Catalog excerpts

STANDARD HOUSING DESIGNS Body: Welded carbon steel construction other materials available by requestASME Code, Section VIII, Div. 1, stamped andcertifiedՕDesigned for 150 psi (10.5 kg/cm > 2 ) @ 250F З higher pressures and temperatures available by requestInlet and outlet permanently marked ՕExterior: Prime coated Swing bolt head closures ՕHead Gasket: Buna-N o-ring other materials available by requestוHeadlift furnished on 18" (457 mm) OD and larger STANDARD CONNECTIONS Inlet and outlet: 150# RF (ANSI) flangedՕAll other connections are 3000# NPT couplings OPTIONS Automatic air eliminatorՕDifferential pressure gauge Immersion heaters ՕLiquid level gauge Pressure relief valve ՕSampling probe Special connections available ՕDrain valves Blind cover for pilot control mounting flange ՕInterior epoxy coating (Including optional accessories) Facet VCS Series two-stage vertical coalescer separator housings are mechanical devices designed to filter solids and separate two immiscible liquids. Using Facets first-stage coalescer cartridges and second stage separator cartridges, they provide the highest degree of water and solids removal available.These quality Facet products are designed for installations in petrochemical plants, refineries, power plants, bulk storage terminals, offshore platforms, manufacturing plants and many other industrial applications. > Due to our continuing program of improvement, specifications are subject to change without notice. copyright 2006 9910 EAST 56TH STREET NORTH, TULSA, OK 74117-4011TEL: 918-272-8700 / 800-223-9910 FAX: 918-272-8787E-MAIL: sales@facetusa.com www.facetusa.com I-219 Facet I-2 Rev 04-2006.indd 19 7/28/06 7:54:36 AM size="-3">
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(Subject to Limitations Contained in Footnotes) (2) MODELNUMBERVFCS-C-MAXIMUM FLOW RATES RECOMMENDED FOR VISCOSITIES SHOWN PERF. > (1) 31 SSU 33.0 SSU36.0 SSU 39.0 SSU 42.3 SSU45.5 SSU52.0 SSU58.8 SSU97.5 SSU 150.0 SSU 200.0 SSU SolidsWater 1 CS2.2 CS3.0 CS4.0 CS5.0 CS6.0 CS8.0 CS10.0 CS20.0 CS32.0 CS43.0 CS Micron ppm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm gpm lpm > VCS-222-122255 20.54010<10<5145549120454903416524650189451703011425951038OAOA8 6OAOA30 23OAOA6 4OAOA23 15VCS-243-222255...
Open the catalog to page 3All Facet International catalogs and technical brochures
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