encore, associées à des véhicules destinés au secours routier. Il existe une gamme de grues...
Open the catalog to page 4CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Für jedes Fahrzeug die am besten passen- Para cada vehículo el equipamiento Fassi más adecuado. de Fassi-Lösung. Las grúas Fassi se prestan para poder ser integradas en varios tipos de vehículos gracias a unos equipamientos que responden a las diferentes necesidades para el desplazamiento de las cargas. Las grúas se pueden montar sobre volquetes, furgones, delante o detrás sobre camiones con caja, montadas sobre carrozados desmontables o dejadas en el suelo, o bien asociadas a los vehículos para la ayuda en carretera. Existe una línea de grúas Fassi para posiciones...
Open the catalog to page 5CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Accessories that increase the versatility of a Fassi Crane Increase versatility with Fassi accessories. Fassi has created a complete range of accessories for its cranes that increase their versatility, transforming them into multifunctional devices. The following accessories are available for Fassi cranes: hydraulic winches, hydraulic buckets, pallet forks, drills and pole handlers. Molteplici possibilità di utilizzo con gli accessori Fassi. Fassi ha predisposto per le sue gru una gamma di accessori completa che ne aumenta le caratteristiche di versatilità,...
Open the catalog to page 6CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Vielfache Verwendungsmöglichkeiten mit Numerosas posibilidades de empleo con Fassi-Zubehör. los accesorios Fassi. Fassi hat für seine Krane eine komplette Zubehörpalette vorgesehen, die aus dem hydraulischen Ladekran ein Multifunktionstalent macht. Folgende Zubehöre gibt es für FassiKrane: Hydraulische Seilwinden, Hydraulikgreifer, Krangabeln, Erdbohrer und Mastenstellgeräte (Manipulatoren). Auger Trivella Tariëre Erdbohrer Barreno Fassi ha preparado para sus grúas una gama de accesorios completa que aumenta sus características de versatilidad, transformándola en...
Open the catalog to page 7CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Fassi, innovation Cube
Open the catalog to page 8CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Techno Chips IMC - Integral Machine Control ADC - Automatic Dynamic Control S800 - Normal Multifunction Distributor Bank MPES - Multi Power Extension System S900 - Normal Multifunction Distributor Bank D850 - Digital Multifunction Distributor Bank D900 - Digital Multifunction Distributor Bank RCH/RCS - Radio Remote Control FX500 - Fassi Electronic Control PROLINK - Progressive Link FX800 - Fassi Electronic Control FSC - Fassi Stability Control UHSS - Ultra High Strength Steel MOL - Manual Outriggers Lock FWD - Fewer Welds Design CPM - Crane Position Monitoring RPS...
Open the catalog to page 9CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Fassi technology becomes evident Performance, Control and Strength, are the new “Techno Chips” revealed by Fassi R&D and the marketing team. The purpose is to wisely introduce to the cranes market transparent information for conscious investments. Le nuove “techno Chips” per le prestazioni, il controllo e la forza della gru, sono state elaborate dalla Ricerca e Sviluppo in collaborazione con il team di marketing fassi. L’obiettivo è comunicare con trasparenza un patrimonio tecnologico a chi cerca un investimento consapevole. Les nouvelles « Techno Chips » pour les...
Open the catalog to page 10CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE
Open the catalog to page 11CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Reliability is a basic element of Fassi DNA ln the various countries where Fassi cranes are sold, the cranes undergo safety type approval and acceptance tests prior to introduction on the market. Since 1989 the manager of the Fassi Engineering Department has held the position of chief of the ltalian delegation of “truck cranes” in CEN, the European Committee of Standardization. The entity establishes uniformity of safety standards that regulate the product in Europe. THE EN 12999 MACHlNE DlRECTlVE - CE MARKlNG - SELF-CERTlFlCATlON - The entire product range of...
Open the catalog to page 12CRANES WITHOUT COMPROMISE Quality - Certified standards Every phase of the entire production cycle from design to post-sale service, is regulated through written procedure in accordance with the Fassi Group Quality System employed and conforms with the UNl EN lSO 9001:2008 standard certified by the DNV international organization, Det Norske Veritas. Jede Phase des gesamten Produktionskreislauf, beim Entwurf angefangen bis hin zum After-Sales-Service, ist in der Qualitätssicherung schriftlich geregelt, geprüft und zertifiziert nach UNI EN ISO 9001:2008 DNV, Det Norske Veritas. Ogni fase...
Open the catalog to page 13All Fassi gru S.p.A catalogs and technical brochures
12 Pages
12 Pages
24 Pages
F710RA xhe-dynamic
12 Pages
F110B.0 - F110B.1 - F110B.2
28 Pages
Fassi SE serie
12 Pages
Fassi Defense Serie
16 Pages
Fassi Marine Serie
32 Pages
12 Pages
F85B.0 - F85B.1 - F85B.2
32 Pages
F65B.0 - F65B.1
20 Pages
F50A active - F50A e-active
12 Pages
16 Pages
F245A.0 - F245A.2
24 Pages
F215A.0 - F215A.2
24 Pages
F195A.0 - F195A.2
24 Pages
F175A.0 - F175A.2
24 Pages
F155A.0 - F155A.2
24 Pages
16 Pages
F515RA e-dynamic
12 Pages
F135A.0 - F135A.2
24 Pages
16 Pages
F1350RA xhe-dynamic
12 Pages
F1300RA he-dynamic
16 Pages
F990RA xhe-dynamic
12 Pages
F950RA he-dynamic
16 Pages
F820RA xhe-dynamic
12 Pages
F800RA he-dynamic
16 Pages
F720RA he-dynamic
12 Pages
F660RA he-dynamic
16 Pages
F510RA he-dynamic
16 Pages
F600RA he-dynamic
16 Pages
F545RA xe-dynamic
2 Pages
F485A xe-dynamic
20 Pages
F455A e-dynamic
24 Pages
24 Pages
F415A e-dynamic
24 Pages
Techno Chips
68 Pages
XS series
8 Pages
z series
8 Pages
12 Pages
SE series
12 Pages
S series
12 Pages
T series
12 Pages
K series
4 Pages
16 Pages