

Catalog excerpts

EC2_OM-1 - 1


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EC2_OM-1 - 2

IPCR 6 È una pompa a portata regolabile in continuo variando i giri motore, fornita in cassa speciale IP54 comprensiva di staffa di fissaggio. L’accensione può essere effettuata da sistema esterno oppure tramite sensore di livello (fornito come accessorio) equipaggiato di galleggiante. This is an adjustable flow-rate pump, adjustable varying the motor speed, provided with a special case IP54 and mounting bracket. The ignition can be done through an external system or a level switch (supplied as an accessory), equipped with float. Il s’agit d’une pompe avec débit paramétrable, réglable en...

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EC2_OM-1 - 3

IPCR 6 TECHNICAL DATA SELF-PRIMING FLOW-RATE: standard 4 or 6 lt/h - upon request from da 0.5 up to 20 lt/h. REVERSIBLE FLOW: NO. DELIVERY HEAD: standard 1 Bar - upon request max 5 Bar (with reduced flow-rate). POWER: standard 230V 50/60 Hz - upon request 24 Vdc or multi tension 20 - 260 VAC. TUBE: standard Teknoprene© TPV or Teknoprene© SIL transparent (following International Standards for food contact), Teknoprene© FKM (fluoroelastomer) or Teknoprene© HCR for very high chemical resistance. CARACTERÍSTICAS TÉCNICAS FLOW REGULATION: by potentiometer. POWER ON: by external power - on...

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EC2_OM-1 - 4

PORTATA: 0 - 4 lt/h PRESSIONE DI MANDATA: 1 Bar CORREDO: tubo PVC 2+2 metri, filtro di fondo INOX e raccordo vasca 90° PP PORTATA: 0 - 1 lt/h PRESSIONE DI MANDATA: 3 Bar CORREDO: tubo PVC 2 metri, tubo PE 2 metri, filtro INOX+ valvola in INOX FLOW-RATE: 0 - 4 lt/h DELIVERY HEAD: 1 Bar DETERGENT KIT: tube PVC 2+2 mt, INOX bottom filter and plastic plug 90° FLOW-RATE: 0 - 1 lt/h DELIVERY HEAD: 3 Bar RINSE KIT: tube PVC 2 mt+tube PE 2 mt, INOX filter and INOX injection valve 1/8’’ DÉBIT: 0 - 4 lt/h PRESSION DE REFOULEMENT: 1 Bar KIT: tube PVC 2+2 mètres, crépine INOX + joint en plastique 90°...

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EC2_OM-1 - 6

IPS 24 È una pompa a portata fissa, molto economica, di minimo ingombro. La gestione ON/OFF deve essere effettuata da sistema esterno (non fornito). La pompa e’ fornita con motore a vista. This pump has a fix flow-rate, it is small and pretty economical. The ON/OFF function has to be carried out by an external system (not supplied). The pump has no case. La pompe IPS24 à débit fixe bénéficie de petites dimensions et d'un excellent rapport qualité/prix.La fonction marche/arrêt n'est pas livrée avec la pompe et doit être effectuée par un système externe. La pompe est fournie sans boîtier. Es...

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EC2_OM-1 - 7

TECHNICAL DATA SELF-PRIMING DÉBIT: fixe de 0,1 jusqu'à 8 l/h. REVERSIBLE FLOW: only with 24 Vdc motor. RÉVERSIBILITÉ: seulement avec moteur 24 Vdc. DELIVERY HEAD: standard 1 Bar, upon request max 3 Bar (with reduced flow-rate). PRESSION DE REFOULEMENT: jusqu’à 3 Bar, avec un débit réduit. TUBE: standard Teknoprene© TPV or Teknoprene© SIL transparent (following International Standards for food contact); upon request Teknoprene© FKM (fluoroelastomer) or Teknoprene© HCR for very high chemical resistances. TUBE: Teknoprene© TPV ou Teknoprene© SIL (silicone transparent – approprié pour le...

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EC2_OM-1 - 8

IPS 6 E’ una serie di pompe con alimentazione standard a 24 VCC e portata fissa configurabile a partire da 0,1 l/h e fino a 30 l/h, molto economica. La gestione ON/OFF deve essere effettuata da sistema esterno (non fornito). La pompa è fornita “a giorno”. Per pompa con cassa speciale IP 55 si veda il modello IPCS 4. Pump series with fix flow-rate from 0.1 up to 30 l/h and standard power supply 24 VDC, pretty economical. The ON/OFF function has to be carried out by an external system (not supplied). The pump is supplied “open case”. For close special case IP 55 see model IPCS 4. Pompe avec...

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EC2_OM-1 - 9

TECHNICAL DATA SELF-PRIMING FLOW-RATE: fix standard 6 or 16 l/h, on request from 0.1 up to 30 l/h (max 0.1 Bar). DÉBIT: fixe standard 6 ou 16 l/h, sur demande de 0,1 jusqu’à 30 l/h (max 0,1 Bar) REVERSIBLE FLOW: only with 24 Vdc motor. RÉVERSIBILITÉ: seulement avec moteur 24 Vdc. DELIVERY HEAD: standard 1 Bar - upon request max 5 Bar (with reduced flow-rate). PRESSION DE REFOULEMENT: jusqu’à 5 Bar (avec débit réduit). POWER: 24 Vdc, upon request 230 Vac (with reduced flow-rate) TENSION: 24 Vdc, sur demande 230 Vac (avec débit réduit). TUBE: standard Teknoprene© TPV or Teknoprene© SIL...

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EC2_OM-1 - 10

IPCS 4 E’ una pompa a portata fissa fornita in cassa speciale IP 55 comprensiva di staffa di fissaggio. L’accensione deve essere effettuata da sistema esterno. Pompa di grande silenziosità. This pump has fix flow-rate and it is supplied with special close case IP55 including fixing bracket. The ON/OFF function has to be carried out by an external system. Absolutely noiseless. La pompe IPCS4 a un débit fixe et elle est fournie avec un boîtier spécial IP55 y compris support de fixation. La fonction marche/arrêt n'est pas livrée avec la pompe et doit être effectuée par un système externe....

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EC2_OM-1 - 11

IPCS 4 CARACTERISTIQUES TECHNIQUES TECHNICAL DATA SELF-PRIMING FLOW-RATE: fix standard 4 or 6 l/h, on request from 0.1 up to 20 l/h. DÉBIT: fixe standard 4 ou 6 l/h, sur demande de 0,1 jusqu’à 20 l/h. REVERSIBLE FLOW: reversible only with 24 Vdc motor. RÉVERSIBILITÉ: seulement avec moteur 24 Vdc. DELIVERY HEAD: standard 1 Bar - upon request max 5 Bar (with reduced flow-rate). PRESSION DE REFOULEMENT: jusqu’à 5 Bar (avec débit réduit). POWER: 230 Vac, 24 Vdc upon request. TUBE: standard Teknoprene© TPV or Teknoprene© SIL transparent (following International Standards for food contact); on...

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EC2_OM-1 - 12

IPS 3 E’ una pompa di portata massima 3 l/h e regolabile con funzionalità PAUSA/LAVORO temporizzata, molto economica e di assoluta silenziosità. La pompa è fornita “a giorno”. It is a pump with maximum flow-rate of 3 l/h and timed pause/work regulation, very economic and silent, open body. Il s'agit d'une pompe avec débit maxi de 3 l/h, réglable avec la fonction marche/arrêt temporisée, excellent rapport qualité/prix et très silencieuse. La pompe est fournie sans boîtier arrière. Es una bomba con un caudal máximo de 3 l/h y regulable con función PAUSA/TRABAJO temporízada, muy económica y...

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