Catalog excerpts

EHCS-LV Series Hybrid Inverter: On-Grid Inverter With Energy Storage Innovative and Cost-effective Power Solution ‧ Self-consumption and feed-in to the grid ‧ Programmable supply priority for PV, Battery or Grid ‧ User-adjustable battery charging current suits different types of batteries ‧ Programmable multiple operations modes: Grid tie, Off grid, and grid-tie with backup ‧ Built-in Timer for various mode of on/off operation ‧ Multiple communication for USB, RS-232, Modbus and SNMP ‧ Monitoring software for real time status display and control ‧ Custom-made firmware by ODM contract ‧ Parallel operation up to 6 units for 10KW and 15KW EHCS-LV is a flexible and intelligent hybrid inverter which utilizes solar power, AC utility, and battery power source to supply continuous power. It’s a simple and smart solar power storage system for home users to either store energy into a battery for night-time usage or use for selfconsumption first depending on demands. Priority for power source is programmable through smart software. During night time or power failure, it will automatically consume reserved power from the battery. In Feed-in this way, it will reduce dependence on the utility. inpu power Innova ve Way In comparison with conventional grid-tie inverter, EHCS-LV can not only feed-in power to the grid but also store solar power to the battery for future usage and directly power to the loads. Inverter Solar PV array Save money by discharging battery for self-consumption first EHCS-LV can save money by using battery No need Solar PV array energy first when PV energy is low. Until battery energy is low, EHCS-LV will consume AC Ba ery power from the grid. Power backup when AC failed EHCS-LV can operate as an off-grid inverter to provide continuous power even without the grid. It’s a perfect power solution for remote regions or temporary AC power source for
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MAXIMUM PV INPUT POWER RATED OUTPUT POWER MAXIMUM CHARGING POWER GRID-TIE OPERATION PV INPUT (DC) Nominal DC Voltage / Maximum DC Voltage Start-up Voltage / Initial Feeding Voltage Full Load MPPT Voltage Range Number of MPP Trackers / Maximum Input Current GRID OUTPUT (AC) Nominal Output Voltage Output Voltage Range Nominal Output Current Power Factor Range EFFICIENCY Maximum Conversion Efficiency (DC/AC) European Efficiency ciency@ Vnominal OFF-GRID OPERATION AC INPUT 120 - 140 VAC per phase / 180 VAC per phase AC Start-up Voltage/Auto Restart Voltage Acceptable Input Voltage Range Maximum AC...
Open the catalog to page 2All EverExceed Industrial Co. Ltd catalogs and technical brochures
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