Catalog excerpts

steam sterilization
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THE NEED Many dry products need to be pasteurized or sterilized. Several solutions exist like irradiation, Eto, ozone, and UV. However, steam sterilization is the only efficient and globally recognized solution. Safesteril is a continuous dry steam sterilization process, which is completely safe and natural. It only uses heat to reduce the germ content of the product. Safesteril will make your product safer for the consumer, while maintaining its high quality. kS< THE PRODUCTS Safesteril can treat most dry and wet products. Thﯨse include: Spices, seeds, herbs, botanicals, dehydrated fruits...
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THE PROCESS capacity Slow rotating dosing screw (whole products do not break) With SPIRAJOULE*, product is gently conveyed with an eletrically heated worm screw. Very small flow of steam is injected and superheated in the Spirajoule. PRODUCT REMAINS DRY Automatic switch of the product which didn't reach the target tempթrature. Only the treated product goes into the cooler. With UPX* product is cooled down in a cold and dry atmosphͨre. Organoleptical properties are kept, product is stabilized. PRODUCT IS STILL DRY !
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SMART PLC INTERFACE - Safesteril control and monitoring - CCP alarm management (For HACCP procdure) - User management 53 mB\ SB SB SB \ L==y=d IE镫D (administrator/operator) - Available in your language MANAGEMENT & TRACEABILITY SOFTWARE Recipe database Create your own recipe Continuous traceabiiity Critical control points (CCP) follow up Data acquisition in your PC
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TECHNICAL DATA Safesteril version ^ Capacity [m3/h] based \ on 10' passing time 600 X2 6 600 3 450 1.5 215 0.15 9C configurations ► [ READY FOR X2 OPTION" AND "X2 UPGRADE" ^CAPACITY X2! Like several of our customers, you may need to increase the capacity of your Safesteril due to the success of your "Safesterilized" products. Safesteril grows as you grow. Start small with one Safesteril line and douPle it's capacity with the "X2 upgrade". Purchase your Safesteril equipment with the "Ready for X2 option" for an easy transition to increase your capacity. Then order the "X2 upgrade" which will...
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ABOUT US Safesteril was developed and patented by ETIA, a French engineering Company, which was founded in 1989. The two founders, Olivier Lepez, PhD and Philippe Sajet, PhD, developed a new technology based on direct use of elec-tricity applied to a conveying device (ohmic heating). Since the crͩation of Spirajoule®, ETIA has been dealing with the continuous heat treatment of dry and wet food products. In the late 1990's, ETIA focused their technologies on steam sterilization processes and created Safesteril. Spirajoule is the dry steam sterilizer used in Safesteril, which is a turnkey...
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