Catalog excerpts

ٕ Enables real-time data collectionand monitoring of live VoIP and IP video traffic Provides network operators detailedservice visibility to ensure quality from network core to the customer Օ Utilizes standards-based, call qualityand video quality, measurementcapabilities Measures both signaling protocolsand bearer traffic quality Օ Features carrier-class design fordeployment in production networks Supports on-site or fully remotelights-out management > Brix 4100 Verifier and Brix 4104 Verifier Brix Networks is a global provider of converged service assurance solutions that allow the worldՒs largest serviceproviders and enterprises to offer reliable and high-quality experiences in voice, video, data, and mobile services to theircustomers, partners, and employees.The company brings a proven heritage of IP expertise unique to the service assurancemarketplace, and collaborates closely withits customers and partners to assure the delivery of any IP-based service, over any network, to any endpoint.Brix Networks seamlessly integrated hard-ware and software products, collectivelycalled the Brix System, are converged service assurance solutions that proactivelymonitor IP service and application quality.Network operators use the Brix System toguarantee the successful launch and ongoing, profitable operation of their various IP services.The company also offers self-service testingportals (www.TestYourIPVideo.com andwww.TestYourVoIP.com) that enable users to independently measure the quality they are receiving from their interactive IP-based video and VoIP services. As a member of Brix Networks converged service assurance solution, the Brix System, the Brix 4100 Verifier family provides real-time monitoring of live customer Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) and IP video (IPTV) trafficҗproviding full visibility across transport, signaling, and media performance. Designed for use in large-scale, production networks, the Brix 4100 Verifier family is a key component of the companys integrated service assurance suite of products, which includes the BrixWorx > ҙ correlation and analysis softwareengine, as well as the BrixCall > VoIP monitoring and BrixVision > ٙ IP video monitoring software.The combined system closes the visibility gap from expected network performance to actual customer experience, efficiently monitoring, assessing, and reporting on the quality of voice and video traffic throughout operational VoIP and IPTV networksBy implementing BrixCall, providers can accelerate VoIP deployments with confidence andsustain greater profitability from IP-based voice services. The combined Brix 4100 Verifier family and BrixCall solution provides network operators with detailed service visibility andanalysis of live subscriber calls to ensure quality of service (QoS) across the network coreto quality of experience (QoE) to the customer.When strategically deploying the Brix 4100 Verifier family throughout providers IPTV networks, BrixVision monitors live video streams to deliver end-to-end views of IPTV service performance and video content quality to continually ensure customersҒ QoE expectations and overall success. > Todays networks are characterized by multiple points of access to multiple services. The Brix 4100 Verifier family provides the measurement layer and creates service demarcation points for analyzing revenue-sensitive services and enables end-to-end service visibility across the network. Each Brix Verifier independently monitors the bearer and/or signaling channels of the service for central correlation and analysis by BrixWorx. The result is a systemthat provides unprecedented visibility into the customerҒs QoE. Each call is correlated toa single Call Quality Record (CQR) and video metrics are available on a per-channel and per-location basis. >
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