Catalog excerpts

OPTICAL LOSS TEST SET > part of the SharpTESTER LineLAN Applications > NETWORK TESTINGOPTICAL Features/Benefits Ideal for network-link characterization Clear, LED-based pass/fail assessment Error-free, semi-automatic loss testing Straightforward step-by-step loss testing wizard EXFOגs AXS-200 platform advantages: modularity, connectivity and a high-legibility color screenFiber inspection probe (FIP) option to prevent dirty and damagedconnector problemsVisual fiber location (VFL) capabilities for quick and easytroubleshooting CWDM-ready and equipped with a high-power detector www.EXFO.com Telecom Test and Measurement size="-5">
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Optical Loss Test Set > Combined with EXFOs future-proof AXS-200 Handheld ModularPlatform, the AXS-200/350 Optical Loss Test Set (OLTS) is the ideal tool for network-link characterization. Designed for first-class ease of use, the AXS-200/350 features a pass/fail LED indicator; whatҒs more, it lets you set your own thresholds for loss measurements. Thanks to its large data storage and its standard reporting software,the AXS-200/350 facilitates data management and enables data transfer via USB connection. It also offers complete test report, including certification of the link with pass/fail...
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Optical Loss Test Set > Easy-to-read, LED-based pass/fail assessment; loss testing wizardReduces operator errors and testing time in typicalfor error-free, semi-automatic measurementsmeasurement situations.AXS-200 SharpTESTER platform main characteristics: modularity, Expands with your network and service test requirements, connectivity, weather-proofness and high-legibility color screencovering copper/DSL/triple-play, Ethernet and other optical application; transflective screen for optional viewing; easy data transfer via USB connection.Fiber inspection probe supportEnsures that...
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Optical Loss Test Set > When using the AXS-200/350 in Auto-Switching mode, the light source automatically toggles between available wavelengths. The powermeter recognizes the wavelengths and automatically switches to the proper wavelength. With a press of a button, you can store resultsfor all wavelengths at once, speeding un and simplifying test cycles.Thanks to its unique design, the AXS-200/350 OLTS reduces both the risk of error and the measurement time in typical situations, asthe need for an offset nulling is eliminated.In addition to network-link characterization features, the highly...
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Dirty connector. Clean connector. AXS-200/350 with FIP-400. > Visual fault locator. > Optical Report Viewer: main window. >
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Model VFL Option TK-AXS-350-2 00 = Without VFL VFL = With VFL Probe Option 00 = Without FIP Connector Adapter FP4D = 200X/400X video inspection probe FOA- 12 = BiconicFOA- FP4S = 400X video inspection probe 14 = D4, D4/PCFOA- 16 = SMA/905, SMA/906FOA- Platform Software Option 22 = FC (PC/SPC/UPC/APC), NEC-D3FOA- 00 = Without FIP software 28 = DIN 47256 (LSA): DIN 47256 (PC/APC)FOA- FPS = With FIP software > a 32 = ST (PC/SPC/UPC)FOA- 40 = Diamond HMS-OHFS-3 (3.5 mm)FOA- Model 54 = SC (PC/SPC/UPC/APC)FOA- A1 = Ge detector, 850/1300 nm LED source (62.5/125 m) 76 = FSMA HMS-10/AG,...
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Rugged Handheld Solutions Platform-Based Solutions OPTICAL COPPER ACCESS OPTICAL FIBER DWDM TEST SYSTEMS TRANSPORT AND DATACOM OTDRsOLTSs Power metersLight sourcesTalk sets ADSL/ADSL2+, SHDSL, VDSL test setsVoIP and IPTV test sets Ethernet test sets POTS test sets OTDRsOLTSs ORL metersVariable attenuators OSAsPMD analyzers Chromatic dispersion analyzer Next-generation SONET/SDH and OTN testersSONET/DSn (DS0 to OC-192) testers SDH/PDH (64 kbit/s to STM-64) testersT1/T3, E1 testers10/100 Mbit/s and Gigabit Ethernet testers Fibre Channel testers10 Gigabit Ethernet testers EXFO America 3701...
Open the catalog to page 8All EXFO catalogs and technical brochures
Timing and synchronization
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5 Pages
4 Pages
FTBx-9150 Optical Switch
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Ethernet Testing
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RESTful HTTP WebRTC Testing
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7 Pages
7 Pages
SCM-GbE Interface
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TravelHawk Portable Analyzer
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ETS-1000G Ethernet Analyzer
6 Pages
FLS-140 Visual Fault Locator
2 Pages
Archived catalogs
ETS-1000 Ethernet Analyzer
8 Pages
IQS-9100 Optical Switch
4 Pages
2 Pages
Brix 4100 Series Verifier
2 Pages
Brix 100 Series Verifier
2 Pages
AXS-100 Handheld OTDR Series
8 Pages