ETAP Real-Time
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Catalog excerpts

ETAP Real-Time - 1

ISO 9001:2000 10 CFR 50 Appendix B10 CFR 21ANSI/ASME N45.2ASME NQA-1 ANSI/IEEE 730.1CAN/CSA-Q396.1.2ANSI N45.22 2008 Operation Technology, Inc. All rights reserved. Certain names and/or logos used in this document may constitute trademarks, service marks, or trade names of Operation Technology, Inc. Other brand and product names are trademarks of their respective holders. | 17 Goodyear, Suite 100 | Irvine, CA 92618 | T 800.477.ETAP | T 949.462.0100 | F 949.462.0200 | >

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ETAP Real-Time - 3

Power, Precision, Performance Intelligent Power Management System for Operators, Managers, & Engineers > ETAP Real-Time extends the traditional data acquisition systems to an intelligent and power management solution for operators, dispatchers, engineers, and decision makers. Its modular applications can be tailored to fit the needs of each company, from small to large power systems. Industrial facilities, transmission, and distribution companies, generation owners, and vertically integrated utilities can all benefit from the features and functionality of ETAP Real-Time.ETAPs robust and...

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ETAP Real-Time - 4

Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS) applications allow operators, engineers, and managers to make better and more informed decisions in the critical aspects of their business. Advanced Monitoring Automatic Generation Control Advanced Monitoring provides intuitive, intelligent, and integrated real-time monitoring via a state-of-the-art interface. Automatic Generation Control is a multi-area supervisory control that utilizes real-time data to regulate generation levels in order to maintain system frequency and power exchanges with neighboring areas at scheduled values. Energy...

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ETAP Real-Time - 5

Load Preservation Substation Automation Load Preservation first calculates the minimum required power to be shed for each subsystem and accordingly selects the optimal combination of loads that will satisfy the requirements. Substation Automation utilizes intelligent analysis processes to dynamically manage the monitored data for substation level and central system evaluation. Load Restoration Switching Management Load Restoration monitors system operating conditions after a load shedding event and restores loads while maintaining system stability and reliability. Switching Management...

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ETAP Real-Time - 6

Operations O Op > The ability to seamlessly integrate process information with electrical system constraints is essential to a reliable operation. Virtual testing of operator actions (predicting system response) prior to implementation can reveal potential problems, hence reducing human errors and the risk of service interruptions. ETAP assists operators in making informed and logical decisions to reduce operating costs and improve system reliability. T ETAP Power System Enterprise Solution can maximize the entire production process, reduce losses, and increase profits through continuous...

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ETAP Real-Time - 7

U Advanced alarm management ETAP saves energy costs due to the overall system optimization and power loss reductions. Depending on the size of the facility, the expected average savings can be thousands of dollars per MVA of load per year. Savings can be considerably higher for systems that have abnormal losses, circulation power, or energy cost penalties. The informed decision-making is achieved through:Prevention of human errors by predicting the system behavior based on the operator actions or disturbances Uʊ Flexible graphical monitoring U Multiple access levels Uʊ Multi-console...

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ETAP Real-Time - 8

Provides intuitive and integrated real-time monitoring via an intelligent graphical user interface, one-line diagram, and digital dashboards. Monitoring functions include checking the condition of the network, estimating missing system states, detecting network abnormalities, trending metered values, and annunciating alarms based on operating conditions and status changes. Power System Monitoring & Simulation (PSMS) is at the heart of the ETAP Real-Time management application. PSMS is the smart choice for both large and small electrical utility systems, generation plants, industrial sites,...

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ETAP Real-Time - 9

The operator interface provides graphical and tabular views of the network to allow the operators and dispatchers to make quick, accurate, and proactive decisions while performing critical tasks. ETAPs embedded visualization tools, intelligent one-line diagram, customizable notification views combined with prediction and simulation modules improve situation awareness by enabling the dispatcher to effectively and efficiently manage vast portions of the system. Energy usage and cost analysis features provide energy consumption and cost / profit for individual generation units, areas, and the...

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ETAP Real-Time - 10

Real-Time Simulation is a powerful analytical tool that allows for prediction of system behavior in response to operator actions and events via the use of real-time and archived data. > System operators and engineers must have instant access to online information and analysis tools that allow them to predict an outcome before system actions are taken. The ability to simulate the sequence-of-operation using real-time data is of fundamental importance. Real-time simulation can avoid inadvertent plant outages caused by human error, equipment overload, etc. > U Load Flow Uʊ Full spectrum AC &...

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ETAP Real-Time - 11

Load Forecasting is an ideal tool for industrial users as well as utilities to reliably and accurately forecast future short term loading in the system. A good forecast has a direct and significant impact on costly generating unit startups and shutdowns, energy purchases, managing system demand as well as scheduling system upgrades based on predicted load growth. > U Predict loading up to seven days ahead Uʊ Forecast multiple load areas per individual meters U User-adjustable weather variables & load profiles Uʊ Revise forecasts based on loading & weather conditions U Pattern & load profile...

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ETAP Real-Time - 12

Automatic Generation Control (AGC) calculates the required parameters or changes to optimize the operation of generation units. The application uses real-time data such as frequency, actual generation, tie-line load flows, and plant units controller status to provide generation changes. AGC also calculates the parameters required to control the load frequency and provides the required data on demand to maintain frequency and power interchanges with neighboring systems at scheduled values. ETAP Energy Management System (EMS) is a suite of applications used to monitor, control, and optimize...

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