Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's)


Catalog excerpts

Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 1

Kompakt Salterler Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's)

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Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 2

Kompakt Salterler MCCB's Gencrol Spcification* and Technicol Infonr-ation WCaS4«ftoi»T(ilt _ Kompokt Solterlc*in Soc»m ToUo Kompokt Salter Tipbri WCC8 Typei <ompolrt Salterler in Alsesuarlai MCCB Accessorifr Tettnilt OzcliU*. Mon鮪oj Sekilleri ve Boyvifar (KSI 25) Tefcnik OzeJMJer, Montai SeV.IWi v© BoyuHor (KS250) TechnicoISpeci f ica lion v As^embly Type and Dimensions (KSI 25) FocKnicol Specift cafion y Avsembly Type and Dimensions (K525G)

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Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 3

KS Serisi KompakI Salterler y* LIw olfjexi tj^^ii" tawh* G^m.i (aj^ir^h korftjuon ley\fcw* ItfWjik **kftldi gtvtlriQi » Sfcndart UdvrfM web lawm 4« lahr *nko^ Teknik Bilgiltr MakomLmOr ԧowno sicokkji Anma Gofilimi Ue AsvnaltUfrfttAkvttl* K.4:inrrci S*n|f| colatyon GvJimi ui Stanoaft 20 000 ocmo-kapfnxj min. 7.000 omo^apoma min KS125-25kA(ki«*50kv KS250 - 415VAC 25-250 A AC11 AC3. AC21 2500 V AC il daUa «in) 10KV (500VOQmin. TS EN 珣0947-2 «§> C- ® C KS S)ries MCCB's fo*y «mrtmp fit»** dtttp* ond Uirdord TtchnkoJ Information EWncoltjfa ջparohng Tampcratur* Short GraH Bnsakmg...

Open the catalog to page 3
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 4

Kompakt alterler MCCB's Kompakt Salterlerin Seǧim Tablosu MCCB's Slection Table &OVUt Kuhjp Soyisi yor T逯pi Anma J Jefme Alumi Kesme Kaprortesi KS 1 3 T 025 D Sizc Number of Ples Calibrotion Type Rcrted Operating Current Breaking Capocity ns * . i * Ti Sft*" Cwf Mm 025 fftr 8 I6IA UIA 040 䩣ã D 25 U 35 U 063 ses: F 34U ioo H 125 'ZZZ L 100U 160 250 J ***** 2 IK^tJ^ 4 laf KS 13T025D ~* KS m» i*i . luk boy, 3 loApLi tormik ayort. 25 A, 25 kA kmmo kopoiitli Exemple: KS13T025D ~* KS 5ene», imal lize, 3 polev thcrmol Kxcd, 25 A, 25 IcA switching capocity MCCB Koi bufueleded.

Open the catalog to page 4
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 6

Kompakt alterler MCCB's Kompakt Solted erin ǀksesoorlan / MCCB's ccessories Yardimci KontoWor / Auxiltory Swifch U

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Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 7

Taltnik zatkk (KSI 251 / Ischnicd SpedFicotioni(KSI25) Aԧma Karaktemttk Egrileri / Tripplng Charoctemtics Tablo; ortom sitakkgina gore nominal akjmdaki (minimum-molcsimum) degijirrJcr (KSI 25) Toble for changing of ihe nominal current (min*mox) dependtng from me ambient temprature (KS 125) m m 30( 5<r( *rc m Mai Min Ha Mm « ■ Mai Ma mgc (ha. «oc m In = 25A M 78 V II » i; a 16 14 16 13 16 n ln = #A 3? *S 31 (3 29 t? n !7 3B 26 37 2S 3c ln = tiA (9 70 41 68 46 66 44 63 «2 60 «鯕 ■ . _ ^ SB 31 55 h-IWA 79 112 H 108 n 104 70 100 67 96 r M 92 61 88 ^^^^ In = 135A n 140 13S' «i m 87 lia 84 1» 76...

Open the catalog to page 7
Moulded Case Circuit Breakers (MCCB's) - 8

Tckn.k zelbkler (KS250) / lechnicol Spwhcahon» (KS250) Aԧma Karaltteristilc Erilen / TYipping Characteristics Toblo; ortam sicakltgirta gore nominal □kimdaki (minimum-maksinvjm) dcgiiimler (KS250) Table for chongirtg of fhc rvomnal current [rrvrvmoxl depending Irofn the ambienl temprature |KS250) icccc cuxn - ltX TTC Min.|h*x| Min hat x «m rc Hat W( Min Mo 50 Mm. t « M:. Um K V:, m ■ m Ko h - lOti 70 in 63 ios SB 91 M 12 48 73 h = 160 A 131 m lin 1W 11? 175 100 lit 93 US 76 130 73 115 l* = 2S0A ⩮ttjinjiis m 173 171 160 250 U7 130 \m no us m 20 » iO 100 hr tm Gfrotk Abm (A) /l- Ac*d Cvrrftif...

Open the catalog to page 8

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