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ENELT Group - 1

LLC "ENELT GROUP" Russian Energy Company

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About company Our clients Vendors Production site Assembly plant Production equipment Output product Alternative energy sources Exhibition activities

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ENELT Group - 3

About company "ENELT Group" is a production and engineering company established in 2007. Energy, electrical engineering, communications - the most modern and high-quality solutions for these industries - the main goal of the emergence of the ENELT Group. The company has a holding structure, an extensive network of branches in Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan. In each of the branches there is a warehouse of components and qualified personnel. The company "ENELT Group" has direct relations with world producers: ABB, SIEMENS, Schneider Electric, EATON, DELTA Electronics, ENERSYS, BAE, GFS, etc....

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ENELT Group - 4

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We manufacture equipment based on the combination of leading world manufacturers Thanks to long-standing and fruitful relationships with leading manufacturers of equipment, we provide the best offers for the supply of equipment.

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General information: • The total area is 3500 m2 • Metalwork shop -1900 m2 • Assembly shop-1260 m2 • Operational warehouse of equipment -144 m2 • Administrative rooms - 200 m2

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Production equipment The company's production facilities are equipped with all necessary equipment, including an automated line for metalworking, laser cutting of metals, welding and powder coating

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Production equipment Production equipment index puncher forming machine automated storage

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Output product Battery cabinet, racks, body

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Withdrawable cells

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Also offer Power batteries

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Solutions based on alternative energy sources "ENELT Group" produces autonomous power storage devices based on lead acid, lithium-ion and carbon batteries. Has implemented projects for the application of such systems in the energy and telecommunications industries.

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Contacts informations: Moscow: Address: 111250, Moscow, Zavoda Serp i Molot proezd 6, bid. 1 Tel.: (495) 287-33-88 E-mail: info@enelt.com Kazan: Address: 420012, Kazan, ul. Ulianova-Lenina 19 Tel.: +7 (843) 210-21-09 E-mail: info-kazan@enelt.com Production site: Address: 420087, Kazan, ul. Rodina 7, bid. 3 Tel.: +7 (843) 236-02-20 www.pkenelt.ru E-mail: info@pkenelt.ru St. Petersburg: Address: 196247, St. Petersburg, Leninsky Prospekt 153 Tel.: +7 (812) 429-74-48 E-mail: info-spb@enelt.com Novosibirsk: Address: 630108, Novosibirsk, ul. Stationary 15/2 Tel.: +7 (383) 204-87-50 E-mail:...

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All ENELT Group Co. Ltd. catalogs and technical brochures