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CANopen-PN PROFINET IO® / CANopen® Gateway Linking CANopen Devices and Networks to PROFINET IO • PROFINET IO device (1440 bytes input and 1440 bytes output) • CANopen manager A maximum number of 127 CANopen nodes can be connected to the gateway. Physical Interfaces The CAN high speed (ISO 11898-2) compatible interface allows a maximum data-transfer rate of 1 Mbit/s. The 100 BASE-TX PROFINET IO interface is compatible to IEEE802.3 and runs at 100 Mbit/s. The gateway is designed according to PROFIBUS International Document TC2-09-0002 (CANopen-Integration_7012 d07_Jul09). CANopen Gateway easily extendable via InRailBus • In accordance with PROFIBUS International Document TC2-09-0002 and CiA® CANopen spec. CiA 309-4 • Cable-free connection of esd CAN-CBXI/O modules to the gateway • InRailBus for CAN connection and power feed Linking PROFINET IO and CANopen The CANopen-PN can link any PROFINET IO controller to a CANopen network. The gateway operates as a PROFINET IO device with a maximum of 1440 bytes input data and 1440 bytes output data on the PROFINET IO bus. Applications The CANopen-PN connects CANopen modules with CANopen (CiA 301) applications to e.g. a SIMATIC-S7. Configuration and CAN Protocols The module can be configured via PROFINET IO configuration tool GSDMLComposer. The esd CAN tools (CANreal, CANplot, CANrepro, CANscript, COBview) can be used additionally for CAN diagnostics. Software Tools Inclusive • PROFINET IO configuration tool GSDML-Composer • Additional software tools for esd CAN boards (e.g. CANreal) The PROFINET IO interface and the CAN interface are electrically isolated. 32 MB 16 kB 32 MB 16 kB EEPROM SDRAM EEPROM SDRAM Electrical Isolation 5-pole Open style Connector Physical Physical CAN CAN Layer Layer ISO11898-2 ISO11898-2 DC/DC Converter In-Rail-Bus Connector Combicon 5.08 Power Supply Technical Specifications: CPU (PROFINET IO): Microcontroller ERTEC 400, 150 MHz Memory 32 MB SDRAM, 16 KB EEPROM CPU (Application): Microcontroller SPEAr320S, 320 MHz Memory CAN: CAN controller CAN interface PROFINET IO: PN controller PN interface DIAG USB-B General (continued): Relative humidity Max. 90 % (non-condensing) Dimensions 22.5 mm x 99 mm x 114.5 mm Weight Connectors 64 MB DDR2 RAM, 8 MB SPI-Flash ISO 11898-1, integrated in SPEAr320S 5-pin open style 3.81 (CiA 303-1), 1 Mbit/s, ISO 11898-2, electrically isolated Order Information: Hardware CANopen-PN PROFINET IO-CANopen Gateway documentation and GSDML-Composer General: Supply voltage Nominal: 24 VDC / 150 mA Min./ max.: 18 VDC / 32 VDC Ambient temperature 0 °C ... +50 °C ©2014 esd electronic system design gmbh, Hannover All data are subject to change without prior notice. I:\Texte\Doku\DBL\CAN\ENGLISCH\Blue\CANopen-PN_Datasheet_en_14.odt 135 g CAN: 5-pin open style 3.81 (CiA 303-1) PN: 2x RJ45 Power: 4-pin Combicon open style 5.0 or InRailBus The software "GSDML-Composer" was developed in cooperation with the Bochum University of Applied Sciences with the kind support of the Federal Ministry of Economics and Technology. CiA® and CANopen® are registered community trademarks of CAN in Automation e.V.. PROFINET® is a registered trademark of PROFIBUS and PROFINET International (PI). All other trademarks are reserved by their respective owners. esd electronic system design gmbh Vahrenwalder Str. 207 30165 Hannover / Germany
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