DeltaV Analyze
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DeltaV Analyze - 1

DeltaV Distributed Control System Product Data Sheet July 2016 DeltaV™ Analyze Continuous automated DeltaV System alarm system performance monitoring Trends of alarms, events, and user actions Identification of control modules and devices causing nuisance alarms Configuration-free web page viewing Alarm System Key Performance Indicator Reports per EEMUA-191, ISA-18.2, and IEC62682 The DeltaV Analyze Overview page summarizes your plant alarm and event performance. Are you concerned about alarm performance and its impact on your operator effectiveness? Often, fewer than 10 modules will cause 75% or more of the system’s alarm activations. So by addressing just a few alarms you can significantly reduce operator alarm loading. Display up-to-date alarm performance. DeltaV Analyze continuously processes your Event Chronicle or Plantwide Event Historian so that you have up-to-date performance information, whenever you need it. DeltaV Analyze makes it easy to find the alarms that occur most frequently, stale alarms, fleeting alarms, chattering alarms, alarms that experience long delays for operators to acknowledge and those that are most often suppressed. DeltaV Analyze is built-for-purpose, easy to install, and ready out-of-the box to gather, organize, and present information in point-and-click graphical webpages. Zoom from the big picture to details of interest, or schedule periodic Key Performance Indicator (KPI) reports, all with no user query writing, report design, or other burdensome configuration. Display monthly trends of alarms, events, and user actions. Compare any 12-month period to spot overall trends by process area, for the whole system or a specified operator workstation. At a glance, you can view any problems and see whether your plant is adhering to your alarm performance goals. Pinpoint control modules and devices causing excessive and nuisance alarming. DeltaV Analyze identifies the modules and devices with the most frequently occurring alarms, and presents them in order of frequency. Thus, you can simply start at the top and work your way down the list of “noisy’” tags. Configuration-free structured web page viewing throughout your enterprise. Everything you need is laid out on DeltaV Analyze web pages. Simply select the page you want — Summary, Alarm Statistics, etc. — and the appropriate data is analyzed and presented. Drill in to evaluate a specific alarm priority or event type; further narrow your view to specific areas or units; or change the time span. With each choice, the whole page adjusts bas

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DeltaV Analyze - 2

DeltaV Analyze Alarm Statistics Report Alarm Timeline Included Areas E Line Operator Scope DeltaV and SIS Datasource Canton Refinery Alarm Category Process Reporting Period Start End Duration(Hrs) Key Performance Indicators Reporting Period Metrics Total Number Of New Alarms Total Number of Alarm Floods Total Number of Alarm Suppression Actions Total Number of Stale Alarms Standing Alarms at Period End Primary KPIs Average Alarm Rate (Per Day) Average Alarm Rate (Per Hour) Average Alarm Rate (Per 10 Minutes) Percent of Hours Containing More Than 30 New Alarms Peak Number of Alarms in a 10...

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DeltaV Analyze - 3

DeltaV Analyze Area Sets Create, Delete or Modify an Area Set Click New Area Set to add a new area set. Select the check boxes in fronl of the area set you would like to delete and tfien click the Delete Selected button. You can also click the link of a particular area set to Delete Selected | New Area Set | Organize Views and Reports by Operator Position. Identify the DeltaV Process and SIS Areas assigned to each operator console position, then let DeltaV Analyze do the rest; presenting views and reports according to console position, applying your alarm rate benchmarks and KPI...

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DeltaV Analyze - 4

DeltaV Analyze DeltaV Analyze Summary - Internet Enplorer ! https: //analyze, emrsn, org/DeltaVAnalyze/Surnmary, aspx ^ DeltaV Analyze Summary Canton Refinery Pages Bookmarks SIS Help Drill into events or user actions. Switch between views of alarms, events, and user actions to identify factors contributing to alarms and operator changes. Web pages are provided (not illustrated) to drill into event and user action details.

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DeltaV Analyze - 5

DeltaV Analyze Alarm Statistics Pages Bookmarks SIS Help The Alarm Statistic page gives instant access to alarm system KPIs. You can view and drill into alarm statistics to determine which alarms were active for long (or short) periods of time, as well as alarms that have been repeatedly suppressed or disabled. A copy to clipboard control is provided for all data grids for easy transfer to spreadsheets. DeltaV Analyze user access is based on Windows security. Simply select the Windows users who have permission to view DeltaV Analyze web pages. They log in with the same Windows user name and...

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DeltaV Analyze - 6

DeltaV Analyze Microsoft’s Internet Information Services (IIS) must be enabled on the workstation, making it the DeltaV Analyze web page server. The release notes provide detailed instructions for IIS setup. Note that Microsoft IIS does not support workstation names containing an underscore ( _ ) where a DeltaV workstation otherwise allows it. DeltaV Analyze can be set up as a standalone system (webpages can only be viewed from that workstation) but IIS is still required. The release notes provide details for this type of installation. The DeltaV Analyze Administrator allows customization...

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DeltaV Analyze - 7

DeltaV Analyze System Compatibility DeltaV Analyze v4.0 is compatible with DeltaV 12.3.1 English, DeltaV v13.3 English, and with DeltaV v13.3.1 English, Japanese, French, and Russian. Consult the factory for availability of older DeltaV Analyze versions that may work with older DeltaV system versions. DeltaV Analyze v4.0 is compatible with non-DeltaV workstations with a Windows Server 2008 operating system. See KBA AK-1600-0009 for additional details. DeltaV Analyze v4.0 supports Internet Explorer IE9 and IE11. DeltaV Analyze v4.0 supports 32-bit versions of Microsoft Office 2010SP1,...

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