Processing Plants


Catalog excerpts

Processing Plants - 1

Frderanlagen Magdeburg FAM Mineral Processing Plants >

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Processing Plants - 2

■ ■ Mineral Processing > ■ Mining Industry The Mineral Processing Experts ■ References for turn-key plants ■ Power Plants ■ Efficient and easy-to-handle solutions ■ High standards for quality and safety ■ German know-how ■ Metallurgical Industry Engineering and fabrication in one hand ■ Cement Industry ■ Building Material Industry ■ Chemicals Industry ■ Fertilizer Industry > Coke plant in GermanyLongitudinal stockyard with stackerand bridge-type reclaimerstockyard capacity 2 x 100000 tbelt conveyor systemwagon thawing up installationProcessing plantwith 2 impact hammer mills...

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Processing Plants - 3

Frderanlagen Magdeburg 梖 crushing "֠ sizing ■ grinding ■ drying ■ sifting > 3 Coke plantin GermanyCoal processingwith2 impact hammer millsPHM 1620 MVDrotor diameter 1600 mmrotor width 2000 mminput 10 - 80 mmoutput 95 % < 10 mmcoal 400 t/h size="-3">

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Giant crushing plantin Canada with double feeding hopper 2 x 900 m > 3 and 2 heavy-dutyapron feedersAF 3400 x 20 oil sand 2 x 12000 t/h >

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Processing plantin Canada with semi-mobile crushing plant feeding hopper 800 m > 3 oil sand 8000 t/h Ore opencast mine in RussiaLarge-scale conveyor system on sleepers and pontoons shiftable and extendible tail drive station on crawlers 3 x 710 kW overburden 4800 t/h >

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Processing Plants - 6

Limekiln in GermanyMobile in-pit crushing plantwith steep cone crusherSKB 1250 Elimestone 700 t/h Cement plant in GermanyMobile in-pit crushing plant with double rotor hammer crusher DRHB 2222 limestone 1000 t/h Cement plant in RussiaMobile in-pit crushing plant with jaw crusher KSB 1209 limestone 300 t/h 6 >

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Cement plantin Germany Complex in-pit conveying system with silo feeding equipment limestone 2700 t/hIn-pit crushing systemin Canada3 semi-mobilecrushing plants withheavy-duty apron feedersAF 3400 x 21and AF 3940 x 15feeding material0 - 2800 mmoil sand 3 x 8000 t/h

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In-pit classifying plant in GermanyPre and secondary crushingclassification to 10 grain-sizesgravel, chippings 800 t/h Pre crushing plant, with reciprocating feeder SWA1450, roller sizer RR1530, single roller crusher EWB1614 Gypsum quarryin Germany open-pit conveyor system gypsum 150 t/hCementplantin Vietnamhopper stadionfor aggregates >

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Cement plantin VietnamSecondarycrushing plantwithdouble roller crusherZWB1212rotor diameter 1200 mmrotor width 1200 mminput 0 - 300 mmoutput < 60 mmclay 450 t/h > Cement plant in VietnamProcessing plant with apron feeder AF1300 x 9.5double roller crushers ZWB1612 and ZWB1212clay 450 t/h Cement plant in SyriaAutomatically truck loading station >

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Processing Plants - 10

Impact crusherPB0808PMwith hot gasdrying systemrotor diameter 800 mmrotor width 800 mminput 0 - 120 mm output 0 - 20 mmlimestone 60 t/h Hot gas generator forthe air stream grinddrying system 10 >

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Limekiln in Germany Comlex crushing and grind-dryingplantwith dedusting and automaticallysilo truck loading station limestone 70 t/h Impact hammer millPHM1212 with hot gas drying system rotor diameter 1200 mm rotor width 1200 mm input 0 - 20 mm output 0 - 6,3 mm limestone 70 t/h 11 >

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High performanceair stream separatoroutput < 90 mlimestone 20 t/h Impact hammer millPHM1012rotor diameter 1000 mmrotor width 1200 mminput 0 - 6,3 mmoutput 0 - 0,8 mmlimestone 60 t/h 12 >

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Limekiln in GermanyCrushing and grind-drying plantwith impact crusher PB0808PMimpact hammer mill PHM1212and impact hammer mill PHM1012limestone 70 t/hGypsum works in GermanyHandling and loading plant for gypsum and anhydrite Automaticallysilo truck loading station 13 >

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Limekilnin Germany Compact crushing plant with 100 m > 3 feeding hopperheavy-duty apron feeder AF1800 x 16.7slat width 1,8 mcentre distance 16,7 m feeding material 0 - 1400 mm and spillage conveyor limestone 650 t/h Processing plant in CanadaErection of a bunker system hopper capacity 3600 m > 3 with two heavy-dutyapron feeders AF 3000 x 22oil sand 2 x 4250 t/h >

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Heavy-duty apron feederAF 3000 x 22 slat width 3 m centre distance 22 m oil sand 4250 t/h Heavy-dutyapron feedersAF 3400 x 20slat width 3,4 mcentre distance 20 mfeeding materialup to 2800 mmoil sand 12000 t/h Feeding hopper stationwithheavy-duty apron feederAF 3400 x 20oil sand 12000 t/h

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Processing Plants - 16

Reciprocating feeder SWA1450feeding width 1400 mm feeding length 5000 mm feeding material up to 1000 mm gypsum 150 t/h Drag bar feeder TKF 1400 x 15troughed width 1400 mmdrive power 132 kW petrol coke 1000 t/h Roller sizer RR1530roller sizer width 1500 mmroller sizer length 3000 mminput 0 - 1000 mmpeeling 150 mmgypsum 150 t/h 16 >

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Processing Plants - 17

Coaling installation in GermanyRoller sizers RR2256input 0 - 400 mmpeeling 200 mmand RR2473input 0 - 200 mmpeeling 50 mmcoal 2400 t/hContinuous roller crusher DLWB1022rotor diameter 1000 mmrotor width 2200 mminput 0 - 1200 mmoutput 0 - 200 mmcoal 600 t/h Roller sizer RR1436roller sizer width1400 mmroller sizer length3600 mminput 0 - 30 mmpeeling 100 mmcoal 1400 t/h 17 >

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Processing Plants - 18

Divisionsaccording toH. Schubert > FAMJaw crushers with throughput rates up to 450 m 3 /h FAMBall Millswithgirth gear driveup to 4500 kWpower capacityFAMAttritor mills producingslurries or powder < 15 m FAMImpact crusherswiththroughput ratesup to 2000 m very hardhardmediu m > coarsemediumfinefinevery finevery fine SAG millsJaw crushers Roller mills Rod mills Impact mills 18 > Ball mills 3 /h 1 յm10 m100 յm1 mm10 mm100 mm1000 mm Attritor mills >

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m hard softmoist and sticky Impact crushers Hammer crushers > coarsemediumfinefinevery finevery fine FAMDouble roller crusherswith throughput ratesup to 5000 m 3 /h FAMHammer crushers with throughput rates up to 1800 m Roller crushers 3 /h FAMHammer millswiththroughput rates up to800 m 19 > Special hammer mills 1 m10 浵m100 m 1 mm 10 mm100 mm1000 mm > 3 /h size="-1">

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Processing Plants - 20

Cement plantin GermanyComplex materialshandling systemwithdouble roller crusherZWB1012 andlongitudinal stockyardfor aggregateswith stackerand 2 side scraperreclaimersCement plant in VietnamMaterials handling system with apron feeder AF 1300 x 9.5 double roller crusher ZWB1612and longitudinal stockyardwith stacker and portal scraper pozzolana 300 t/h Double roller crusherZWB1612 rotor diameter 1600 mm rotor width 1200 mm input 0 - 600 mm output < 90 mm pozzolana 300 t/h 20 >

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