Catalog excerpts

WEDM tooling FT 00332 - Version 03.17/ English Innovat i ve Tooling S olutions
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F-Tool WEDM tooling system FT 01925 Patent pending F-Tool Frame Set Link FT 01840 FT 01066 FT 02149
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F-Tool WEDM tooling system Patent pending E x t ensive d utie s - si m pl y resol ved! Palletisation of the work pieces Presetting and control outside the machine Simple, handy manipulation and transfer into the machine. Clamped fast in reference position. Large and small pieces can be clamped flexibly with an optimal accessibility into the working range of the machine. Modular layout in the machine with stoppers fixtures and multifunctional clamping bars. A c o m p re he nsive , accur ate clam pi ng assor tm en t com p l e t es t h e s ys t em FT 01352 The parts can be palletised outside...
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F-Tool WEDM tooling system Op t i mise s w ire EDMi ng wi t h t he new F - Tool wire t ool in g s ys t em •Ratio na l isa tio n t hrough si m ple clam pi ng •St ep a he a d w it h sm ar t soluti on T h e new F - To o l WE DM t ooli ng sys tem i s develop in g con t in u ou s l y t o t h e n eed s of t h e en d u s er s . T h e F - To o l WED M clam pi ng sys tem provi des: - accurate and extensive clamping possibilities - palletisable clamping elements - economic and extendable solutions - compatible solutions to existing tooling systems F - To o l p rov id e s multi functi onal clam pi ng...
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Patent pending ptool <5» The F-Tool clamping concept is solved simply and efficiently. By pulling the pressure screw tight, the clamping elements are clamped very strong and precise into the reference position. The basic rulers are compatible with all Wire EDM-machines with working table chuck Z-0. The pressure screws are push' ing straightly the F-Tool clamping elements into their position. Selectable optimised application: Z-reference height zero (photo left) or collision-free zone with spacer plate (photo right) F-Tool WEDM basic sets F-Tool ruler set The F-Tool ruler set is an economic...
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F-Tool WEDM basic sets F-Tool WEDM tool set The WEDM tool set contains a practical assortment of corrosion-resistant screws, keys, brackets, support plates and bases. We recommend the set to every wire EDM user. Combination examples:
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FT 02097 F-Tool brass corner jaw block The brass corner jaw block is an easy tool to clamp work pieces on Z-0 levels and miscellaneous F-Tool clamping elements with hole grids 20 mm, designed to preclude any collisions. Combination example: F-Tool basic ruler and spanner 50 F-Tool basic ruler The basic ruler are adjusted to the coordinate system of the machine and provide afterwards a fast clamping of work pieces or F-Tool pallets and clamping elements in reference position. Dimension: length = x mm / width = 60 mm / height = 30 mm The set contains: 1 x basic ruler / 1 x FT 01376 stopper /...
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F-Tool front spanner The front spanner provides a support plate for small parts or can be used in combination with the side spanner (FT 01351), the corner set 85 (FT 01352) or with the distance support mini (FT 01066). The clamping lip lies in basic position on zero level. This zero level can be hoisted 3 mm with the spacer plates. Clamping section of front spanner +3 mm is 3 mm above Z=0 to avoid collision with lower guide. Dimension: 55 x 60 mm / height = 22 mm The set contains: 1 x front spanner / 2 x FT 01382 F-Tool bracket ER34 corrosion-resistant F-Tool front spanner Z-Vario The...
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Clamping solutions for the F-Tool Ruler Set ftool © The Mini Universal clamping plate, to fix thin plates in the F-Tool RulerSet. The z-lip supports are just +2 mm above the 0-level to avoid any collision with the flushing nozzle. The z-lips on both sides of the clamping plate give a high flexible application range. The clamping plate can be mounted as a single-, or over the corner as a multifunctional clamping devise. The Mini clamping plate is delivered with two Mini brackets. Combination examples: The Clamping block can be used as a basement on the EDM, EDM-drilling and Presetting...
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3D swivel head multifunctional Si m p l e a d ju s tme nt i n t hree i ndependant axes. C ho ose yo ur c o mb i nati on wi t h a couple of g ri ps . Fast, precise and three-dimensional adjustment. Among many F-Tool clamping elements it’s also compatible to EROWA and 3R systems. The swivel head can be prepared and adjusted outside the machine on a presetting station and clamped on the F-Tool basic ruler on the machine table. flexible al practic ic econom
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Details swivel F-Tool 3D swivel head with front spanner 140 The F-Tool 3D swivel head with front spanner 140 is delivered completely with screws, brackets and alien keys. The prism holder (FT 01593) and the yoke 140 mm (FT 01594) can be fixed frontal into the FT 01693. The yoke can be used directly on the beams and on the front spanner to clamp square pieces as well. F-Tool 3D swivel head IF 90° The 3D swivel head IF 90° is used for the frontal collet of clamping elements and adapter plates. F-Tool 3D swivel head IF 15 / 3R Compatible with many 3R clamping elements. F-Tool Adapter to swivel...
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F-Tool WE DM basic sets ftool @ Fast, precise and three-dimensional adjustment. A universal and multifunctional set. Quick assembling with the basic ruler 140 mm. Compatible to WEDM-machines with Z-reference height 0. The set contains: 1 x FT 01697 3D swivel head IF 22 1 x FT 01347 basic ruler 140 mm 1 x FT 01319 vise 100F22 diverse screws and keys ^ delivered in a synthetic case F-Tool 3D ViseSet 220B28 Fast, precise and three-dimensional adjustment. Flexible machining of cubic pieces of miscellaneous sizes in Z-zero position. Accurate, strong ond centrically clamping, simplifies the...
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F-Tool WEDM clamping elements ftool <2!>F-Tool frame pallet The F-Tool frame pallet 75 x 75 x 10 mm has a height of 10 mm only and is suited for the collet of thin plates <75 x 75 mm. The parts can be clamped with M6 screws sideways on plan-eroded pins. Parallel grinded plates with unmachined side faces can be clamped accurate on small support beams. The frame pallet can be inserted directly in the corner set 85, in the palletset W adapter, the F-Tool swivel table with IF 22 or in the ER swivel. The frame pallet is delivered completely with screws and 2 small clamping beams. Pallet...
Open the catalog to page 13All F-Tool catalogs and technical brochures
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