

Catalog excerpts

CHALLENGER 15/18/22 LITE - 1

A member of the MTL Instruments Group technical datasheet CHALLENGER 22 Industrial 22" Remote PC Terminals for industrial areas • Client specific modular system • Specified for use in industrial area • Designed for roughest environment • Highest dependability • Savings of software licence costs by cascading several CHALLENGER remote terminals to one PC The Challenger 22 Industrial remote terminal is ideally suited to surviving the harsh environments typically found in Pharmaceutical, Chemical, Petro Chemical, Oil & Gas and Off-shore manufacturing. In addition to GECMA's Explorer Panel PC the Challenger Remote Terminal restricts itself to the minimal needed components to remote operate any PC or workstation from distant area, independent from the operating system used. This gives the lowest possible probability of default and down times and highest flexibility. Designed for rough environment the Challenger 22 Industrial remote terminals are rugged and durable by the deliberate selection of high-quality materials, stainless steel housing, lowest power dissipation and use of exclusively passive mechanical components like passive cooling. The flexible modular concept consisting of application specific components allows the Challenger 22 Industrial remote terminal to be used under the strictest of hygienic conditions as well as in aggressive production environments. Constructed as panel mounting module the Challenger 22 Industrial remote terminal can be integrated easily into our standard enclosure, a huge range of special enclosures, as well as existing enclosures, walls and cabinets. The TFT displays of the Challenger 22 Industrial is available with touch-screen display options and a wide range of requirement dependent input devices to perfectly support local plant conditions, e.g. Keyboard, Trackball, Joystick, Touchpad, Mouse and further variations in material, functionality and customization. The large 22" display provides high definition, crystal-clear images and excellent contrast. The extra-wide viewing angle provides comfort and flexibility in the choice of viewing position. The Challenger 22 Industrial’s data transmission between safe and hazardous area is a proprietary and approved system and therefore guaranties maximum life time and easy maintainability without down times on site. An additional autonomous communication channel allows to interface further equipment, e.g. serial devices like scanner or cameras.

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CHALLENGER 15/18/22 LITE - 2

SPECIFICATION ORDERING INFORMATION Electrical Screen size: 22 inch (55 cm) - across diagonal Screen type: LCD thin film technology (TFT) The Challenger 22 Industrial is available with equipment options as defined below. For any optional features please contact our sales team. 1680 x 1050 pixels (WSGA+) lower resolutions are interpolated Contrast ratio: Viewing angle: Touch screen technology: Resistive 5-wire touch screen foil or glass (optional) cover sheet Power supply: Input power: Transmission unit max. 20W Challenger Industrial max. 70W Transmission unit: Serial transmission line...

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