Endevco® Model 23 Triaxial Accelerometer
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Endevco® Model 23 Triaxial Accelerometer - 1

MEGGiTT smart engineering for extrme environments Model 23 PiezoeLectric accelerometer Features NEW! 23-R available as replacement sensor ꕕ Adhesive mountlng Disk drive, circuit board and scale model testing Օ Exlremely smaLL triaxial Very lightweight 10.8 gm) Օ Ground isolated Description The Endevco* model 23 is an extremely small pie2oelectnc accelerometer It is designed specifically for vibration measurement in three orthogonal axes on small objects such as sealed models, circuit boards, and disk drives Ils light weight (0 8 gm without the replaceabte coaxial cables) effectively limintes mass loading AU three low-noise cables exit from a single surface to allow mounting flexibility. The accelerometer is a self ■ generating devtce that requires no external power source for op颩ration The model 23 features Endevco's Piezite* type P-8 cryslal lment, operating in radial shear mode, which exhibits excellent long term output sensrtivity stability. Signal ground is isolated from the mounting surface ot the unit by a hard anodized surface. Specially designed low-noise coaxial cables are supplied for error-free op驩ration An accelerometer/cable removal toot is included in the package to ensure proper removal in the field tndrKo fMruil condiltontr modvt* 133. 777W or Otnii 7000 (OffipuUr controHrd st-ittn» orc rewiunended for wrth itki htqh ^nped*nc* acceitr om*tcr '*& » m 3e xo m m mm* STArOWTCFW猌 HCMES (W1WTERS) XX-^50 {X* «1-12.7) XXX = D10 (XX = +t- .25)

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Endevco® Model 23 Triaxial Accelerometer - 2

Model 23 Piezoelectric accelerometer MEGGTT smarl engineering (or mmm extrΪme environments Spcifications The foltaairtgptriarTTTanCT jntesso*h*r»»naa*W raLrattor^a^Ereatoete^ tlMIte Charge sens雠^j PC/g UD Minimum PC/Q 030 FYequency response See typical amplitude respon&e Rʩsonance f requency kHz 50 Amplitude response (11 7a*is: ta% Hz 5 to 10 COQ ■ 1 (refj Hz 3 to 12000 X&Yaris: *5tt Hz 5to8000 il dB Irel) Hz 3 to 10000 Temprature ra^ponrtt Sccr typlcal curvn Transverse sensrtrvity % *5 Amplitude line Jitty P*T?50g.0lo OOOcj T Electricat characteristks Output polarity R鎩sistance Rsistance...

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