Catalog excerpts

Detection of cable faults Cable HUNTER Easy cable fault location in underground low voltage cable network • Detection of cable faults while maintaining the power supply for consumers • Reduction of network downtime through avoidance of false excavations • Portable equipment with short-term payback • Reliable identification of the gases produced by burning cables Works in perfect harmony with our VSS Vacuum Probe System (VSS15) • Vacuum suction allows faster localisation • Detection of the slightest traces of gas, even in difficult environmental conditions • Can be used even in extremely damp earth with reliable protection from water
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Cable HUNTER Cable faults in the electricity network can often be difficult to locate. With our Cable HUNTER, however, you can locate cable faults in the low-voltage network independently and immediately after the fault is reported, without any help from external cable measurement companies. The Cable HUNTER operates using two sensors that react to the gases emitted by burnt cable insulation material. When used in combination with the Vacuum Probe System 15 (VSS 15), it allows you to locate the fault quickly and easily. The use of two sensors allows the system to differentiate between...
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