Catalog excerpts

Nanoimprint Lithography Nanoimprint Lithography
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Nanoimprint Lithography Introduction EV Group is the market-leading equipment supplier for nanoimprint lithography (NIL). Pioneering this non-conventional lithography technique for many years, EVG mastered NIL and has implemented it in volume production on ever-increasing substrate sizes. EVG’s proprietary SmartNIL technology is optimized by years of research, development and field experience to address nanopatterning requirements that cannot be supported by conventional lithography. SmartNIL provides superior conformal imprint results down to 40 nm. UV Nanoimprint Lithography EV Group...
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EVG®610 / EVG®620 NT / EVG®6200 NT Universal mask alignments systems with UV-nanoimprint capability ■ High-precision alignment stage ■ Automated wedge error compensation mechanism ■ Motorized and recipe-controlled exposure gap ■ Supports the latest UV-LED technology ■ Minimized system footprint and facility requirements EVG®720 / EVG®7200 / EVG®7200 LA Automated full-field nanoimprint solution up to Gen 3 substrates ■ Volume-proven imprinting technology with superior replication fidelity ■ Proprietary SmartNIL® technology with multiple-use polymer stamp technology ■ Integrated imprinting,...
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Stamp UV Resist Substrate Attach Stamp Imprint Nanostructures Detach Stamp A substrate is spin-coated or drop-dispensed with a UV-curable resist. Subsequently, a stamp is pressed into the resist and cross-linked by UV light while still in contact. µ-Contact Printing Soft Stamp Material on Substrate Pick up Material Material Transfer Remove Stamp A pre-inked stamp is used to transfer materials onto a substrate in a distinct pattern. This technique is used for local modification of surface chemistry or precise placement of capture molecules in biosensor fabrication. Hot Embossing Pressurized...
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Nanoimprint Lithography Process Results New application developments are often closely linked to advances in equipment capabilities. EVG’s NIL solutions are able to produce a multitude of different sized and shaped patterns with nanometer resolution and enable many new innovations in displays, biotechnology and photonic applications. AFM image of a single pixel on HRI SmartNIL® imprint SEM image of slanted gratings Source: EVG in collaboration with NILT Microfluidic chips replicated in PMMA by hot embossing Source: EVG L/S grating with optimized approximately 10 nm thickness Source: EVG 10...
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China EV Group China Ltd. +86 21 3899 4888 Sales@EVGroup.cn TechSupportChina@EVGroup.com Taiwan EVG-JOINTECH CORP. +886 3 516 3389 Sales@EVG-Jointech.com.tw TechSupportTaiwan@EVGroup.com Headquarters EV Group Europe & Asia/Pacific GmbH DI Erich Thallner Strasse 1 4782 St. Florian am Inn Austria +43 7712 5311 0 Sales@EVGroup.com TechSupportEurope@EVGroup.com North America EV Group Inc. +1 480 305 2400 SalesNorthAmerica@EVGroup.com TechSupportNorthAmerica@EVGroup.com Japan EV Group Japan KK +81 45 348 0665 Sales@EVGroup.jp TechSupportJapan@EVGroup.com Korea EV Group Korea Ltd. +82 2 3218 4400...
Open the catalog to page 6All EV Group catalogs and technical brochures
EVG®770 NT
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EVG Product Range Brochure
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EV Group Product Range
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