OpenView SDK


Catalog excerpts

OpenView SDK - 1

OLYMPUS* OpenView SDK Create Your Own NDT Software Application

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OpenView SDK - 2

Customize Your Software Interface When your application involves the inspection of a particular part or special requirements, you can benefit from the OpenView SDK (software development kit) to customize your own user interface. OpenView SDK enables you to create your own software with the specific features required for your application. Compatible with the FOCUS PX phased array and conventional ultrasonic data acquisition instrument, OpenView SDK gives experienced software developers access to a source code library that will help guide them during the development of their software....

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OpenView SDK - 3

Minimum Requirements OpenView SDK is compatible with all ultrasonic and phased array FOCUS PX models, including units featuring 4 UT, 16:64PR, 16:128PR, and 32:128PR channels. The minimum computer requirements for the OpenView SDK are: • CPU: Intel® Core” i7 or Xeon® E3 • RAM memory: 16 GB (DDR3 or better) • Data storage drive: SSD • Network adaptor: Gigabit Ethernet card dedicated to the acquisition instrument (for acquisition). The driver must support a 9 K jumbo packet. The computer needs a second network adaptor if you want to simultaneously connect it to a local area network and to a...

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