Catalog excerpts

Weighing SolutionS • Steel CoilS • Aluminum CoilS • Copper CoilS • BilletS • CAStingS • CABle SpoolS AEGIS® COIL SCALES Load Cells Superior Coil SCAle DeSigneD meet reAl-WorlD performAnCe expeCtAtionS. ViSit our World today: WWW.fai
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theSe SCAleS outWeigh the Competition in DurABility, reliABility, SpeeD AnD ACCurACy. AEGIS COIL SCALES ® DESIGNED TO MEET CUSTOMER DEMANDS Fairbanks Scales’ extensive customer base was researched to determine the “key” elements required for an ideal coil scale. Cradle sold Fairbanks considered the following customer research separately. issues when customizing its new Aegis® Coil Scale for coil scale users: durability, reliability, accuracy and speed. DURABILITY “The steel industry breaks components that “can’t” break.” Fairbanks’ Aegis® Coil Scale offers more built-in protection measures...
Open the catalog to page 2All FAIRBANKS catalogs and technical brochures
Series III General Purpose
4 Pages
Series II General Purpose
4 Pages
1124 Series Portable Scale
4 Pages
BPP Series Portable Scales
1 Pages
Aegis® Transport Scale
4 Pages
4 Pages
1600 series remote displays
2 Pages
4 Pages
Reliant series
4 Pages
4 Pages
QuickSilver Series Bench Scales
4 Pages