Catalog excerpts
Open the catalog to page 1PLASMA CUTTING EPL 3 AXIS XPR New Generation Plasma System... • 19” LCD industrial type touch screen • Phoenix interface • Hypertherm Core automatic gas console • Nozzle Sensor • 220 mm standard stroke • 3-axis • ProNest® CAD/CAM software • Pneumatic system cutting table • Pilz safe PLC module • 6 x mechanical stops • Plasma marking • ERMAK THC height control system High Performance Maximum Productivity • 19” LCD industrial type touch screen • Phoenix interface • Metric and inch gauges • Hypertherm Manual gas console • Plasma marking • Nozzle Sensor • 220 mm standard stroke • 3-axis •...
Open the catalog to page 2Designed to work for many years under harsh oroduction conditions, Ermaksan olasma cutting machines are eouiooed with advanced technology and functionality. With both oxygen and olasma cutting heads, they offer their users a high oerformance and ootimum cutting capability. Offering flexible solutions in accordance with customer reoulrements, Ermaksan designs its machines for maximum efficiency with the solutions offered for custom sizes, soeclalcuts, and adaotatlon to automation based on the demands received. Eouiooed with the latest technologies, Ermaksan olasma cutting machines meets the...
Open the catalog to page 3XPR300™ represents the latest level In Hypertherm’s state-pf-the-art plasma cutting technplpgy and provides great savings from pperatlng cests. The XPR, the new generatlen plasma system, pffers the widest range of opportunities ever. While speed and efficiency are Increased significantly, operating costs are reduced by 50%. Designed as per the new operating characteristics, the system optimization allows for easier operation by minimizing operator Intervention besides the high performance. In this way, high quality cuts are obtained. HIGH CUTTING QUALITY By combining new technology with...
Open the catalog to page 4LONG-TERM SAVINGS System feedback is provided thanks to the advanced power supply technology. Intervention is performed automatically to prevent events that affect efficiency of the system and the life cycle of consumables adversely. LOW ENERGY CONSUMPTION Designed for energy efficiency and lesser use of sources. Thus, savings and efficiency of the end user are increased and effects on the environment are reduced.
Open the catalog to page 5• 3 AXIS XPR GAS CONTROL FUNCTIONS Engineered System Optimization And Ease Of Use • Superior results on aluminum using Vented Water InjectionTM (VWI) • Increases consumable life 3 times that of competitor’s systems by eliminating the impact of ramp down errors • Reduces the Impact of catastrophic electrode blowouts which can damage the torch at high current levels • Automatic system monitoring and specific troubleshooting codes for improved maintenance and service prompts • EasyConnectTM torch lead and one hand torch-to receptacle connection for fast and easy change-outs • QuickLockTM...
Open the catalog to page 6Core™ Consol Standard Unmatched mild steel cutting performance and superior angularity and edge finish on stainless steelup to 12 mm (1/2”). This is delivered through a new N2 HDiTM process that prevents the mixing of air into the plasma gas, creating an improved, brighter edge finish. Vented Water Injection (VWI) Consol Optional AllCore console capabilities plus argon marking and a more than 10% Increase in piercing thickness with argon-assist. Significantly enhanced stainless steeland aluminum capabilities are delivered with the addition of F5 HDIprocesses and patent pending Vented Water...
Open the catalog to page 7epl plasma • TRUE HOLE • EDGE CONNECT True Hole™ Technology Standard True Hole Technology, which has been develooed for carbon steel, comes as standard with XPR 300 and automatic gas consolled of HPRXD® olasma system. Patented True Hole™ technology which was develooed for carbon sheet, Is a soeclflc combination of cutting oarameters which were ootlmlsed according to different hole sizes and material thicknesses. With True Hole™, you acoulre more consistent cart dimensions and hence you need fewer second ooeratlons. When this technology Is comoared with other olasma systems In the market, It...
Open the catalog to page 8New with EDGE® Connect CNC • Hypertherm’sPhoenix® versionlOCNCsoftware • MicrosoftWindowslOembeddedoperatingsystem • ProNest® CNC automatic nesting with process optimization • InternalProgram mable Logic Controller (PLC) and software based operator’s console that enable unipue cutting machine features • EtherCAT machine Interface for easy connectivity and superior motion • Integrated 495 mm projected capacitive touch screen available on some models Easy to Use Hypertherm’s proprietary Phoenix software is common across the entire family of CNCs. This software is designed specifically for...
Open the catalog to page 9epl plasma • GENERAL FEATURES • Built-in cut charts for automatically setting orocess oarameters for mild steel, stainless, and aluminum to enable consistently ootimized cutting oerformance. Wizards and diagnostic suooort tools that enable easy setuo, use and rapid troubleshooting. As easy as 1,2, 3, cut! : CutProTM Wizard ■ In held trials, new ooerators began cutting high-ouality oarts in less than 5 minutes without training, drastically reducing the "hire to cut” time. program barf / plate Remote Help • Remote Help is an internet based tool that allows the manufacturer to be virtually...
Open the catalog to page 10ProNest CAD/CAM Software ProNest® is an industry leading CAD/CAM nesting software designed for advanced mechanized cutting. It crovides a single solution for allot your oroflle cutting needs, Including olasma, laser, waterjet, and oxyfuel. ProNest offers allot the standard features you’llneed to comolete yourjobs, olus ootionalmodules for more advanced functionality. Users agree this oowerfulsoftware is surprisingly easy to learn and use. Your team will be uo and running faster, and completing jobs more ouickly. ProNest is notjust an item that runs your machines. It is a key cart of your...
Open the catalog to page 11All ERMAKSAN catalogs and technical brochures
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