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Catalog excerpts

GI 350 DSPGN - 1

Conform to: E.M.C. Directive 89/336/CEE L.V. Directive 73/23/CEE Reference standard: EN676 CONSTRUCTION CHARACTERISTICS The burner consists of: tightness control and minimum pressure • Combustion air intake with air flow switch. adjustment device. • Automatic control and command equipment • Sliding boiler coupling flange to adapt the for the burner, compliant with European head protrusion to the various types of standard EN298. boilers. • Flame detection by UV photo-electronic • Air pressure switch to ensure the presence cell. of combustion air. • Control panel comprising stop/go • Electric servomotor with mechanical cam for switch, automatic/manual and minimum/ simultaneous regulation of combustion air maximum selector, operation and block and fuel. indicator. • In the CE version the gas train is complete • Terminal block for the electrical and with regulator, operating, safety and pilot thermostatic connections to the burner valves, valve tightness control, minimum and to control the second stage of working pressure switch, pressure regulator and or for the connection of the electronic gas filter; in the EXPORT version gas output regolator. train is complete with regulator, operating, • Electrical protection rating IP40. safety device and pilot valves, valve P.Gas** mbar Regulator with incorporated filter Part no. Electrical supply Export version - Frequency 50 Hz 1188 ÷ 4752 1386 ÷ 5544 Export version - Frequency 60 Hz 1188 ÷ 4752 1386 ÷ 5544 Modulating mode 98000055 Modulation kit (see page 228) Modulating probe kit (see page 228) Gas burner accessories Boiler coupling kit Two-stage progressive/modulating gas burners TECHNICAL AND FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERISTICS • Two-stage progressive output operation. • Minimum and maximum air flow regulation • Continuous modulation operation by installing for first and second stage by means of P.I.D. controller on control panel (to be electric servomotor with pause closure ordered separately with modulating kit). of gate to prevent any heat dispersion to • Air-gas mixing at blast-pipe. flue. • Ability to obtain optimal combustion • Valves tightness control device compliant values by regulating combustion air and with European standard EN676. blast-pipe. • Equipped with one flange and one • Maintenance facilitated by the fact that insulating seal for boiler fastening. the mixing unit can be removed without having to remove the burner from the boiler. 4) Equipped with air closure device. 13) Equipped with valve tightness control. **) Maximum gas inlet pressure at pressure regulator in CE version, at gas train for EXP version. Net calorific value of natural gas: Hi = 35,80 MJ/m3 = 8550 kcal/m3, at reference conditions of 0°C, 1013 mbar.

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GI 350 DSPGN - 2

Burner gas/train Pressurecarico (combustion head + drop Perdite di gas train + pressure rampa (testa di combustione + regulator) gas + regolatore di pressione) Pressurecarico (combustion head Perdite di drop (testa train) + gasdi combustione + rampa gas) PORTATA Thermal output Pressure carico (combustion head + Perdite di drop (testa di combustione + regulator) gas train + pressure rampa gas + regolatore di pressione) PORTATA Thermal output Pressure drop Perdite di carico (combustion head (testa ditrain) + gas combustione + rampa gas) Two-stage progressive/modulating gas burners Thermal...

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All EOGB energy products ltd catalogs and technical brochures

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