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TYPICAL ANALYSIS Thermochemical Conversion Carrefour Jean Monnet BP 20101 - 60201 Compiegne cedex - France - Tel: + 33 3 441
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1.4 billion tons tires are sold each year. • Increasing volumes of waste to be treated worldwide. • Millions of used tires illegally dumped or stockpi I led. • Potential threat to human health (fire risk, haven for rodents or other pests Global amount of scrap tires: 13,5MT Energy recovery Material recycling Retreading, export Landfill 40% of ELT is converted into energy 30,2 GJ/t car tire - 26,4 GJ/t truck tire • Transforming ELT into fuel • World market: BIOGREEN is a patented suitable process for enhancing the potential energy of scrap tires by thermochemical conversion. The principle...
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