Catalog excerpts

2mJ Erbium-doped glass láser2mJ Erbium-doped glass láser SKU :ER1535-2000 OVERVIEW This láser employs erbium glass as the active médium, operating at a wavelength of 1.54pm. It offers a high photoelectric conversión efficiency, effectively converting electrical energy into láser power. With excellent optical performance and output stability, it consistently delivers pulse energy of over 2mJ. It is compact, lightweight, and excels in various fields such as scientific research, medical treatment, and industrial processing. Email:sales@erditechs.com TEL: +86-28-81076568 FAX: +86-28-87897578 ADD: No.23,Chaoyang road, Xihe Street, Longquanyi district, Chengdu, 610107, China.
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2mJ Erbium-doped glass láser MECHAIVICAL DIMENSION( mm) PART NUMBERING SCHEMA Single Pulse Energy (pJ) Package Type Email:sales@erditechs.com TEL: +86-28-81076568 FAX: +86-28-87897578 ADD: No.23,Chaoyang road. Xihe Street, Longquanyi district, Chengdu, 610107, China.
Open the catalog to page 2All ERDI TECH LTD catalogs and technical brochures
20mJ Laser Target Designator
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